搜索论文: Hierarchical Deep Click Feature Prediction for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
搜索论文: http://www.studyai.com/search/whole-site/?q=Hierarchical+Deep+Click+Feature+Prediction+for+Fine-Grained+Image+Recognition
Visualization; Feature extraction; Image recognition; Semantics; Predictive models; Vocabulary; Task analysis; Click prediction; hierarchical model; word embedding; deep neural network; transfer learning
机器学习; 机器视觉; 自然语言处理
图像分类; 单样本学习; 词嵌入; 细粒度视觉; 迁移学习
The click feature of an image, defined as the user click frequency vector of the image on a predefined word vocabulary, is known to effectively reduce the semantic gap for fine-grained image recognition.
Unfortunately, user click frequency data are usually absent in practice.
It remains challenging to predict the click feature from the visual feature, because the user click frequency vector of an image is always noisy and sparse.
In this paper, we devise a Hierarchical Deep Word Embedding (HDWE) model by integrating sparse constraints and an improved RELU operator to address click feature prediction from visual features.
HDWE is a coarse-to-fine click feature predictor that is learned with the help of an auxiliary image dataset containing click information.
It can therefore discover the hierarchy of word semantics.
We evaluate HDWE on three dog and one bird image datasets, in which Clickture-Dog and Clickture-Bird are utilized as auxiliary datasets to provide click data, respectively.
我们在三只狗和一只鸟的图像数据集上评估HDWE,其中Clickture dog和Clickture bird分别作为辅助数据集提供点击数据。.
Our empirical studies show that HDWE has 1) higher recognition accuracy, 2) a larger compression ratio, and 3) good one-shot learning ability and scalability to unseen categories…
[‘Jun Yu’, ‘Min Tan’, ‘Hongyuan Zhang’, ‘Yong Rui’, ‘Dacheng Tao’]