

        我       你        他     她      它     我们      你们    他们

主格  I        you     he     she      it       we        you     they

宾格  me    you     him    her     it         us        you    them


e.g.  I am a student.      They are cleaning the classroom.


e.g.  Ask her, please.    Listen to me carefully.


                我的       你的      他的     她的     它的    我们的    你们的     他们的

形容词性   my         your      his       her        its        our          your        their

名 词 性   mine       yours      his      hers     its        ours         yours      theirs

①形容词性物主代词后面一般要带上名词。如:my watch,  his cousin,  our school


e.g.  —Is that your bike? —No. Mine is blue.


what问什么—What’s your name? —My name is Tom.

What colour问颜色—What colour is your coat? —It’s red.

what day问星期—What day is it today? —It’s Monday.

what date问日期—What date is it today? —It’s the first of June.

what shape问形状—What shape is the moon? —It’s round.

what…job问工作—What’s your father’s job? —He’s a bus driver.

what time问时间—What time is it? —It’s ten o’clock.

when问时候—When is your birthday? —It’s on the first of May.

which问哪个—Which is your watch, this one or that one? —That one.

where问地点—Where is my pen? —It’s on the floor.

who问谁—Who is the boy with big eyes? —He’s Liu Tao.

whose问谁的—Whose bag is this? —It’s Helen’s.

why问原因—Why are you absent today? —I’m ill.

how问方式—How do you go to school? —By bus.

how many问数量—How many books are there? —There are five.

how much问价钱—How much is it? —Twenty yuan.

how old问年龄—How old are you? —I’m twelve.

how far问距离—How far is it from here? —It’s about one kilometer.

how about问情况—I’m thirsty. How about you? —Me, too.



