

This weekend of November 3rd and 4th for the 1st group starting from 08:20 to 10:20 am, I have got only 6 kids for 二三年级 from 西中街小学. And from 10:30 to 12:30am, I had about 10 kids from the age category of 10年 team D. The weather was bad, with smog and slightly raining. 

Topic: Creating a team spirit work

1。 Warm up


2。Technical drills

The 1 content: was a 5 v 1 situations, in a square small pitch on 20 x 20m, each kid took his own ball and make sure to keep it by dribbling inside that area, and protect it from being kicked by a hunter player, then once some’s ball is kicked out, he must stay inside and have a collaboration with other players by exchanging ball through small passes or dribbling and exchange. The purpose here was to keep balls as long as possible individually as well as a team.



The 2nd content was the 4 v 2 situation, with the same target as in the previous content, the coaching points here were it teach them how to play as a team, with taking information of where to go for better receiving the pass (support and help), where to pass the ball without being kicked by hunter player, and especially always opening up the pitch for create more opportunities of ball sharing



They played together 3 v 3,and within the game, I realized that this exercise was really helpful, but more practice is still needed and more practice on passing and exchanging ball are still needed.

