The Spirit of Chinese Philosophy

The Spirit of Chinese Philosophy


The place which philosophy has occupied in Chinese civilization has been comparable to that of religion in other civilizations. 


In China, philosophy has been every educated person's concern. 


In the old days, if a man were educated at all, the first education he received was in philosophy. 


When children went to school, the Four Books, which consist of the Confucian Analects, the Book of Mencius, the Great Learning, and the Doctrine of the Mean, were the first ones they were taught to read. 



the Great Learning,大学,先读大学,以定其规模

 the Confucian Analects,《论语》,次读论语,以定期根本

the Book of Mencius,孟子,在读孟子,以观其发越

the Doctrine of the Mean,中庸,以求古人之微妙处


The Four Books were the most important texts of Neo-Confucianist philosophy. 


Neo-Confucianist ,新儒家,即宋明理学,朱熹,二程等

Sometimes when the children were just beginning to learn the characters, they were given a sort of textbook to read. 


This was known as the Three Characters Classic, and was so called because each sentence in the book consisted of three characters arranged so that when recited they produced a rhythmic effect, and thus helped the children to memorize them more easily. 


This book was in reality a primer and the very first statement in it is that "the nature of man is originally good." This is one of the fundamental ideas of Mencius' philosophy.


From YLYK《中国哲学的故事》专辑S01E01

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