English-Pronunciation Pairs(晨读)



Self Study

1 sb be responsible for the eye-catching look of this new edition. (be responsible for引起,造成)

2 her unfailing patience, meticulous attention to detail, and astute advice

发音 1 build/i/  2 many, any,again /e/ 3 Senegal, Eduador  4 obey /əʊˈbeɪ/ 5 plaid /plæd/ 6 young /jʌŋ/ 7 pint /paint/ 8 Peru /pəˈruː/ 9 suit /suːt/ 10 nonsense /ˈnɒn.səns/ 11 envelope /ˈen.və.ləʊp/  12 Thailand /ˈtaɪ.lænd/ 13 ballet /ˈbæl.eɪ/ 14 Asia /ˈeɪ.ʒə/ 15 collision /kəˈlɪʒ.ən/ 16 yolk /jəʊk/

17 autumn /ˈɔː.təm

3 It figures. 意料之中 Can you help me bring everything back in?

Day 1

心态 unlearn & relearn:1 忘记之前所学,重新认识英文的发音;2 好的发音:清楚、自然 ;3 重点:重音、节奏、语调

辅助工具:1 Rachel's English(舌位、重音) 2 微软小英 3 Siri,讯飞输入法,微信语音

1 元音:音不是一成不变的。长元音是由后面的辅音来决定的,如seed,seat

/i:/ 肌肉用力,舌头不碰到上颚

2 pizza /ˈpiːt.sə/

3 or 发音弱读 sugar or milk? credit or debit? believe it or not?

4 What are you getting at? 你是在暗示什么?

What are you getting to eat?

5 servings 几份

Would you like two servings of meat pizza? 

6 salad

Put the sauce on the side. /Sauce on the side. 酱汁放在旁边

7 口语: three coffees/ three sugars三块方糖/ three beers

Make that two. 跟他点一样的

8 我不吃早餐 skip

9 口语:meal 套餐=combo

套餐里有米饭吗? Does it come with rice?

10 /i/  舌位比/i:/ 低

要点:1 连读 2 English发音

11 city, baby 的念法:介乎在/i/  和/i:/之间, 偏向/i:/但是不重读 

12 /e/ 手拖住下巴,下巴的动作不大

13 any /eni/

catch you off guard 措手不及

14 Tibet 一般弱读为/tə/

15 Was it 连读expensive?     I spent every cent 连读I had.

16 vacation /veɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/

17 fill me in =tell me everything

18 expensive/cheap 形容物品

It's a bargain. 非常便宜 It's dirt cheap.

价格高低 high/ low price

19 最棒的 best ever , period

It was the best vacation ever. Period.

It was hands down the best vacation ever.

Eric is the best English teacher hands down.

20 holiday 英式 vacation 美式

getaway 小短假,逃离

Day 2


Do you speak English?  注意English没有/j/音

Please speak to Lee. 由于please和speak连接处发音位置一样,可以只发一个音/s/

/s/ /z/在结尾cheese, please 区别不明显

How do you spell weather? Let's get ready.   起点要轻,重音在后面

连读的窍门:一串串,不是一个个 Central America

1 /ei/ 双元音 滑动的感觉,整体更长

2 The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.


3 /æ/ 舌头用力,下巴不动


4 make bank挣大钱 =make money

5 wear perfume

I'm gonna wear my hair long/shoulder-length. 我要把头发留长

wear a smile 带着笑容

6 能说得再具体吗? Elaborate.

Spell it out.

7  Suddenly this man ran past me, grabbed a handful of cash, and stuffed it in a bag. 连续动作

8 It all happened so fast. 事情发生的太快

The next thing you know/The next second you know/ The next day you wake up 表示时间很快

9 It's a mixed bag.  大杂烩

10 /ʌ/ 感觉音在嗓子里,放松,接近/ə/

11 Venice, Tibet, Paris, Alice, Jasmin,  Collin, Justin 口语中/ə/

Tell him to come for me.

12 Why are you so unhappy?  不高兴

Why the long face? 

What's eating you?

What's with it/you?

13 He's fun to be with.

It's fun to be with you. 跟你在一起我很开心

14 /n/音 舌头填满上牙后部

month, Hunter

15 Don't be funny.

Don't get mad. I'm just being facetious. 开玩笑

16 He is three years older/younger than me.

He is three years my senior/ junior.

