[Swift] 枚举

在 Swift 中,枚举的作用不仅仅是定义一组常量或提高程序的可读性了,它还具有面向对象特性。


enum MobilePhoneOS {
    case iOS, Android

let myPhoneOS = MobilePhoneOS.iOS
print(type(of: myPhoneOS)) // MobilePhoneOS


enum MobilePhoneOS: Int {
    case iOS = 0, Android

let myPhoneOS = MobilePhoneOS.Android
print(myPhoneOS.rawValue) // 1


enum Code {
    case BarCode(Int, Int, Int)
    case QRCode(String)

func scan(_ code: Code) {
    switch code {
    case let .BarCode(number, identifier, check):
        print("BarCode with value of \(number), \(identifier), \(check).")
    case let .QRCode(string):
        print("QRCode with value of \(string).")

let barCode = Code.BarCode(1, 2, 3)
let QRCode = Code.QRCode("123")
scan(barCode) // BarCode with value of 1, 2, 3.
scan(QRCode) // QRCode with value of 123.

因为具有面向对象的特性,Swift 中的枚举类型还可以添加实例方法和静态方法。

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