
A little try makes my life improved.  Days ago when I desired to print some documents for my teaching , I felt nervous and confused for in my heart I was born to lack the technology usage. Fortunately , a timely hand saved my time and released me from being uncomfortable.  The moment she conducted carefully with my concentration I observed how the whole process went . It seems  unplite that if I trouble her again especially she is busy her own work. With the firm and peaceful confidence  I step towards the printer , coming to print a great many of documents I need tomorrow, I am fortunate to operate smoothly even though I remain feel a little nervous , however whatever I do indeed goes smoothly ,feeling that God's angels

standing beside me.  Designing your own barrier and limitations is considered to be out of intelligence ,which frequently block the new way you would like to take or new life style which is waiting for you to build.Keep your light on and you will look at yourself clearly without any doubtness or hansitation.  Having settled my normal life and work , everything of mine goes back originally, starting to complete the dreams which are incredible and impossible in other's views. Time schedule plays an extremely significant role on the way to lead freedom and intelligence, just like what people regularly say that man's life should be calculated by days or hours instead of months or years , which can be considered as a fundamental difference from the man who have been living in the struggling  status. In the world ,waiting other's mercy is like a man  just laying himself on bed and rejecting to lead a diligent daily life. The world only favors the successful and the intelligent ,if you long for  being like such man , the first action you have to take is to broaden your view and strengthen your ambition.Within five years I force myself to be an excellent junior English teacher, in terms of this I hold the mind that within 5 years my life will grow as what I have desired and designed ,time to that moment I will have my laughter on my face , with the deep admiration people look me up and down. Keep silent and continue the work at my hands , which is the most important sentence I said to myself often. In your great effort to influence others rather than you are influenced by others. Seldom do I figure out the life's tomorrow appreance if I remain lead a so-called peaceful and regular life , which in my heart never successfully takes  the original possession. When it comes to what I will become in ten years ,it is extrodinarily  clear to picture my future ,however one thing I am for sure is that my life will become greatly powerful and incredible ,which in some extent will beyond my imagination.