She's my senior by three years. =three years older than me.

16 That's nuts.扯淡

That's insane. 有病吧

That's ridiculous.

17 out of hand 失控

Day 3

作业问题   1 schedule /e/;2 I've been /bin/;3 country /ʌ/  fun /ʌ/ 胸腔发音

美音1 /ər/  large or small, soup or salad, married or single

2  英音 tuna fish /tju:nə/

3 th 发音要夸张,把舌头伸出来

4 Be well. 告别

Take care.

5 See you later.  待会见

Where to?

Where are you heading?

6 doctor 篡改, 动过手脚

The photo has been doctored.

7 ready /e/  , bag 和back 尾音不重读,所以听起来区别不大

8 Can you get a couple of cans of tuna fish, a jar of peanut butter, a container of vanilla yogurt, a pint of ice cream, and a box of chocolates?

9 okish 还行,过得去

10/ɒ/, 美音/ɑ/ hot,Hollywood 

/ɔː/ tall , ball

11 TV commercial 广告

12 problem 发音重点在prob 部分

tr,dr发音注意滑动 drop, tree 与/dʒ/区别

13 Park your car in the garage.   garage /ˈɡærɑːʒ/ 英音

14 Shop till you drop.

15 w发音 double u

16 the best products at bargain prices 物美价廉

17 We'll show you what's hot and what's not.

Day 4


1 dinner  /ˈdɪn.ər/ 

2 give it up for sb 为……鼓掌

/əʊ/   hole

window /win/

1 Happy New Year! -You too.

2 来自 He is from Peru. /pəˈruː/

hail a cab 叫出租车

He hails from Peru.

例如: Where am you from? -China

            Whereabouts? -Beijing 中国哪儿啊

3 What's up? 你好=How are you?

What's new? Same old. 老样子。=Just usual.

4 a fan of this music 喜欢这种音乐

不喜欢某人、某种类型的音乐 I'm not a fan of

I don't dig it. 不喜欢 dig=like

5 dope , sick, shit

I love the shit. 你的鞋很棒

6 It goes with your dress. 跟你的衣服很搭

7 Is it a boy or girl? 问狗是公母?

8 Are you doing anything on Tuesday? 问有空吗?

-Let's hang out.

9 遇到省音的时候,需要做口型 get some food 如/d/ 弱,但不要口型都不做

Same here. 我也是=Me too.

10 Nice to meet you. 平生初次见面

Nice meeting you. 谈话结束,又一次遇到

10 POA=pick-up artist 把妹大人

套路 gambit

11 Who is it? 连读

12 /ʊ/听上去偏向/ə/ 噘嘴

iTunes, tube, suit 英音偏向 student

13 I'm full. 我吃饱了

14 put 说

Let me put is this way. 我这么跟你说吧

Stay put. 待在这儿别动

15 cushion 坐垫

cushion the blow 缓冲,发好人牌

He's just cushioning the blow.

16 oops 妈呀,哎呦

oops-a-daisy 起来没事啦

17 sugar-free, fat-free 无糖、无脂肪

sugar-rich, fat-rich 富含

sugar-heavy, fat-heavy 富含

18 It doesn't do you any good.

It isn't good for you.

Day 5


1 only /ˈəʊnli/  soon/suːn/

2 /ʊ/ 发/ə/音并噘嘴

3 sugar /ˈʃʊ/

4 不要以貌取词,勤查词典


/aɪ/ type, pipe 双元音的滑动

goat  You are the goat. 最棒的,夸人的 =Gratest of all time

You are awesome.

1 compound nouns 复合词 重音在前icecream, bike riding

phrasal words 重音在后  He's sitting down.

Liza /ˈlaɪzə/

2 Would you like to come?

Would you like to join us?

Today we're joined by 嘉宾有

3 bike riding 重音在bike 上

4 Maybe some othertime. 下次吧。不说自己忙

I'm in the middle of sth. 我手头上有点事。

I wish I could, but I'm really in the middle of something.

