
关于ElasticSearch的堆内存设置,目前大多数的建议是低于32GB,这是由于jvm中有个指针压缩的概念(compressed ordinary object pointers),详见OpenJDK Wiki: 《Compressed Oops》。简单概括就是启用对象指针压缩则jvm可以使用32位托管指针管理上限32GB的堆内存

Compressed oops represent managed pointers (in many but not all places in the JVM) as 32-bit values which must be scaled by a factor of 8 and added to a 64-bit base address to find the object they refer to. This allows applications to address up to four billion objects (not bytes), or a heap size of up to about 32Gb. At the same time, data structure compactness is competitive with ILP32 mode.

但这事儿没这么简单,Compressed Oops在堆内存4GB到32GB之间生效,却还分为两种模式,即Zero-Based和Non-Zero模式,这两种模式下计算实际内存地址的方法有区别,以下是伪码:

Zero-Based Mode:

<wide_oop> = <narrow-oop> << 3

Non-Zero Mode:

if (<narrow-oop> == NULL)
    <wide_oop> = NULL
    <wide_oop> = <narrow-oop-base> + (<narrow-oop> << 3)



Zero based implementation tries to allocated java heap using different strategies based on the heap size and a platform it runs on.
First, it tries to allocate java heap below 4Gb to use compressed oops without decoding if heap size < 4Gb.
If it fails or heap size > 4Gb it will try to allocate the heap below 32Gb to use zero based compressed oops.
If this also fails it will switch to regular compressed oops with narrow oop base.

比如,以Open JDK 12 + CentOS 7.5环境测试:

[2021-10-09T09:26:08.032+0000][18738][gc,heap,coops] Heap address: 0x00000000c0000000, size: 1024 MB, Compressed Oops mode: 32-bit
[2021-10-12T03:20:27.061+0000][16788][gc,heap,coops] Heap address: 0x00000006e3000000, size: 4560 MB, Compressed Oops mode: Zero based, Oop shift amount: 3 
[2021-09-27T07:51:11.310+0000][65141][gc,heap,coops] Heap address: 0x0000001000000000, size: 31744 MB, Compressed Oops mode: Non-zero disjoint base: 0x0000001000000000, Oop shift amount: 3

经过测试,在以上运行环境中,Zero based Compressed Oops的阈值是30720MB30GB


在ES堆内存的设置问题上我们总是陷入这样一个误区,即在启用Compressed Oops的前提下堆内存越高越好,但容量大并不一定就是绝对的好事情。其实在满足要求的前提下堆内存越小越好,这样可以把物理内存资源留给Lucene文件缓存,可以避免GC长停顿,等等。

What frequently happens though is that our advice surrounding compressed oops is interpreted as advice to set the heap as high as it can go while staying under the compressed oops threshold. Instead though, it’s better to set the heap as low as possible while satisfying your requirements for indexing and query throughput, end-user query response times, yet large enough to have adequate heap space for indexing buffers, and large consumers of heap space like aggregations, and suggesters. The smaller that you can set the heap, the less likely you’ll be subject to detrimental long garbage collection pause, and the more physical memory that will be available for the filesystem cache which continues to be used more and more to great effect by Lucene and Elasticsearch.


  1. A Heap of Trouble: Managing Elasticsearch’s Managed Heap(Jason Tedor)
  2. CompressedOops (Open JDK Wiki)
