炸弹追凶 第一季 第一集 序言【MANHUNT UNABOMBER】

Based on true events,
I want you to think about the mail for a minute.
Stop taking it for granted like some complacent sleepwalking sheep and really think about it.
I promise you,you will find ths U.S. Mail a worthy object of your contemplation.
A piece of paper can cross a continent like we're passing notes in class.
I can send you cookies from the opposite side of the world,And all I have to do is write your name on the box,put some stamps on it ,and drop it in.
And you see , it only works because every single person along the chain acts like a mindless automaton.
I write an address, and they just... obey.
No question.
No deviation.
No pause to contemplate eternity...
or beauty...
or death.
Even you,for all your protestations of free will,if a box comes with your name on it,you can't even imagine doing anything other...
Than obey.

Here you go.
-Thank you,-Thank you.
Well, it's not your fault.
Society made you this way.

But you're a sheep,and you're living in a world of sheep.
And because you're all sheep,because all you can do is obey,I can reach out and touch anyone anywhere.
I can reach out and touch you...
Right now.

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