

英文 中文
Terrible Tudors, gorgeous Georgians 恐怖都铎华丽乔治
Slimy Stuarts, vile Victorians 卑劣斯图亚特邪恶维多利亚
Woeful wars, ferocious fights 悲惨战役凶残争斗
Dingy castles, daring knights 昏暗古堡英勇骑士
Horrors that defy description 恐怖难以言表
Cut-throat Celts, awful Egyptians 凶狠凯尔特可怕古埃及
Vicious Vikings, cruel crimes, punishment from ancient times 凶残维京冷血罪行远古的惩罚
Romans, rotten, rank, and ruthless 罗马人堕落恶心又冷血
Caveman, savage, fierce and toothless 穴居人野蛮残酷不长牙
Groovy Greeks, brainy sages 绝妙古希腊聪明大圣人
Mean and measly Middle Ages 卑鄙又卑微就是中世纪
Gory stories we do that 血腥故事无限多
And your host is talking rat 且听鼠君对你说
The past is no longer a mystery 历史不再是个谜
Welcome to 欢迎收看
People have believed in witchcraft for centuries 几百年间人们一直相信有巫术存在
and in the Stuart era 在斯图亚特王朝
we just loved accusing innocent people of being witches. 我们就是喜欢把无辜的人诬陷成女巫
Have you had an accident that wasn't your fault? 你有没有无缘无故就出事的经历呢


Trip or fall at work? 干活时不小心绊倒或摔倒
Suffered a personal injury or sickness? 莫名其妙地受伤或者生病
Then you could've been cursed by a witch! 那你肯定是受到女巫的诅咒了
So get in touch with us at Witchfinders Direct. 那就抓紧联系我们女巫猎手吧
We'll find some innocent woman, 我们会找个无辜的女人
say she's a witch and have her burnt to death. 说她是女巫然后烧死她
Farmer Pocket of Crawley lost all his cabbages 农民克劳利种植的卷心菜片叶无收
when they were eaten by slugs. 被鼻涕虫吃光了
He lost literally several shillings. 他损失了好几个先令
So he called in Witchfinders. 因此他叫来了女巫猎手
And we decided the slugs had been sent by the strange old woman 我们判定鼻涕虫是村里那个
who lived in the village. 古怪的老太婆派来的
Yes, her. 就是她
- It wasn't me. - Yes, it was. -不是我-就是你
She's old and warty and looks a bit evil, 她又老又长痣看上去有点凶
don't you think? 你不觉得吗
So we had her dragged away 所以我们带走了她
and given a fair trial. 给了她一场公正的审讯
Do you have a cat? 你养猫吗
Yeah. 是的
Then thou art a witch! 那么汝即女巫
She was put to death and her cat sent to prison. 她被处死了她的猫也被送进了监狱
So if you have anything go wrong in your life, 所以若你生活不顺
call Witchfinders Direct. 马上打电话给女巫猎手吧
We'll find some innocent old woman and blame her for it. 我们会诬赖给那些无辜的老太婆
'Witchfinders, because old ladies deserve it.' 女巫猎手因为老太婆们活该被烧死
Time again for our fairytale series, 又到了童话时间
where the stories are retold in different historical settings. 我们在不同的历史背景下重讲故事
Today, 今天讲的是
The Frog Prince. The Stuart version. 斯图亚特版《青蛙王子》
The beautiful Princess had promised to kiss the frog. 美丽的公主已经许诺亲吻青蛙
But it's a frog! 可它是只青蛙啊
You promised. 你保证过了
And her father, the King, 她的父亲国王陛下
insisted she keep the promise. 坚持要她信守诺言
All right. 好吧
So, kiss the frog she did. 所以她亲吻了青蛙
And the frog turned into a handsome prince. 青蛙变成了英俊的王子
The Princess was delighted. 公主心花怒放
She wanted to marry the Prince straight away 她想立刻嫁给王子


