


Linux内核将这些硬件计数器包装成硬件perf事件。此外,Linux内核还提供独立于硬件的software events and tracepoint events。Linux内核通过perf_event_open系统调用将所有事件暴露给用户空间,该调用被simpleperf所使用。

Simpleperf有三个主要命令:stat, record and report.


  1. 给予用户选项,simpleperf通过对内核进行系统调用来实现剖析。
  2. 内核在剖析的进程运行时启用计数器。
  3. 剖析之后,simpleperf从内核中读取计数器,并报告一个计数器摘要。


  1. 给予用户选项,simpleperf通过对内核进行系统调用来实现剖析。
  2. Simpleperf在simpleperf和内核之间创建映射的缓冲区。
  3. 内核在剖析的进程运行时启用计数器。
  4. 每次发生一定数量的事件,内核都会向映射的缓冲区转储一个样本。
  5. Simpleperf从映射的缓冲区读取样本,并将剖析数据存储在一个名为perf.data的文件中。




The debug-unwind command: debug/test dwarf based offline unwinding, used for debugging simpleperf.
The dump command: dumps content in perf.data, used for debugging simpleperf.
The help command: prints help information for other commands.
The kmem command: collects kernel memory allocation information (will be replaced by Python scripts).
The list command: lists all event types supported on the Android device.
The record command: profiles processes and stores profiling data in perf.data.
The report command: reports profiling data in perf.data.
The report-sample command: reports each sample in perf.data, used for supporting integration of
                           simpleperf in Android Studio.
The stat command: profiles processes and prints counter summary.


# List all commands.
$ simpleperf --help

# Print help message for record command.
$ simpleperf record --help

下面介绍最经常使用的命令,即list, stat, record and report.

The list command

list命令列出了设备上所有可用的events 。不同的设备可能支持不同的events ,因为它们有不同的硬件和内核。

$ simpleperf list
List of hw-cache events:
List of hardware events:
List of software events:

在ARM/ARM64上,list命令还显示了一个原始事件的列表,它们是设备上的ARM PMU所支持的事件。内核已经将它们的一部分包装成硬件事件和hw-缓存事件。例如,raw-cpu-cycles被包装成cpu-cycles,raw-instruction-retired被包装成指令。如果我们想使用设备上支持的一些事件,但不幸的是没有被内核包装,那么原始事件就会被提供。

The stat command


# Stat using default events (cpu-cycles,instructions,...), and monitor process 7394 for 10 seconds.
$ simpleperf stat -p 7394 --duration 10
Performance counter statistics:

#         count  event_name                # count / runtime
     16,513,564  cpu-cycles                # 1.612904 GHz
      4,564,133  stalled-cycles-frontend   # 341.490 M/sec
      6,520,383  stalled-cycles-backend    # 591.666 M/sec
      4,900,403  instructions              # 612.859 M/sec
         47,821  branch-misses             # 6.085 M/sec
  25.274251(ms)  task-clock                # 0.002520 cpus used
              4  context-switches          # 158.264 /sec
            466  page-faults               # 18.438 K/sec

Total test time: 10.027923 seconds.

Select events to stat


# Stat event cpu-cycles.
$ simpleperf stat -e cpu-cycles -p 11904 --duration 10

# Stat event cache-references and cache-misses.
$ simpleperf stat -e cache-references,cache-misses -p 11904 --duration 10


# Stat using event cache-references, cache-references:u,....
$ simpleperf stat -p 7394 -e cache-references,cache-references:u,cache-references:k \
      -e cache-misses,cache-misses:u,cache-misses:k,instructions --duration 1
Performance counter statistics:

#   count  event_name           # count / runtime
  490,713  cache-references     # 151.682 M/sec
  899,652  cache-references:u   # 130.152 M/sec
  855,218  cache-references:k   # 111.356 M/sec
   61,602  cache-misses         # 7.710 M/sec
   33,282  cache-misses:u       # 5.050 M/sec
   11,662  cache-misses:k       # 4.478 M/sec
        0  instructions         #

Total test time: 1.000867 seconds.
simpleperf W cmd_stat.cpp:946] It seems the number of hardware events are more than the number of
available CPU PMU hardware counters. That will trigger hardware counter
multiplexing. As a result, events are not counted all the time processes
running, and event counts are smaller than what really happens.
Use --print-hw-counter to show available hardware counters.


