

  • 前言
  • 一,kNN分类器的基本原理
  • 二、kNN分类器
  • 三、kNN分类器的实现
    • 1.实现代码
    • 2.运行结果


KNN学习(K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm,K最邻近方法 )是一种统计分类器,对数据的特征变量的筛选尤其有效`




在KNN学习中,首先计算待分类数据特征与训练数据特征之间的距离并排序。 取出距离近期的K个训练数据特征。然后根据这K个相近训练数据特征所属类别来判定新样本类别:假设它们都属于一类,那么新的样本也属于这个类;否则,对每一个候选类别进行评分,依照某种规则确定新的样本的类别。






我们都知道,当K=1时,其抗干扰能力就较差。由于假如样本中出现了某种偶然的类别,那么新的数据非常有可能被分错。为了添加分类的可靠性,能够考察待測数据的K个近期邻样本 。统计这K个近邻样本中属于哪一类别的样本最多,就将样本X判属于该类。






package machinelearning.knn;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;

import weka.core.*;

 * kNN classification.
 * @author goudiyuan.
public class KnnClassification {

	 * Manhattan distance.
	public static final int MANHATTAN = 0;

	 * Euclidean distance.
	public static final int EUCLIDEAN = 1;

	 * The distance measure.
	public int distanceMeasure = EUCLIDEAN;

	 * A random instance;
	public static final Random random = new Random();

	 * The number of neighbors.
	int numNeighbors = 7;

	 * The whole dataset.
	Instances dataset;

	 * The training set. Represented by the indices of the data.
	int[] trainingSet;

	 * The testing set. Represented by the indices of the data.
	int[] testingSet;

	 * The predictions.
	int[] predictions;

	 * The first constructor.
	 * @param paraFilename
	 *            The arff filename.
	public KnnClassification(String paraFilename) {
		try {
			FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(paraFilename);
			dataset = new Instances(fileReader);
			// The last attribute is the decision class.
			dataset.setClassIndex(dataset.numAttributes() - 1);
		} catch (Exception ee) {
			System.out.println("Error occurred while trying to read \'" + paraFilename
					+ "\' in KnnClassification constructor.\r\n" + ee);
		} // Of try
	}// Of the first constructor

	 * Get a random indices for data randomization.
	 * @param paraLength
	 *            The length of the sequence.
	 * @return An array of indices, e.g., {4, 3, 1, 5, 0, 2} with length 6.
	public static int[] getRandomIndices(int paraLength) {
		int[] resultIndices = new int[paraLength];

		// Step 1. Initialize.
		for (int i = 0; i < paraLength; i++) {
			resultIndices[i] = i;
		} // Of for i

		// Step 2. Randomly swap.
		int tempFirst, tempSecond, tempValue;
		for (int i = 0; i < paraLength; i++) {
			// Generate two random indices.
			tempFirst = random.nextInt(paraLength);
			tempSecond = random.nextInt(paraLength);

			// Swap.
			tempValue = resultIndices[tempFirst];
			resultIndices[tempFirst] = resultIndices[tempSecond];
			resultIndices[tempSecond] = tempValue;
		} // Of for i

		return resultIndices;
	}// Of getRandomIndices

	 * Split the data into training and testing parts.
	 * @param paraTrainingFraction
	 *            The fraction of the training set.
	public void splitTrainingTesting(double paraTrainingFraction) {
		int tempSize = dataset.numInstances();
		int[] tempIndices = getRandomIndices(tempSize);
		int tempTrainingSize = (int) (tempSize * paraTrainingFraction);

		trainingSet = new int[tempTrainingSize];
		testingSet = new int[tempSize - tempTrainingSize];

		for (int i = 0; i < tempTrainingSize; i++) {
			trainingSet[i] = tempIndices[i];
		} // Of for i

		for (int i = 0; i < tempSize - tempTrainingSize; i++) {
			testingSet[i] = tempIndices[tempTrainingSize + i];
		} // Of for i
	}// Of splitTrainingTesting

	 * Predict for the whole testing set. The results are stored in predictions.
	 * #see predictions.
	public void predict() {
		predictions = new int[testingSet.length];
		for (int i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
			predictions[i] = predict(testingSet[i]);
		} // Of for i
	}// Of predict

	 * Predict for given instance.
	 * @return The prediction.
	public int predict(int paraIndex) {
		int[] tempNeighbors = computeNearests(paraIndex);
		int resultPrediction = simpleVoting(tempNeighbors);

		return resultPrediction;
	}// Of predict

	 * The distance between two instances.
	 * @param paraI
	 *            The index of the first instance.
	 * @param paraJ
	 *            The index of the second instance.
	 * @return The distance.
	public double distance(int paraI, int paraJ) {
		double resultDistance = 0;
		double tempDifference;
		switch (distanceMeasure) {
			for (int i = 0; i < dataset.numAttributes() - 1; i++) {
				tempDifference = dataset.instance(paraI).value(i) - dataset.instance(paraJ).value(i);
				if (tempDifference < 0) {
					resultDistance -= tempDifference;
				} else {
					resultDistance += tempDifference;
				} // Of if
			} // Of for i

			for (int i = 0; i < dataset.numAttributes() - 1; i++) {
				tempDifference = dataset.instance(paraI).value(i) - dataset.instance(paraJ).value(i);
				resultDistance += tempDifference * tempDifference;
			} // Of for i
			System.out.println("Unsupported distance measure: " + distanceMeasure);
		}// Of switch

