


A new bear market in American shares

The Economist

America’s bear season, when hikers are advised to stay on their trails and carry pepper spray , runs for two months from September. It has come early for investors. The S&P 500 index of leading American stocks has fallen by 18% from its all-time high in January, ten percentage points of which was in the past month alone. The index is flirting with “bear market” territory, a 20% decline. The NASDAQ , a tech-heavy benchmark, has plunged well past that level. Since November it has shed 29%.

美国熊出没的季节从9月开始持续两个月,徒步旅行者被建议沿安全路线行走,并携带胡椒喷雾。对投资者来说,“熊出没的季节”来得太早了。美国主要股票的标准普尔500指数从1月份的历史高点下跌了18%,其中仅过去一个月就下跌了10个百分点。该指数正处于“熊市”状态,跌幅为20%。以科技股为主的基准指数纳斯达克指数已远远超过这一水平。自去 年11月以来,该指数已下跌29%。
