1023- 从更高的层级去理解事物及其背后的规律

在《Principles》一书中Ray Dalio继续提到

Our most distinctive quality is our singular ability to look down on reality from a higher perspective and synthesize an understanding of it. 

今晚去参加一个MBA info night. 感受到不同视角对于世界的不同理解角度。

在会上有一个高级咨询师分享了刚刚出炉的世界经济论坛的The Future of Jobs 2018报告,里面根据时代的发展和科技的进步提出了未来工作的核心技能,里面包括了Analytical and critical thinking, active learning等这类更加抽象的思维能力,这对我们去培养对事物的理解,锻炼自己的思维习惯是有提醒作用的。


While other species operate by following their instincts, man alone can go above himself and look at himself with his circumstances and within time, can interact with one another to make up a working whole that evolves through time. It gives us the power to think abstractly and logically. 

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