这个session涵盖: Xcode 4中的Clang(Code completion, Fix-it, Indexing and Edit-all-in-scope), Clients of LLVM(LLDB, Integrated assembler).
很多内容已在Session 312中提到。仅仅增加了一些例子。
Higher fidelity expression parsing and evaluation
Support all language constructs
Inline function, template instantiation
Debugger gets new language features
Less platform specific knowledge in the debugger
Can pull in other compiler features: Fix-it, code completion
LLVM Compiler 2.0有一个集成的assembler. 我们不用再生成.s文件了,也省去了解析大量文本文件的时间。
LLVM Integrated Assembler的好处
编译快10%(对于大多数程序的debug build来说)
Better error messages for inline assembly
More useful assembly dumps
WWDC2010 Session313 LLVM Technologies in Depth
Author: Ted Kremenek - Manager, Compiler Frontend Team