Day 42 搜狗打造有声书AI语音仿人版

It announced "lifelike"(逼真的) avatars(化身) of Chinese authors Yue Guan and Bu Xin Tian Shang Diao Xian Bing - created from video recordings(视频录制) - at the China Online Literature + conference(中国网络文学家大会).

Last year, Sogou launched two AI newsreaders(人工智能播音员), which are still used by the government's Xinhua news agency(新华社).

Appetite(胃口) for audiobooks(有声读物) in China is on the rise(is increasing), mirroring(反应) trends in the West. 

ladylike 淑女

babylike 童真

he has appetite for knowledge

House price is on the rist this year

你可能感兴趣的:(Day 42 搜狗打造有声书AI语音仿人版)