【海拔五千】Summit 5000 Monday, April 30, 2018






(1)早读:  20180430 I didn't have to read many comic books to understand that every superhero had a weakness, something they had to overcome through an extraordinary act of courage. From the comedy Young Sheldon  (每个超级英雄都有弱点。)  《小谢尔顿》(Young Sheldon)是一部单镜头喜剧,在CBS电视台播出。这是《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)的衍生剧,主要讲述童年时期的谢尔顿-库珀(Sheldon Cooper)跟家人一同在德克萨斯州生活的一系列故事。

(2)阅读:阅读英文原版小说《傲慢与偏见》(The pride and Prejudice)61-65页。

2. 音乐:单曲循环Sugar, 这周Maroon 5 周。今天就听这个乐队最有名的歌曲。魔力红乐队,美国流行摇滚乐队。1994年以“卡拉之花”的名字成立乐队。2001年以“魔力红”的名称重组。由亚当·莱文、詹姆斯·瓦伦汀、杰西·卡麦可、米基·麦登和莱恩·度赛克组成。


Your sugar


Won'tyou come and put it down on me

I'm right here, 'cause I need

Little love and little sympathy

Yeah you show me good loving

Make it alright

Need a little sweetness in my life



(2)和美国朋友Meghan聊天30分钟。她来自西雅图(Seattle)。She lives in Seattle. She has just started to learn Mandarin. She has two cats. Her hobbies are reading, movies, singing, books, and cooking. We have so much in common that we talked a lot .  She doesn’t have kids, but she thinks it’s okay. She is currently studying to get a certificate to teach English ( TEFL) . She hopes to teach English online someday to children and adults.

4. 阅读:最后一次翻了翻《科瓦奇讲动物》、《科瓦奇讲动物》和《科瓦奇讲天文和地理》,整理了一些读书笔记。今天送出了三本书(有两个孩子随父母来取走了书),每个班一本互相传阅。


5. 做饭:早餐儿子煎鸡蛋,我熬了营养粥,然后我们就着酸奶、面包和水果享受了美味的Breakfast;中餐木须肉和韭菜鸡蛋,蒸了白米饭;晚餐蛋炒饭和紫菜蛋汤。简单的饭菜,可口的味道! 


7 健身:晚上跳有氧操30分钟、和儿子一起做运动20分钟,强度好大,大汗淋漓! 睡前做瑜伽20分钟,以便美美地入睡!

8. 观影:和儿子看完电影《荒唐阿姨大电影》(Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie),还看了《涉足荒岛》(Wild),一部是英剧,那种无所畏惧、满嘴胡扯、吐槽加上毒舌的英伦喜剧的感觉,满溢而出。一部是美剧,一个女人毫无徒步经验,却独自一人踏上Pacific Crest Trail 远足之路,通过长途步行找回自我的故事。



【signed in for everyday walks and exercise】Day 55 20180430

In the afternoon, my son and I went for a walk, I performed a special "cheongsam show" on the way, and my son took several close-up at the school; We went to the Chinese Zither room for an hour of the zither playing and then I posed for my son to take photos. Thanks to the great photographer ,my dear son !

你可能感兴趣的:(【海拔五千】Summit 5000 Monday, April 30, 2018)