如果说EJB,JPA是之前JEE(JEE5及JEE5之前)中里程碑式的规范,那么在JEE6,JEE7中CDI可以与之媲美,CDI(Contexts and Dependency Injection),即上下文依赖注入,它是众多JEE规范中的一个,从JEE6开始CDI正式成为JEE规范,但CDI相关的概念不是新的,依赖注入的概念已经存在了许多年,相关的流行框架包括Spring,Google Guice等。目前CDI规范的实现主要有 JBoss Weld,Apache OpenWebBeans 和 Caucho CanDI,我们随后系列都是基于JBoss Weld进行。
由Java Community Process介绍的Java Specification Request 299(JSR 299)的最终规范在2009年12月形成,JSR 299正式定义CDI为JEE规范。在同一个月JSR 299在JSR316中被定义为JEE6平台的一部分。这意味着,每个被认证为JEE6兼容的应用程序服务器必须默认支持上下文和依赖注入。 为了完整起见,我们应该指出,CDI相关的依赖注入是在Java SE 规范JSR 330的基础上进行的。如下为CDI相关的JSR链接:
依赖注入,即是由CDI定义的依赖注入,is the process by which objects can be inserted into ther application objects in a typesafe manner. The decision of which particular implementation of an object will be injected can be delayed until the time of application deployment. In other frameworks injection is based upon string matching. CDI improves upon this through typed injection where the types are checked at compile time. This exposes injection errors earlier in the development lifecycle and makes debugging easier.
依赖注入的一个最大的好处是应用组件之间的松耦合。The client and server components are loosely coupled because several different versions of the server can be injected into the client. The client works with an interface and is oblivious to which server it is talking to. Taking advantage of the deploy time injection, we can use specific objects for different types of environments such as production and test environments. For example, we can inject a production or test datasource depending upon our deployment environment.
Weld是相关的CDI实现。Weld作为CDI的实现框架被JEE容器,WEB容器,甚至Java SE使用。JBoss 7,WildFly,GlassFish 3 是JEE容器,他们使用Weld提供CDI支持。新版本的Tomcat 及 Jetty 6.1 是WEB容器,他们也通过Weld提供CDI支持。Weld甚至可以用在Java SE环境。
Weld fully supports Maven. Maven libraries are available for dependency management of projects using CDI features. Maven archetypes are available to kick start an application enabled for CDI.
Weld was inspired by Seam 2. Apache DeltaSpike, part of JBoss Web Framework Kit, builds upon the base CDI functionality using the SPI, and includes many extensions to the CDI specification first developed in Seam 2.