5 You are a bummer. 扫兴的人

lame bummer, party-pooper, wet blanket

6 camera guy 摄影师

gas guy, gasman 加油工

makeup guy 化妆师

tatoo guy 纹身师,tatoo artist

7 /aʊ/ house

mouse 区别 moss

8 推荐阅读:Doctor Seuss 苏斯博士的儿童书

9 baggage 心理的包袱

10 It's a can't lose. 不会有损失

11 放松, 淡定 Calm down.



Take it easy. Easy, man.

 Don't panic. 

Get/Put/Pull youself together.

Collect yourself. 淡定点

Keep it cool.

cool, calm and collected 兵荒马乱坐怀不乱

Let your hair down. 浪起来

12 somehow 声调 不知道为什么,就想

13 He's from out of town. 不是本地人

When your guys in town, give me a call.

14 turn it upside down

After you came into my life, my world have been turned upside down. 我的世界变得不同了

turn inside out 衣服穿反了

15 company 陪

I'll go over and keep your company. 我过去陪你

Day 6


1 区分/e/dead 和 /æ/dad

2 Where do you hail from? -I'm from Shandong.

Whereabouts? -Qingdao.

3 cool, calm and collected 形容人很淡定



1. 辅音在单词结尾发音要轻

2 辅音的变体 people 第二个p不送气; matter,winter,mountain,button;sky 清音k不送气;have to /f/, used to /t/受到后面音的影响,浊音变清音

3 辅音与连读 r结尾never understand; LOL, LA, M&M, H&M


1 /p/ /b/


区分cab, cap由于尾音轻,最大的区别是 /æ/的长度,cab长,cap短


wait 不同于way ,所以弱读不是省音

3 flap T, tap T 闪音T(美音)

如 water , computer 

4 can't与can的区别 can轻读,can't 重读

5 连读 First Avenue,听原声,能连读的地方都要连读

6 学习语音,一方面是口语,另一方面是听力

7 Jade 玉

She was jaded that time. 厌倦,腻烦 jaded adj.

8 叫出租 get a taxi, grab a taxi, hail a cab, call a cab

9 To my left is Eric, to my right is Jessica. 我左手边是..,右手边是

10 问几点了 Have you got time?

11 /d/ Diana 加/j/音

12 I've been waiting for you for ages/eons. 等你好久

13 Shops stay shut and people stay home.

14 DVD, FBI, BMW, PDF, BBC, VOA  缩写在最后一个音节

15 frozen food, TV dinner 速冻食物   拓展: les plats surgelés

Frozen Foods
TV dinner

16 If you play your cards right, 做事漂亮,处理得当 you got promoted very soon.  (拓展jouer la carte de qqch)

17 put sb on the line 冒险:The medical staff are putting their lives on the line. 很多医生护士正在冒着生命危险在一线抗疫

Firefighters put their lives on the line every working day. 注意lives 复数的用法

Day 7


1 secret [ə]

2 连读听不清的可以0.5倍速播放

learning curve 学习曲线

3 听歌学发音,听出来哪些地方连读,尤其是你之前不知道的地方

4 重点决定节奏,节奏决定语调


1 /s/


2 language连读 exchange 口语角

3 Zoe /zəʊi:/

4 落枕 I slept funny.

This box smells funny. 奇怪

This box sounds funny. 奇怪

5 written 吞音 mountain

6 This contains six mice.

contain the coronavirus 抑制

7 Yikes. 恶心

Ewwww/Eww. /ˈiːuː/ Tha's gross/ disgusting. 恶心

8 buzzed 微醉

make buzz, create some buzz 造势

9 no wonder/ little wonder 难怪

10 These are /ðiːzə/ 连读

This is very surprising. 前三个单词轻读,迅速带过,重点在surprising

11 a box of mice, a sack of snakes, a case of bees

12 It's a zoo! 乱七八糟的,跟动物园似的

What a mess.

It's so messy.

It's all over the place.

It's a pigsty. /ˈpɪɡstaɪ/猪圈

13 /ʒ/ garage 结尾听上去像/ʃ/   vision /ʒ/

14 stay tuned 不要走开

Welcome to my channel. Stay tuned.

15 /r/一般要连读

16 clothes[kləʊðz]

17 casual occasion, no trouble at all 连读

18 chic[ʃiːk] 时髦,漂亮

chick 靓妞 I met a beautiful chick.

