Keeping a cat


It is a great pity that I have never had  a pet along my growth, partly because I put my all my heart in schoolwork and partly because my mother would definitely not allow.  Now as an adult with a bit of money, I've decided to keep a pet cat when I reach the 24th birthday, which is about 1 months away.  I dare say birthday has become a self-reward occasion for me, where I tend to buy something expensive which I don't at normal time as the birthday gift for myself.

Keeping pet cats seems all the rage in the modern city life. After a second thought, I'm still eager to swim with this raging tide. Actually, it's the very solitude of living that makes me desperate for a lovely and tender creature. Besides, I've always desired for a beautiful thing to care for, and, without it, I would feel empty.

These thoughts above pulled me into the first move. I went to some local pet stores today and have learned a bit about pet cats. It was a funny day, and I've seen quite a number of lovely pets including cats, dogs, fish, rabbits, squirrels, etc.

There was only thing that saddened me. Being a person who considers an animal's life is no inferior than a human being's,  I felt a surge of anger towards we human beings and was filled with sympathy for animals when I saw some barking dogs and lifeless cats prisoned in dirty, cramped cages of rust,  waiting for its master to appear. I didn't think there was much hope that they could be taken home as most of them were smelly to death and couldn't be noisier. This could be put down to their feeders' terrible management.

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