and live happily ever after. 从此过上幸福的生活
But everyone had just seen her turn a frog into a person 但所有人都亲眼目睹她将青蛙变成了人
and in Stuart times this was pretty conclusive proof 在斯图亚特时期这无疑是
that she was a witch. 女巫的铁证
Guard! 守卫
So the King had the Princess taken away and burned at the stake. 所以国王把公主抓起来烧死了她
The end. 故事讲完了
I don't mind witches me self. 我可不怕什么女巫
It's the black cats that give me the creeps! 黑猫才吓得人家好怕怕啊
Many people also believed in witchcraft in the Middle Ages. 在中世纪也有很多人相信巫术存在
Hello and welcome to The Middle Ages Witchcraft Show. 大家好欢迎收看《中世纪巫术秀》
Today, I'll be showing you how to kill an enemy, witch style. 今天我给大家带来杀死仇敌之巫术版
For this, you'll need some soil from a new grave, 为了这个目标你需要来自新坟的泥土
the rib of a rich woman burnt to ashes, 一位富婆的肋骨烧成灰
a black spider, 一只黑色蜘蛛
the sap of an elder tree and, of course, 一颗老树的树汁还有
an enemy. 一位敌人
Hello. 大家好
This is Marcia. 这是玛西亚
She used to stick my head down a toilet at school, 在学校她总是把我的头按到厕所里
which is all the worse 这可比你想得还要糟
when you think that Middle Ages toilets are just pits full of poo. 中世纪的厕所可是货真价实的粪坑
You should've seen your face. 你真该看看你那张脸
It's brilliant. 逗死了
Anyway, first you need to mix up your ingredients 闲话少说首先把原料混在一起
and make a model of your enemy. 做一个你仇敌的人偶
Here's one I made earlier. 这是我之前做的
Looks nothing like me. 一点也不像我
Next, you'll need a long needle. 之后拿出一根长针
Now, just stick your needle in the model's leg, like so. 扎进人偶的腿就像这样
And... 接下来
Didn't feel anything. 一点感觉也没有
Ok... 好吧
The heart! 扎进心脏
Still nothing. 还是没感觉
Looks like your rubbish witchcraft doesn't work. 看来你的蹩脚魔法一点用也没有
Of course it doesn't. 当然没用了
That's because all witchcraft is absolute nonsense. 因为魔法都是骗人的
But what I did do 不过我已经
is hide one of these in your cupboard at home 把一个人偶藏到你家的衣柜里
and told the Witchfinder General. 还报告给了女巫猎手大人
Where be the witch? 女巫在哪里
What? 什么
We found this witch's tool in your house, witch. 我们在你家中找到了女巫的工具女巫
But... 不过
Take her away to be burned at the stake. 把她抓走烧死
But I'm not a witch. 我不是女巫
Can you stick her head down the toilet first? 你能先把她脑袋按在厕所里吗
If you like. 如果你喜欢的话
Cheers, mate. 谢谢啦伙计
Vikings had some pretty weird beliefs. 维京人有一些古怪的信仰
Here are our top three. 下面是最奇怪的三条
At number three. 维京信仰第三名
Vikings believed that the first man and woman 维京人认为他们的祖先
came from the sweat of a giant's armpit. 是从巨人腋下的汗液里出来的
That was disgusting. 好难闻
Phewy! Giant stinky. 闭嘴巨人就是臭臭的
Pine-y freshness. 清新松树香
That's better. 现在好多了
I am famed throughout the Viking world 我在维京界里
for my viciousness. 因残暴而闻名
My name is Eric Bloodaxe. And who might you be? 我叫血斧王埃里克你是谁
I am Asgot the Clumsy! 我是笨手笨脚艾斯戈特
How about we call it a draw? 算平手怎么样
Vikings were known in history 历史上维京人的名字
by their first names and their nicknames. 都是名字加昵称
There really was one called Asgot the Clumsy 真的有个维京人叫笨手笨脚艾斯戈特
and even one called Kon Smelly Feet. 甚至有人叫臭脚康
No prizes for guessing how he got his name. Phewee! 不难想象他为什么叫这个名字吧
Viking belief number two. 维京信仰第二名
Vikings believed that the sky was held up by four dwarves 维京人相信天空是由四个矮人支撑的
called North, South, East and West. 分别叫做北 南 东和西
The sky held up by dwarves? 天空是由矮人支撑的吗
No wonder giant keep hitting head. 难怪巨人总磕着头
We Vikings did believe some funny things. 我们维京人确实相信一些搞笑的事情
We thought that if we died in battle 我们认为如果战死沙场
then we'd get to go to Viking heaven. 那我们就会上维京天堂
But if we died any other way, we'd go to Viking hell. 但如果死于其它方式就会下维京地狱
Name. 姓名
Thorvel the Fierce. 猛汉托威尔
Died in battle? 战死沙场吗
What do you think? 你认为呢
Oh, yeah. In you go. 是啊进去吧
Welcome to Valhalla, Viking heaven. 欢迎来到瓦尔哈拉殿堂维京天堂
Hi. 你好
Name? 姓名
Asgot the Brave. 勇敢者艾斯戈特
You don't seem to be on my list. 你貌似不在我的名单上
Well, I should be. 我应该在
Well, Valhalla's only for Vikings who died in battle. 瓦尔哈拉殿堂只对战死沙场的维京人开放
- Did you die in battle? - Yes. -你死于战争吗-是的
Well, you're not on my list. I can't just let anyone in. 你不在名单上我不能随便让人进去
Valhalla's a very popular place. 瓦尔哈拉殿堂很受欢迎
You get to drink all night from the skull's of your enemies. 可以整夜用你敌人的头骨喝酒
Cheers! 干杯
And you get to fight all day. 整天打架
- Boys! - Great. -小伙子们-很好
What would happen, out of interest, 只是问问如果不是战死沙场
if say you didn't die in battle. 那又会怎么样呢
Say, you died in bed, where would you go? 比如说死在床上的人会去哪呢
Well, then I'd have to send you down to Viking hell. 那我不得不送你下维京地狱了

