【Story of Lang Lang 1】Unit3 Part2

Lang Lang is one of the world's greatest concert pianists.郎朗是世界上最伟大的钢琴家之一。

His first contact with Western music was when he was just two years old.他第一次接触西方音乐是在他两岁的时候。

He watched a cartoon in which a cat played a famous piece by Franz Liszt.他看了一幅卡通画,画中一只猫演奏了弗朗兹·李斯特的名曲。

From this experience, he decided he wanted to learn to play the piano.从这次经历中,他决定要学习弹钢琴。

When he was three and half years old, he started piano lessons.当他三岁半的时候,他开始学习钢琴。

Two years later he won first place in a piano competition.两年后,他在一次钢琴比赛中获得第一名。

This early success gave his father high hopes that Lang Lang would become a great pianist.这一早期的成功使他的父亲对郎朗成为一名伟大的钢琴家寄予厚望。

What experience introduce Lang Lang to Western music? He watched a cartoon in which a cat played the piano.什么经历让郎朗接触到西方音乐?他看了一部动画片,里面有一只猫在弹钢琴。

When Lang Lang was nine years old, his father quit his job and took him to Beijing.当郎朗九岁的时候,他的父亲辞掉了工作,带他去了北京。

They left everything behind, including his mother who had to work.他们把一切都抛在了身后,包括他不得不工作的母亲。

Lang Lang didn't want to leave her behind, but his father insisted.郎朗不想把她留在家里,但他的父亲坚持要离开。

His father wanted him to study at the famous Central Conservatory of Music.他的父亲想让他去著名的中央音乐学院学习。

Why did his father take him to Beijing? His father wanted him to study at the famous college.他父亲为什么带他去北京?他父亲想让他去那所著名的大学学习。

When they moved to Beijing, they rented a flat in a poor area of the city. 他们搬到北京时,在城市的一个贫困地区租了一套房子。

During this time, Lang Lang practiced for several hours a day.在这段时间里,郎朗每天练习几个小时。

He started practicing at 5 o'clock, which upset his neighbors.他5点钟开始练习,这使邻居们很不高兴。

They would often pound on his door and ask him to stop practicing.他们经常敲他的门,让他停止练习。

They were so angry that he often feared that they would beat him up.他们非常生气,他常常担心他们会揍他。

Why were his neighbors upset? His practice woke them up.他的邻居为什么不高兴?他的练习把他吵醒了。

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