为了避免硬件计数器复用,我们可以使用simpleperf stat --print-hw-counter来显示每个CPU上的可用计数器。然后不要监测比可用计数器更多的硬件事件。

$ simpleperf stat --print-hw-counter
There are 2 CPU PMU hardware counters available on cpu 0.
There are 2 CPU PMU hardware counters available on cpu 1.
There are 2 CPU PMU hardware counters available on cpu 2.
There are 2 CPU PMU hardware counters available on cpu 3.
There are 2 CPU PMU hardware counters available on cpu 4.
There are 2 CPU PMU hardware counters available on cpu 5.
There are 2 CPU PMU hardware counters available on cpu 6.
There are 2 CPU PMU hardware counters available on cpu 7.


# Stat using event cache-references, cache-references:u,....
$ simpleperf stat -p 7964 --group cache-references,cache-misses \
      --group cache-references:u,cache-misses:u --group cache-references:k,cache-misses:k \
      --duration 1
Performance counter statistics:

#     count  event_name           # count / runtime
  2,088,463  cache-references     # 181.360 M/sec
     47,871  cache-misses         # 2.292164% miss rate
  1,277,600  cache-references:u   # 136.419 M/sec
     25,977  cache-misses:u       # 2.033265% miss rate
    326,305  cache-references:k   # 74.724 M/sec
     13,596  cache-misses:k       # 4.166654% miss rate

Total test time: 1.029729 seconds.
simpleperf W cmd_stat.cpp:946] It seems the number of hardware events are more than the number of

Select target to stat


# Stat process 11904 and 11905.
$ simpleperf stat -p 11904,11905 --duration 10

# Stat thread 11904 and 11905.
$ simpleperf stat -t 11904,11905 --duration 10

# Start a child process running `ls`, and stat it.
$ simpleperf stat ls

# Stat the process of an Android application. This only works for debuggable apps on non-rooted
# devices.
$ simpleperf stat --app simpleperf.example.cpp

# Stat system wide using -a.
$ simpleperf stat -a --duration 10



# Stat process 11904 for 10 seconds.
$ simpleperf stat -p 11904 --duration 10

# Stat until the child process running `ls` finishes.
$ simpleperf stat ls

# Stop monitoring using Ctrl-C.
$ simpleperf stat -p 11904 --duration 10




# Print stat for process 11904 every 300ms.
$ simpleperf stat -p 11904 --duration 10 --interval 300

# Print system wide stat at interval of 300ms for 10 seconds. Note that system wide profiling needs
# root privilege.
$ su 0 simpleperf stat -a --duration 10 --interval 300



# Capture instructions (kernel only) and cache misses with interval of 300 milliseconds for 15
# seconds.
$ su 0 simpleperf stat -e instructions:k,cache-misses -a --interval 300 --duration 15
# On host launch systrace to collect trace for 10 seconds.
(HOST)$ external/chromium-trace/systrace.py --time=10 -o new.html sched gfx view
# Open the collected new.html in browser and perf counters will be shown up.


默认情况下,stat cmd 输出的是所有被监控目标的事件计数总和。但当使用 --per-thread 选项时,stat cmd 会输出被监控目标的每个线程的事件计数。它可以用来查找进程或系统中的繁忙线程。使用 --per-thread 选项时,stat cmd 为每个存在的线程打开一个 perf_event_file。如果被监控的线程创建了新的线程,那么新线程的事件计数将被默认添加到被监控的线程中,否则,如果同时使用–no-inherit选项,则会省略。

# Print event counts for each thread in process 11904. Event counts for threads created after
# stat cmd will be added to threads creating them.
$ simpleperf stat --per-thread -p 11904 --duration 1

