
Your question is timed well.你问题问得真好。
Which word you might use to describe a storm often depends on where you are in the world.
A storm with winds below 62.7 kilometers per hour is a "tropical depression.(热带低气压)"
If the winds are from 62.7 to 118 kilometers per hour, the storm is called a "tropical storm.(热带风暴)"
Hurricanes and typhoons include thunderstorms(雷暴) and storm surges from ocean water that can lead to coastal flooding(沿海洪水).
Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean is from June through the end of November.
Typhoon Noru quickly strengthened into a super typhoon last week with winds up to 175 kilometers per hour.
Often in the summer, thunderstorms form in the afternoons bringing heavy rain and lightning.
Tornado(龙卷风) Alley is an area in the central United States where tornadoes happen often.
British treasury chief 英国财政大臣
It was a bid to soothe turbulent financial markets spooked by fears of excessive growing.这是为了安抚因担心过度增长而受到惊吓的金融市场。
deny the allegations 否认指控
ambassador 大使
the new regulations would supersede the current patchwork of health and safety standards set by each State. 新的规章将取代目前各州自行设定的不统一的卫生和安全标准。
The EU is proposing to replace the current patchwork approach to data protection legislation with a single law on data handling. 欧盟准备用一部统一的数据管理法取代目前各国各自为政式的数据保护法。
