

The opposite of manipulate may be a word that is closed to independent or spontaneous, why we address these three words if the true meaning for all the actions we made are out of the trail. Everything we've been told to, which including stop acting like a child and be a big man, does being childish means irresponsible? that's a controversial topic indeed. We should put less stress to a kid or at lease be nicer when condemn them for acting inappropriate, otherwise that will absolutely be frustrated to kids, but why in grown-ups world, the whole picture changed, someone living in hell I mean at lease not feeling so good when be hurt by others words or behaviors, it is really common in the present, it happens everywhere, especially in a contradictory society where basically the economic has been on the breakthrough progress meanwhile shows its weakness in education mostly for helping each students the core meaning of being a independent person, get away from the manipulation influence mostly from original family or birthplace environment, whether good or not that nice, according to researches.

最近赛博朋克盛行,机车、霓虹灯、古旧的楼房、汽车盘旋在楼宇间、进化人和摇滚背景乐,I mean当然你也可以拿Johann Sebastian Bach的马太受难曲当做bgm if works for you.





如果你看过BBC的《7 up》,一部讲述阶级分割下的教育和人生轨迹的嬗变,你大体接触到的很多影评是这么说:你的出身会决定你的未来。

那么,这个时代的教育怎么样,我们不能把任何两样东西割裂开来去单独评价各自的好坏,就如番茄炒蛋一样,番茄和蛋搁多放少都是个人喜好,放在任何一个人一件事情上都是类似。所以我必须先承认我不是一个aggressive的人,尽管我喜欢摇滚 我也不像f the society, that's not we do actually.

诚然, 万变不离其宗。


再者,在cyberpunk的冒险世界里,就像在蛮荒之境,钢筋水泥和未来科技代表了它的wild specialty,个体思想被极度放大,we can be anyone we want to be,勇士仍然需要接受通识教育,至少他要知道定期想办法维护他的铠甲。

