USFP ITA Software for Business Winter Semester 2019Topic 4: Business WebsiteWeighting: 20%Due Date: Thursday 7th November 2019Using Adobe Dreamweaver, your task is to edit and format the given website template • Demonstrate your understanding of HTML and CSS, by changing the template to suit your given business using your own words, colours, images and video • Demonstrate your understanding of your fictional business and its target audience through your company logo and choice of colour scheme, images and promotional video REQUIRED WEBSITE CONTENT Completed 1. Choose a colour scheme to suit your given business https://www.canva.com/learn/100-color-combinations2.Using Adobe Illustrator, create a vector graphic of a logo suited to your given business • Logo size=200px X 200px3.Using Adobe Photoshop, create a products montage image • Montage image size = 800px X 500pxTo Be Completed4.Using Google advanced search, find copyright free images suited to your given business • 9 images of the products/services your business sells • 4 generic images (to show the nature of your business in the website slider gallery)• 1 generic feature image (showing a focal point of your business)• Save the TASL (Title, Author, Source, Licence) attribution details for each product image 5.Using Adobe Photoshop, crop all images to the pixel sizes given below (this may mean changing the physical size or aspect ratio of the image - or changing the composition of the image to focus on a portion of the image, while removing any distraction) • 9 product images size = 400px X 300px • 4 generic slider gallery images size = 900px X 400px6. Using Adobe Photoshop, create a feature image which includes text • Generic feature image size = 800px X 500px • Remove the background from the image • Add a text layer • Type the word ‘products’ using Upper Case• Format the text • Re-order the layers to position the text behind the image • Position the image and text to create a balanced composition For example:7.Note• Export all edited images for web as PNG24 • Images must be captioned using lower case, no spaces • Save edited images to the ‘images folder’ located in your project folder 8. Write the words for your given business • Short written business description or mission statement • Captions for website slider gallery images • Product names for all products 9. Create a promotional video• Mobile video of yourself describing your business and mission statement • Upload video to your public YouTube channel• Copy YouTube embed code for videoPROJECT GUIDELINES• Download the web template folder from Study Smart (found under Topic 4)• Unzip the folder • Rename the folder using your preferred English name, followed by your student number (no capital letters, no spaces)• Store this f代写USFP ITA、代做HTML,CSS编程语言、代写HTolder in your student folder (do not save it on the desktop or store on a USB)Important• Remember: style changes in the ita.css file must be made 3 times (beneath each ‘breakpoint’ for each device display)• Remember: style changes in the slider.css file are only made once • Remember: style changes in the form.css file are only made once• Remember: “alt”text must be written for every imageStep 1:HTML• Change the browser tab title to your given business name 3• Add your company name in the header• Insert 4 slider images to generically showcase your business• Change slider captions to reflect your businessCSS• Change the website’s background according to your colour scheme• Change the text colour of your company name according to your colour scheme• Change the text colour of the slider image captions according to your colour schemeStep 2:HTML• Insert the feature montage image• Change the paragraph text to reflect your business mission statement• Insert your business logo imageCSS• Change the background colour of the‘montage image’box according to your colour scheme• Change the background colour of the‘about us’box according to your colour scheme• Change the ‘about us’ heading text colour• Change the paragraph text colourStep 3:HTML• Insert the feature image4CSS• Change the background colour of the‘feature image box’according to your colour scheme• Adjust the image position to sit just outside of the background box (as shown above)Step 4:HTML• Copy and paste the code for the‘columns’to create a page with 9 columns• Replace the images with your own business products/services images• Add the product name to each image• Insert attribution and copyright anchor tags for all product imagesCSS• Copy and paste the selectors to create 9 columns beneath each‘break-point’• Change the text colour of the header and the product names, according to your colour schemeStep 5:HTML• Copy and paste the embed code for your YouTube video5CSS• Change the text colour of the video title according to your colour scheme • Change the text colour for‘Contact Us’according to your colour scheme• Change the coloured fields in the‘Contact Us’submit form according to your colour scheme• Change the colour of the‘Submit’button according to your colour scheme• Change the web page footer background colour according to your colour scheme SUBMIT YOUR PROJECT• Your website project folder must be named using your English name that is used for roll call, followed by your student number(no capital letters, no spaces). • Zip (compress) your website project folder• Submit the zip folder to Study Smart• The submission link can be found under‘Assessment & Revision’• The submission link will close at 11:55pm on Thursday 7th November 2019转自:http://www.3daixie.com/contents/11/3444.html