# Print event counts for all threads running in the system every 1s. Threads not running will not
# be reported.
$ su 0 simpleperf stat --per-thread -a --interval 1000 --interval-only-values

# Print event counts for all threads running in the system every 1s. Event counts for threads
# created after stat cmd will be omitted.
$ su 0 simpleperf stat --per-thread -a --interval 1000 --interval-only-values --no-inherit

Show event count per core

默认情况下,stat cmd输出所有被监控的cpu内核的事件计数总和。但当使用 – per-core 选项时,stat cmd 会输出每个内核的事件计数。它可以用来查看事件在不同内核上的分布情况。当用–per-core选项说明非系统范围时,simpleperf为每个核心上的每个被监控的线程创建一个perf事件。当一个线程处于运行状态时,所有内核上的perf事件都被启用,但只有运行该线程的内核上的perf事件处于运行状态。因此,百分比的注释显示了一个核心上的运行时间/所有核心上的运行时间。注意,百分比仍然受到硬件计数器复用的影响。检查simpleperf日志输出,了解区分它的方法。

# Print event counts for each cpu running threads in process 11904.
# A percentage shows runtime_on_a_cpu / runtime_on_all_cpus.
$ simpleperf stat -e cpu-cycles --per-core -p 1057 --duration 3
Performance counter statistics:

# cpu        count  event_name   # count / runtime
  0      1,667,660  cpu-cycles   # 1.571565 GHz
  1      3,850,440  cpu-cycles   # 1.736958 GHz
  2      2,463,792  cpu-cycles   # 1.701367 GHz
  3      2,350,528  cpu-cycles   # 1.700841 GHz
  5      7,919,520  cpu-cycles   # 2.377081 GHz
  6    105,622,673  cpu-cycles   # 2.381331 GHz

Total test time: 3.002703 seconds.

# Print event counts for each cpu system wide.
$ su 0 simpleperf stat --per-core -a --duration 1

# Print cpu-cycle event counts for each cpu for each thread running in the system.
$ su 0 simpleperf stat -e cpu-cycles -a --per-thread --per-core --duration 1

The record command



# Record on process 7394 for 10 seconds, using default event (cpu-cycles), using default sample
# frequency (4000 samples per second), writing records to perf.data.
$ simpleperf record -p 7394 --duration 10
simpleperf I cmd_record.cpp:316] Samples recorded: 21430. Samples lost: 0.

Select events to record


# Record using event instructions.
$ simpleperf record -e instructions -p 11904 --duration 10

# Record using task-clock, which shows the passed CPU time in nanoseconds.
$ simpleperf record -e task-clock -p 11904 --duration 10

Select target to record


# Record process 11904 and 11905.
$ simpleperf record -p 11904,11905 --duration 10

# Record thread 11904 and 11905.
$ simpleperf record -t 11904,11905 --duration 10

# Record a child process running `ls`.
$ simpleperf record ls

# Record the process of an Android application. This only works for debuggable apps on non-rooted
# devices.
$ simpleperf record --app simpleperf.example.cpp

# Record system wide.
$ simpleperf record -a --duration 10

Set the frequency to record

我们可以通过-f或-c设置转储记录的频率。例如,-f 4000意味着当被监控的线程运行时,每秒钟转储大约4000条记录。如果一个被监控的线程在一秒钟内运行0.2s(它可以在其他时间被抢占或阻塞),simpleperf每秒钟就会转储大约4000 * 0.2 / 1.0 = 800条记录。另一种方法是使用-c。例如,-c 10000意味着每当10000个事件发生时就转储一条记录。

# Record with sample frequency 1000: sample 1000 times every second running.
$ simpleperf record -f 1000 -p 11904,11905 --duration 10

# Record with sample period 100000: sample 1 time every 100000 events.
$ simpleperf record -c 100000 -t 11904,11905 --duration 10

为了避免花费太多时间生成样本,内核>=3.10设置了用于生成样本的最大cpu时间百分比(默认为25%),并在达到该限制时降低最大允许的样本频率。Simpleperf使用-cpu-percent选项来调整它,但它需要root权限或在Android >= Q上。

