Tencent at 20选段⑬-⑮

⑬ In particular, the way in which Bytedance is capturing very young users, as well as young talent, makes Tencent look increasingly grizzled. To increase its appeal to youngsters, Tencent in April revived a short-video app it had shut down, called Weishi, and made it a near-copy of Bytedance’s wildly popular Douyin app.


尤其是,Bytedance吸引年轻用户和年轻人才的方式使得腾讯看起来越来越“过气”。 为了增加对年轻人的吸引力,腾讯在4月份恢复了它曾关闭的短视频应用程序——微视,微视近乎是字节跳动公司旗下抖音程序的副本。


❶微视于2013年上线,这也是是国内短视频平台大批量涌出的一年。❷在不断烧钱过后,2014年的春节,微视下载量稳居app store免费榜前5名。但直到2015年,微视的用户数量始终在5000万以下徘徊,已远远落后秒拍等同类产品,从那时起,微视基本进入了被放弃的状态。❸2017年,3月13日,腾讯在微视官网发布声明,宣布微视将于4.10日起关闭应用。❹但在2017年9月23日 微视新版本重新上线


to get and hold (someone's attention, interest, etc.);  capture除了表示抓捕、捕获外,还可表示获得某人的注意力、兴趣等,如上文中表示字节跳动公司正获得年轻使用者的关注

e.g  The show has captured the attention/interest of teenagers.


Stories can capture more attention than principle.


表示颜色呈灰色,多搭配hair、beard等:" gray in color ";同时也可用来表示某人具有灰白的头发:"literary having grey or greyish hair "

e.g A grizzled person or a person with grizzled hair has hair that is grey or partly grey.

⑭ Pan Luan, a former tech journalist who published a widely-read essay in May contending that Tencent had “no dream”, says the giant looks lumbering at times because “its whole structure  is aging”. Young staff say they have few channels for promotion to decision-making positions, says Mr Pan, and few opportunities to build sparky products, as Tencent spends on stakes in other companies. A young Tencent employee who left to work for a newer tech firm says that pay at firms like Bytedance and Kuaishou, a short-video app (in which Tencent has a stake), is “in another band”, and that they feel more like foreign startups.


潘栾以前是一名从事科技相关的记者,他在5月份发表的《腾讯“没有梦想”》一文被广泛阅读。文中提到,腾讯这个“巨人”看起来有时是笨拙的,因为它的“整个结构正在衰老”。 年轻员工表示,他们几乎没有晋升到决策职位的渠道,因为腾讯在其他公司的股份上投入了大量资金,因此很少有机会制造出富有活力的产品。 一位离开腾讯为一家新的科技公司工作的员工表示,像字节跳动和快手这样的公司(一个短视频应用程序,其中腾讯有股份)的薪水完全不在同一个水平上,并且让他们觉得更像外国创业公司。

文中is ageing可以替换成looks more and more grizzled

Young staff say they have few channels for promotion to decision-making positions, says Mr Pan, and few opportunities to build sparky products, as Tencent spends on stakes in other companies.

...have few channel for ..., and few opportunities to ..., as...  

...have few opportunities to ..., as... 

...have few channel for ..., as... 

因为..., 某人很难有机会/渠道干某事

比如想表达:Xiao Ming作为一个宅男,因为总喜欢呆在家里,导致很少有机会接触女生,很好有机会交女朋友,就可以说:

Xiao Ming, an Otaku, has few channel for meeting girls, and few opportunities to make girlfriend, as he always stay at home


【n】A channel is a passageway, a means of access for a thing, a communication, or an idea.表示通道、渠道、途径等含义

e.g The ship went aground in the channel

【v】 to express (your ideas, thoughts, feelings, energy, etc.) through a particular behavior or action  除做名词外,channel还可做动词表示通过某种行为表达自己的想法、情感或能量等

e.g  She's started channeling her anger towards me.


She's started channeling her anger towards me.

in another band

band:a range of numbers with a system, 表示范围或段

in anther band 可以用来表示我在同一个范围内,类似于口语中“完全不是一个级别”


Compare with College English Test-6, TOEFL is "in another band".

⑮ Tencent’s outsize influence in China’s online world is ballast that should steady it as it targets business customers. For sheer scale, WeChat seems likely to hold its own. It has given Tencent a powerful distribution channel for its own games, and has allowed it to stymie new rival products, including Douyin, by blocking them from its platform. But the giant is under pressure, and seems to know it. “We have to stay awake,” urged its president, Martin Lau, last month. Such introspection is necessary. Mr Chow says it was thought until this year that “Tencent could win every battle”. With more formidable competitors on the scene, the company will need to pick its fights more carefully.


腾讯在中国网络世界中的巨大影响力是稳定的,因为它针对的是商业客户。 从体量上来说,微信似乎能自我维持。 它为腾讯提供了一个强大的自我游戏发行渠道,并通过从自己的平台上封锁竞争对手以阻止它们的新产品(包括逗音),但是这个巨人但巨人正面临压力,并且似乎它们也知道这一点。 上个月,其总裁刘炽平提醒道:“我们必须保持清醒”。这样的反省是必要的。周先生说,到目前为止,“腾讯仍可以赢得每场战斗”。但是随着更多强大的竞争对手的到来,该公司将需要更加谨慎地挑战。


a substance such as water, sand, or metal that is carried in ships or large balloons to help them remain steady.  压舱物、压载物

e.g A forty kilo sandbag was used as ballast.

除了表示具体物体外,还可以表示一种倾向于赋予品格和道德稳定性的属性; 能够稳定思想或感情的事物

e.g  At White House, he was the ballast of sound ethic that helped steady Ronald Reagan's foundering presidency after the Iran-contra scandal came to light.


When we work out side alone and feel lonely, parents are the ballast of our inner emotion.



有时sheer 也可以和size、weight、audacity等搭配

如表达我国面积辽阔可以表示为:China has the sheer weight.


I have a sheer audacity plan.

hold one's own

to maintain one's position or condition despite difficulties: The stock market seems to be holding its own these days. 即使有时候很困难,依然保持或维持自己的位置和状态,这里表达微信可以维持自己的运营现状


Believe me, It's impossible even to hold your own if we don't keep study, and it will even make us step back.

你可能感兴趣的:(Tencent at 20选段⑬-⑮)