Lesson 38 Everything except the weather


My old friend,Harrison,had lived in the Mediterranean (地中海)for many years before he returned to England.

He had often dreaded of retiring in England and had plan the  settle down(定居) in the country.


2)paln to= intent to do sth(打算)

3)settle a bill for...(为...结清账单)

4)settle a problem(解决问题)

5)All set 一切准备就绪


He had no sooner returned than he bought a fine house  and went to live there.

Almost immediately(不久) he began to complain about the weather,

for(因为) even  thought(尽管)  it still summer,It rain continually and It was  often bitterly cold

1)no sooner...than...

2)No sooner had he returned than he bought...=hardly...when

2)even thought=even if(尽管)

3)continue-continually VS continusly VS constant



constant 持续不断且很难消失,比如病痛



After so many year of sunshine,Harrison get a shock.

He acted(行为举止) as if he had never leave in England before.

1)get shocked

2)behave-behave yourslef

3)as if = as though+sentence 好像...

4)it look like...


In the end,He was more than he could  bear.

He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country.

The dream he had had for many year ended there.

Harrison had thought every except weather.

1)He could not bear it

2)It's more than enough

3)It's far/much more than he could afford

4)Hardly had he had time to settle down when...

你可能感兴趣的:(Lesson 38 Everything except the weather)