# Record with sample frequency 10000, with max allowed cpu percent to be 50%.
$ simpleperf record -f 1000 -p 11904,11905 --duration 10 --cpu-percent 50

Decide how long to record


# Record process 11904 for 10 seconds.
$ simpleperf record -p 11904 --duration 10

# Record until the child process running `ls` finishes.
$ simpleperf record ls

# Stop monitoring using Ctrl-C.
$ simpleperf record -p 11904 --duration 10


Set the path to store profiling data


# Write records to data/perf2.data.
$ simpleperf record -p 11904 -o data/perf2.data --duration 10

Record call graphs


main() {
FunctionOne() {
a call graph:
    main-> FunctionOne
       |    |
       |    |-> FunctionTwo
       |    |-> FunctionThree
       |-> FunctionTwo



# Record a dwarf based call graph
$ simpleperf record -p 11904 -g --duration 10

# Record a stack frame based call graph
$ simpleperf record -p 11904 --call-graph fp --duration 10



  1. 需要支持二进制文件中的调试信息。
  2. 在ARM和ARM64上表现正常,对于完全编译的Java代码和C++代码都是如此。
  3. 每个样本只能解开64K的堆栈。所以通常不能显示完整的火焰图。但对于用户来说,可能足以识别热点地区。
  4. 比基于堆栈帧的调用图需要更多的CPU时间。所以建议采样频率为1000赫兹。因此,每秒钟最多只能有1000个样本。


  1. 需要对堆栈框架寄存器的支持。
  2. 在ARM上不太行得通。因为ARM缺少寄存器,而且ARM和THUMB代码有不同的堆栈框架寄存器。所以内核不能解开包含ARM/THUMB代码的用户栈。
  3. 在ARM64上完全编译的Java代码上也不能很好地工作。因为ART编译器没有保留堆栈框架寄存器。
  4. 在ARM64上对native程序进行剖析时,效果很好。一个例子是对surfaceacelinger进行剖析。而且在工作良好的情况下,通常会显示完整的火焰图。
  5. 比基于dwarf的呼叫图占用更少的CPU时间。所以采样频率可以是4000赫兹或更高。


Record both on CPU time and off CPU time


  1. 只有cpu-clock/task-clock事件被允许与-trace-offcpu一起使用。这让simpleperf为cpu-clock事件生成on-cpu样本。
  2. Simpleperf也监控sched:sched_switch事件,每次被监控的线程被安排离开cpu时,都会产生一个sched_switch样本。
  3. Simpleperf也记录上下文切换记录。因此,它知道线程何时被安排回到一个cpu上。


  1. 为cpu-clock事件生成的on-cpu样本。每个样本中的周期值意味着有多少纳秒花在cpu上(对于这个样本的调用链)。
  2. off-cpu (sched_switch) 为sched:sched_switch事件产生的样本。周期值是由simpleperf计算的下一个开关记录的时间戳减去当前样本的时间戳。因此,每个样本中的周期值意味着有多少纳秒是在关闭cpu时度过的(对于这个样本的调用链)。



  1. on-cpu模式:只报告on-cpu样本。
  2. off-cpu模式:只报告关闭cpu的样本。
  3. on-off-cpu模式:同时报告on-cpu和off-cpu的样本,可以按事件名称分割。
  4. mixed-on-off-cpu模式:在同一事件名称下报告on-cpu和off-cpu样本。


当使用 report_html.py, inferno 和 report_sample.py 时,可以通过 --trace-offcpu 选项设置报告模式。


# Check if --trace-offcpu is supported by the kernel (should be available on kernel >= 4.2).
$ simpleperf list --show-features

# Record with --trace-offcpu.
$ simpleperf record -g -p 11904 --duration 10 --trace-offcpu -e cpu-clock

# Record system wide with --trace-offcpu.
$ simpleperf record -a -g --duration 3 --trace-offcpu -e cpu-clock

# Record with --trace-offcpu using app_profiler.py.
$ ./app_profiler.py -p com.google.samples.apps.sunflower \
    -r "-g -e cpu-clock:u --duration 10 --trace-offcpu"

