W2 weekly notes

(一) words and phrases

Affliction: 痛苦

Puberty :青春期

Allergic: 过敏

Stake a claim: assert one's right to something. 声明所有权

E.g. Once the older boys stake a claim to the lawn, no other boys dare to go on it.

Fool proof: incapable of going wrong or being misused. 不会出错的

E.g. Developing fool-proof policies made the project easier to implement and explain.

Landline 座机

Bide one's time: wait quietly for a good opportunity to do something. 等待时机

E.g. What we can do is bide our time to commence.

Creep up: 缓慢增长

(二)background resources

Murphy's law: an adage or epigram that is typically state as:" anything that can go wrong will go wrong."墨菲定律:事情如果可能出问题的话,那么一定会出问题。

Peep Tom: a person who gets sexual pleasure from secretly watching people undressing or engaging in sexual activity. 偷窥者


The crush happened unconsciously. Trevor kept thinking how to avoid the awkward of being teased until his beautiful girl had gone. The real emotion can't be designed as a drama. You can assume the beginning  but not the ending.The so-called fool-proof things usually created unexpected consequences. Don't be too deliberate when love comes naturally. Let it go !


Chapter 6

Trevor grew up into his puberty and acted as general naughtier and misbehavior. Although his mom always took him to the park to consume his energy, he can't avoid finding various  loopholes to make things go wrong. Despite of the increasing upgrade tactics of his mom, he did worse than ever until the house was caught fired and gutted from inside.

Chapter 7

After his kitten was strung up and multilated, Trevor sheltered two bull terriers by chance. One of them named FuFi, who was deaf but favorited by Trevor particularly. It squatted at the door waiting the lord every day regularly. What surprised Trevor was how it climbed up the high wall to reach the door. A chance given to discover the secret while he missed his love into another boy's home. His heart broken when FuFi showed no closer relationship with him. Eventually his mom bought back it and he realized somewhat true meaning of love.

Chapter 8

Robert, Trevor's daddy, left when he was on his teenage under the pressure of contemporary environment. He preferred being alone than having people over. He was typical Swedish, cleanness and discretion.  After several back and forth with the embassy staff, Trevor saw his father again ten years later. The collection of Trevor's albums with various degrees by Robert moved  Trevor and made him understand his position in his father's mind. In the following days Robert taught Trevor that relationship  was not just interviews but how to get along with well.

Chapter 9

Outsider was assimilated into insider was easier than insider tried to make his compatriots accept his dissent. The brainwashed black men were thrilled to access to  be whiteness. Trevor was bullied by some black boys clique. He took Albert, his stepfather-to-be, to wage a revenge. The consequence was worse than his expectations. His mom usually taught him in details.

Chapter 10

Trevor's valentine day was designated to a beautiful girl by his companions. When he intended to prepare  for it sufficiently, his partner changed her ideas. She chose another handsome one to celebrate. Trevor experienced his failure.

Chapter 12

For the senior prom, Trevor tried to find a dancing partner. He was pleased with his own rules to change the mind of one beautiful girl. When she eventually had gone, he found she had waited him so long. It was a heartbroken love story in his fault.

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