		return resultDistance;
	}// Of distance

	 * Get the accuracy of the classifier.
	 * @return The accuracy.
	public double getAccuracy() {
		// A double divides an int gets another double.
		double tempCorrect = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
			if (predictions[i] == dataset.instance(testingSet[i]).classValue()) {
			} // Of if
		} // Of for i

		return tempCorrect / testingSet.length;
	}// Of getAccuracy

	 * Compute the nearest k neighbors. Select one neighbor in each scan. In
	 * fact we can scan only once. You may implement it by yourself.
	 * @param paraK
	 *            the k value for kNN.
	 * @param paraCurrent
	 *            current instance. We are comparing it with all others.
	 * @return the indices of the nearest instances.
	public int[] computeNearests(int paraCurrent) {
		int[] resultNearests = new int[numNeighbors];
		boolean[] tempSelected = new boolean[trainingSet.length];
		double tempDistance;
		double tempMinimalDistance;
		int tempMinimalIndex = 0;

		// Select the nearest paraK indices.
		for (int i = 0; i < numNeighbors; i++) {
			tempMinimalDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;

			for (int j = 0; j < trainingSet.length; j++) {
				if (tempSelected[j]) {
				} // Of if

				tempDistance = distance(paraCurrent, trainingSet[j]);
				if (tempDistance < tempMinimalDistance) {
					tempMinimalDistance = tempDistance;
					tempMinimalIndex = j;
				} // Of if
			} // Of for j

			resultNearests[i] = trainingSet[tempMinimalIndex];
			tempSelected[tempMinimalIndex] = true;
		} // Of for i

		System.out.println("The nearest of " + paraCurrent + " are: " + Arrays.toString(resultNearests));
		return resultNearests;
	}// Of computeNearests

	 * Voting using the instances.
	 * @param paraNeighbors
	 *            The indices of the neighbors.
	 * @return The predicted label.
	public int simpleVoting(int[] paraNeighbors) {
		int[] tempVotes = new int[dataset.numClasses()];
		for (int i = 0; i < paraNeighbors.length; i++) {
			tempVotes[(int) dataset.instance(paraNeighbors[i]).classValue()]++;
		} // Of for i

		int tempMaximalVotingIndex = 0;
		int tempMaximalVoting = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < dataset.numClasses(); i++) {
			if (tempVotes[i] > tempMaximalVoting) {
				tempMaximalVoting = tempVotes[i];
				tempMaximalVotingIndex = i;
			} // Of if
		} // Of for i

		return tempMaximalVotingIndex;
	}// Of simpleVoting

	 * The entrance of the program.
	 * @param args
	 *            Not used now.
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		KnnClassification tempClassifier = new KnnClassification("D:/data/javasampledata-master/iris.arff");
		System.out.println("The accuracy of the classifier is: " + tempClassifier.getAccuracy());
	}// Of main

}// Of class KnnClassification



The nearest of 15 are: [33, 14, 16, 5, 18, 32, 10]
The nearest of 113 are: [142, 121, 114, 83, 149, 123, 70]
The nearest of 122 are: [105, 118, 107, 135, 125, 117, 131]
The nearest of 110 are: [147, 115, 77, 145, 137, 141, 139]
The nearest of 101 are: [142, 121, 149, 83, 114, 123, 70]
The nearest of 55 are: [90, 96, 94, 78, 95, 99, 84]
The nearest of 126 are: [123, 83, 133, 63, 72, 149, 54]
The nearest of 127 are: [149, 70, 123, 83, 133, 56, 63]
The nearest of 128 are: [132, 104, 111, 137, 112, 147, 115]
The nearest of 129 are: [125, 107, 112, 139, 108, 124, 120]
The nearest of 138 are: [70, 149, 123, 78, 63, 91, 83]
The nearest of 103 are: [137, 111, 132, 147, 104, 134, 133]
The nearest of 59 are: [89, 94, 53, 80, 69, 64, 88]
The nearest of 24 are: [11, 29, 26, 7, 23, 39, 37]
The nearest of 71 are: [97, 82, 92, 99, 74, 67, 96]
The nearest of 66 are: [84, 96, 78, 95, 88, 94, 99]
The nearest of 25 are: [37, 34, 1, 12, 45, 49, 29]
The nearest of 61 are: [96, 78, 95, 99, 88, 97, 91]
The nearest of 116 are: [137, 147, 111, 112, 132, 104, 124]
The nearest of 9 are: [37, 34, 1, 12, 49, 29, 45]
The nearest of 140 are: [144, 120, 112, 104, 124, 139, 145]
The nearest of 58 are: [75, 54, 65, 76, 86, 74, 51]
The nearest of 8 are: [38, 3, 42, 47, 12, 45, 2]
The nearest of 143 are: [120, 124, 144, 104, 112, 100, 139]
The nearest of 119 are: [72, 83, 68, 123, 133, 142, 87]
The nearest of 13 are: [38, 42, 47, 2, 3, 12, 6]
The nearest of 146 are: [123, 111, 72, 83, 133, 142, 147]
The nearest of 130 are: [107, 125, 135, 105, 108, 120, 112]
The nearest of 102 are: [125, 120, 112, 124, 107, 139, 104]
The nearest of 30 are: [29, 37, 34, 3, 45, 12, 1]
The accuracy of the classifier is: 0.8666666666666667

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