「英语」Verbal Advantage| Introduction阅读笔记(1)


之所以会读Verbal Advantage(中文一般翻译为《语文优势》),也是误打误撞。刚好有阵子在看GRE的词汇,豆瓣上恰好有这本书的评论,所以就买来看了。没想到一开始看,就停不下来。近一个月的时间,我每天不间断的利用零散时间进行阅读,包括做其中的练习。虽然当中大部分的词有点生僻(评论说它基本都是GRE及以上难度的词汇),但是作者Charles Harrington Elster的语言功底实在很强,我居然没有太多的枯燥感。其实另一本好评如潮的词汇书是那本Merriam-Webster 出版、绿色封面的Vocabulary Builder,我以前看过,它主要以词根讲解为主线,同样很精彩。

不过相比之下,我还是更喜欢Verbal Advantage在词汇来源、定义及与同义词的比较方面的精确描述。而且它还有音频,所以配合起来用的效果更好。另外他整个难度编排是逐渐增加,包括在词汇的复现方面做得很好。所以整体来讲,这本书无论是设计性还是系统性,我都觉得要给它5颗星。


我今天开始进行第二遍的Verbal Advantage的阅读,10个Level一共500个词(其实每个词又涉及同义词、反义词的拓展,所以总量说是3500左右),50组,每组10个,我计划一天1组,加上前言及书中穿插的一些学习方法及词汇运用上的问题讨论,我预计读2个月;不放过任何一个我遇到的生词。因每天我至多只能安排两个小时做该书的阅读及写笔记并上传到公众号,所以有可能我阅读完整本书的时间会被拉长。今天记录的是我阅读书中前言的笔记(第一部分),比较简单。

我们能从Verbal Advantage里获得什么

◾To have more than tripled your normal rate of learning vocabulary.

◾To know how to avoid common errors of grammar, usage, and pronunciation.

◾To possess the tools to continue building your verbal skills for the rest of your



"I care deeply about words----where they came from, what they mean, how they are used and pronounced. "----that is, the derivation, the meaning, the usage and pronunciation.



"Although both my father and mother are retired professinal musicians, they have always been avid(酷爱的) readers with a fine ear for language as well as music.When I was young they read me stories and poems at bedtime, and as I grew older they encouraged me to read widely on my own. I often had lengthy discussions with them about books and language, and whenever we had a question or a dispute about a word, the hefty unabridged dictionary (大部头的未删节版字典)in our living room was the final authority."







"Verbal Advantage"的定义

"...a 'verbal advantage' is the ability to use words in a precise and powerfulmanner, to communicate clearly, correctly, and effectively in every situation, both on and off the job."




"..the level of success people achieve is linked to the number of words they command." (人们取得成功的程度跟其所掌握的词汇量有关。)

"In the long run all your hard work and all the knowledge you gain from experience may not produce the results you expect if you lack the confidence that comes from an accompanying mastery of words." (如果你在熟练掌握词汇这个事情上缺乏自信,那么从长远来讲,你在工作中投入的努力及获得的经验很难创造结果。)

As columnist William Raspberry, "Good English, well spoken and well written, will open more doors than a college degree... Bad English will slam doors you don't even know exist."

由此,作者建议,“consider Verbal Advantage an apprenticeship(学徒工作、学徒期) to a second career.”

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