ART笔记 —— dvm_lock_sample

看ART代码过程中,看到LogContentionEvent函数,记起logcat events中有大量的dvm_lock_sample信息。

 dvm_lock_sample: [,1,main,98,,119,-,189,19]
  1. 打印此LOG时,线程即将持有锁。
  2. 上一个持有者文件名为“-”时,表示与下个持有者在同一个文件中
  3. 发生锁等待时这个LOG有概率打印,等待百分比越大,概率越大。具体请看代码。


void Monitor::Lock(Thread* self) {
  MutexLock mu(self, monitor_lock_);
  while (true) {
    if (owner_ == nullptr) {  // Unowned.
      owner_ = self;
      CHECK_EQ(lock_count_, 0);
      // When debugging, save the current monitor holder for future
      // acquisition failures to use in sampled logging.
      if (lock_profiling_threshold_ != 0) {
        locking_method_ = self->GetCurrentMethod(&locking_dex_pc_);
    } else if (owner_ == self) {  // Recursive.
    // Contended.
    const bool log_contention = (lock_profiling_threshold_ != 0);
    uint64_t wait_start_ms = log_contention ? MilliTime() : 0;
    mirror::ArtMethod* owners_method = locking_method_;
    uint32_t owners_dex_pc = locking_dex_pc_;
    // Do this before releasing the lock so that we don't get deflated.
    size_t num_waiters = num_waiters_;
    monitor_lock_.Unlock(self);  // Let go of locks in order.
      ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kBlocked);  // Change to blocked and give up mutator_lock_.
      MutexLock mu2(self, monitor_lock_);  // Reacquire monitor_lock_ without mutator_lock_ for Wait.
      if (owner_ != NULL) {  // Did the owner_ give the lock up?
        monitor_contenders_.Wait(self);  // Still contended so wait.
        // Woken from contention.
        if (log_contention) {
          uint64_t wait_ms = MilliTime() - wait_start_ms;
          uint32_t sample_percent;
          if (wait_ms >= lock_profiling_threshold_) {
            sample_percent = 100;
          } else {
            sample_percent = 100 * wait_ms / lock_profiling_threshold_;
          if (sample_percent != 0 && (static_cast<uint32_t>(rand() % 100) < sample_percent)) {
            const char* owners_filename;
            uint32_t owners_line_number;
            TranslateLocation(owners_method, owners_dex_pc, &owners_filename, &owners_line_number);
            if (wait_ms > kLongWaitMs && owners_method != nullptr) {
              LOG(WARNING) << "Long monitor contention event with owner method="
                  << PrettyMethod(owners_method) << " from " << owners_filename << ":"
                  << owners_line_number << " waiters=" << num_waiters << " for "
                  << PrettyDuration(MsToNs(wait_ms));
            LogContentionEvent(self, wait_ms, sample_percent, owners_filename, owners_line_number);
    monitor_lock_.Lock(self);  // Reacquire locks in order.
