

n. 经度

Eg.What line of longitude are the Falkland Islands located on?


n. 织布机

vi. 1.阴森地逼近,隐现,赫然耸现;2.即将来临

Eg. My grandmother made all her clothing on a loom .


n. 赃物,战利品,掠夺物

v. 抢劫,劫掠,掠夺

Eg. What did you do with the stolen loot ?


n. 洗液,洗济,护肤液

Eg.Here is some lotion , rub it on to help.


n. 1.抽彩给奖法;2.碰运气的事,难于算计的事

Eg. Whether I win or lose is a lottery .


vt. 使润滑

Eg. Perhaps you need to lubricate them.


a. 赚钱的,可获利的

Eg. I just landed a new lucrative job.


vt. 1.使安静,使入睡;2.缓和,减轻,哄骗

n. 暂时的平息(或平静)

Eg. I had to close my shop. Business had lulled .


vi. 笨拙地移动,缓慢吃力地移动

vt. 拖累,使陷入困境

n. 1.(堆放着的)家用废旧杂物;2.木材,不料,锯制板

Eg. I will have to lumber a clearing in the forest.


a. 发光的,发亮的,光明的

Eg. The room was luminous with the light.