She's the sickest chick in the game. 最酷的女孩

19 Malaysia [məˈleɪʒə] Indonesia [ɪndəˈniːʒə]

20 面带微笑的说话,发音会更清楚

Day 8


1 Whose is it? 连读,按照辅音首、元音尾的方法重新组合,

2 cloth /θ/   cloths /ðz/   clothes /əʊ(ð)z/

3 special occasion 连读


1./j/ /w/

连读加/j/ I am, the apple, toy airplane, my uncle, say it

连读加/w/ Let's do it, blue automobile, how about, slow animal, few others

2 /h/

Hugo /ˈhjuːgəʊ/   Young /jʌŋ/

3 地名重音在后 New York, NYU

4 familiar 美音 /fəˈmɪl.i.jɚ/中 /l/ 常常与前面形成/il/ 后再与后面/lij/

5 people 第二个p较弱

6 发音 millionaire/ˌmɪl.jəˈneər/, don't /dəʊnt/

7 and的念法,轻读

8 went away 出现nt, nd 时,t和d可以不发音

9 你怎么看What's your opinion?

   Can I pick your brain(s) sbout sth?

   What's your take (on sth)?

    What do you make of sth?

10 jazz up 把场子搞得热闹好玩一点,类似spice up 加点料

11 live, stay的区别

住宾馆 stay in a hotel

12 /h/ huge

省掉/h/ 音的连读: was he, hit him 听上去像/hitəm/

13 /v/ very well

How long have you lived here? 句中have可以弱读/ /əv/

14 推荐阅读:用爵士乐练习美语发音的Jazz Chants

15 It's a beautiful view.

有……景色 command a view of

Day 9


1Yes, I am. 连读

2 不要有吞音的概念,要琢磨为什么出现这种语言现象


1 /θ/


2 推荐阅读 Say It Correctly

3 something, anything, nothing, everything 练习

4 was       strong/wɒz/weak/wəz/

5 What's up? -Nothing much.

6 Am I making sense? 听懂了吗?

7 He is thirtyish. 三十多岁


It's sixith.  六点多

8 fall on

My birthday falls on last Tuesday. 生日是几号?

9 author v

She authored a couped of books. =wrote

10 thirsty 渴了, qrench the thirst 解渴

Stay hydrated. 多喝水

11 than strong/ðæn/weak/ðən/

the strong/ðiː/weak/ðə/        He is the Eric. /ðiː/ 重读

12 三个鼻音/m/ /n/ /ŋ/ 北京人鼻音重

13 calm /m/

14 /siŋ/可以分解为/sing/练习发音

15 in /in/ 没有/j/音

16 phone /fəʊn/

17 bang 听上去像/bein/,slang 听上去像/slein/

Day 10


1 for, of,you 读的一般都是弱读形式

2 thirtieth的发音

3 garden, fordidden, didn't   /n/音虽然难发,但不可改变其弱读音节的本质

4 student /ˈstuː.dənt/ 比较news

5 burger 汉堡/ˈbɝː.ɡɚ/ 弱读

6 建立错题本,总结自己的问题

7 Eminem的歌曲Lose Yourself练习连音、弱读等语音现象


1 /l/ 舌头伸出来

2 连读LA,/el,lei/, LOL/el,ləʊ, el/


3 讲话的节奏分轻重读

4 problem 注意 rob 这个部分发清楚

5 /r/ 噘嘴,舌头不要碰到上颚

6 卷舌音练习world

7 But I don't see my grandchildren very much.  注意核心部分发音清楚

8 Congratulations! =Congrats

9 Paris, Justin 后半部分弱读

10 grown-up 成长

I still have a lot of grown-up .....to do.

11 meeting, eating, reporting 的t音不送气

12 graduate /ˈɡrædʒ.u.ət/

13 带好 Give my regards to everybody.

Give my best to Eric. 给Eric带好

14 calling

Teaching is not my calling. 天职

Writing stories is my calling. 

15 dreamer光想不做, doer

Are you a dreamer or a doer?

Are you a dreamer or a realist?

16 I gotta get to go.

I have to run now. 我得走了

17 The film is best when you going to it cold. =unprepared 毫无准备的



1 书:Jazz Chants

2 视频:Rachel's English

3 歌曲:Lose Yourself            by Eminem 

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