讲解:ECO-5006A、MLR model、Python,Java、c/c++Python|SPSS

ECO-5006A: Introductory EconometricsTake-Home Written Exercise 1A researcher has been provided with a random sample of 2,658 married female employees.The data set contains information on the following variables:salary : monthly labour income, $1000skids : number of dependent children in the household (hhd)age : age in yearseduc : years of educationThe researcher is interested in estimating the effect of having an additional kid in the hhd onlabour income. For this reason, the following MLR model is specified:salaryi = β0 + β1kidsi + β2agei + β3educi + ui, i = 1, 2, . . . , 2658 (1)where βjfor j = 0, 1, 2, 3 are unknown coefficients to be estimated and uiis the error term.Estimating this model by OLS provides the following results: (2)with standard errors in brackets.(a) Using the results above, interpret the estimated coefficient of variable kids, βˆ1 and theestimated coefficient of variable age, βˆ2. Also test whether these coef代做ECO-5006A、代写MLR model、代写Pythficients are statisticallydifferent from 0.[25 marks](b) Do the estimated coefficients of variables kids and age have the expected sign? Justifyyour answers.[15 marks](c) Construct a 99% confidence interval estimate for β3 and interpret it.[10 marks](d) Are the results of your hypotheses tests in part (a) and the confidence interval estimatein part (c) valid if assumptions MLR1 to MLR5 hold, but the error term in equation oneis not normally distributed?[10 marks](e) A variable that strongly explains labour income but has been omitted from the modelis ‘hours of work per month’ (hours). Suppose that this variable is now added to theregression model of eq (1) and the new model is estimated by OLS. How will the additionof this variable affect the estimated value of the coefficient of variable kids? In addition,how will the addition of this variable affect the standard error of this coefficient? Justifyyour answers.[40 marks]1转自:http://www.3daixie.com/contents/11/3444.html

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