VOLUME 1 --Part 5

 "What can be the meaning of that emphatic exclamation?" cried he."Do you consider the forms of introduction, and the stress that is laid on them, as nonsense? I cannot quite agree with you there. What say you,Mary?for you are a young lady of deep reflection I know, and read great books, and make extracts."
“你在嚷嚷什么?”Bennet 大声说道,你以为向人家做介绍和讲礼仪是无聊的吗?我可非常不同意你的观点。你说呢,Mary?我知道你是是个有深刻学问的女士。读的都是名著,而且都做札记”

 What can be the meaning of emphatic exclamation; deep reflection; extracts; 

 Mary wished to say something very sensible, but knew not how.
Mary 很想发表点高见,但不知道说什么。

wish to say something very sensible;

 "While Mary is adjusting her ideas," he continued,"let us return to Mr.Bingley."
“趁着 Mary 还在整理她的思绪,” 他接着道,“让我们回到 Bingley 先生上来”


 "I am sick of Mr.Bingley," cried his wife.
“我讨厌 Bingley 先生,”Bennet 太太嚷道。

sick of; 

 "I am sorry to hear that; but why did not you tell me so before? If I had known as much this morning, I certainly would not have called on him. It is very unlucky; but as I have actually paid the visit, we cannot escape the acquaintance now. "
我很遗憾听到这话,但是为什么之前你不告诉我呢?如果我今天早上了解这个情况,我肯定不会去拜访 Bengley 先生。非常不幸,既然我已经拜访了他,我们就避免不了与他相识了。
 The astonishment of the ladies was just what he wished; that of Mrs.Bennet perhaps surpassing the rest; though when the first tumult of joy was over, she began to declare that it was what she had expected all the while.
正如他期望的那样,太太和小姐们都很吃惊,Bennet 太太也许比别人更吃惊,尽管当最初的惊喜过后,Bennet 太太又宣称:这事她早就料到了。

perhaps; surpassing the rest; when the first tumult of joy was over; declare; 

你可能感兴趣的:(VOLUME 1 --Part 5)