# Report on-cpu samples.
$ ./report_html.py --trace-offcpu on-cpu
# Report off-cpu samples.
$ ./report_html.py --trace-offcpu off-cpu
# Report on-cpu and off-cpu samples under different event names.
$ ./report_html.py --trace-offcpu on-off-cpu
# Report on-cpu and off-cpu samples under the same event name.
$ ./report_html.py --trace-offcpu mixed-on-off-cpu

The report command



下面是一个例子。记录被分组为4个样本条目,每个条目是一行。有几列,每列显示属于一个样本条目的信息。第一列是 “开销”,它显示了当前样本条目中的事件在总事件中的百分比。由于perf事件是cpu-cycles,overhead是每个函数中使用的CPU周期的百分比。

# Reports perf.data, using only records sampled in libsudo-game-jni.so, grouping records using
# thread name(comm), process id(pid), thread id(tid), function name(symbol), and showing sample
# count for each row.
$ simpleperf report --dsos /data/app/com.example.sudogame-2/lib/arm64/libsudo-game-jni.so \
      --sort comm,pid,tid,symbol -n
Cmdline: /data/data/com.example.sudogame/simpleperf record -p 7394 --duration 10
Arch: arm64
Event: cpu-cycles (type 0, config 0)
Samples: 28235
Event count: 546356211

Overhead  Sample  Command    Pid   Tid   Symbol
59.25%    16680   sudogame  7394  7394  checkValid(Board const&, int, int)
20.42%    5620    sudogame  7394  7394  canFindSolution_r(Board&, int, int)
13.82%    4088    sudogame  7394  7394  randomBlock_r(Board&, int, int, int, int, int)
6.24%     1756    sudogame  7394  7394  @plt


默认情况下,报告命令从当前目录下的 perf.data 读取剖析数据。但可以用-i来改变路径。

$ simpleperf report -i data/perf2.data



# In this case, when simpleperf wants to read executable binary /A/b, it reads file in /A/b.
$ simpleperf report

# In this case, when simpleperf wants to read executable binary /A/b, it prefers file in
# /debug_dir/A/b to file in /A/b.
$ simpleperf report --symfs /debug_dir

# Read symbols for system libraries built locally. Note that this is not needed since Android O,
# which ships symbols for system libraries on device.
$ simpleperf report --symfs $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols

Filter samples


# Report records in threads having name sudogame.
$ simpleperf report --comms sudogame

# Report records in process 7394 or 7395
$ simpleperf report --pids 7394,7395

# Report records in thread 7394 or 7395.
$ simpleperf report --tids 7394,7395

# Report records in libsudo-game-jni.so.
$ simpleperf report --dsos /data/app/com.example.sudogame-2/lib/arm64/libsudo-game-jni.so

Group samples into sample entries


# Group records based on their process id: records having the same process id are in the same
# sample entry.
$ simpleperf report --sort pid

# Group records based on their thread id and thread comm: records having the same thread id and
# thread name are in the same sample entry.
$ simpleperf report --sort tid,comm

# Group records based on their binary and function: records in the same binary and function are in
# the same sample entry.
$ simpleperf report --sort dso,symbol

# Default option: --sort comm,pid,tid,dso,symbol. Group records in the same thread, and belong to
# the same function in the same binary.
$ simpleperf report

Report call graphs


simpleperf report -g


simpleperf record -a -g --duration 10 --exclude-perf -o /sdcard/perf.log2

adb pull /sdcard/perf.log2

cp   perf.log2  system/extras/simpleperf/scripts/

./report_html.py -i ./perf.log2 如果这个命令运行出错,应该是python脚本的问题,需安装对应脚本,例如 sudo apt install python3.9,查看脚本python3.9 --version ,运行
python3.9 report_html.py -i ./perf13.log2


Executable commands reference
Scripts reference
