structure {
char itable;
int num[20];
char * togs
struct house {
float sqft;
int rooms;
int stories;
char address[40];
int main(void)
struct house fruzt = {1560.0, 6, 1, "22 Spiffo Road"};
struct house *sign;
sign = &fruzt;
printf("%d %d\n", fruzt.rooms, sign->stories);
printf("%s \n", fruzt.address);
printf("%c %c\n", sign->address[3], fruzt.address[4]);
return 0;
6 1
22 Spiffo Road
S p
struct month {
char name[30];
char sup_name[4];
int days;
int month_day;
struct month months[12] =
{“January”, “jan”, 31, 1},
{“February”, “feb”, 28, 2},
{“March”, “mar”, 31, 3},
{“April”, “apr”, 30, 4},
{“May”, “may”, 31, 5},
{“June”, “jun”, 30, 6},
{“July”, “jul”, 31, 7},
{“August”, “aug”, 31, 8},
{“September”, “sep”, 30, 9},
{“October”, “oct”, 31, 10},
{“November”, “nov”, 30, 11},
{“December”, “dec”, 31, 12}
struct month {
char name[30];
char sup_name[4];
int days;
int month_day;
int days(const struct month months[], int month);
int main(void)
int month;
struct month months[12] =
{"January", "jan", 31, 1},
{"February", "feb", 28, 2},
{"March", "mar", 31, 3},
{"April", "apr", 30, 4},
{"May", "may", 31, 5},
{"June", "jun", 30, 6},
{"July", "jul", 31, 7},
{"August", "aug", 31, 8},
{"September", "sep", 30, 9},
{"October", "oct", 31, 10},
{"November", "nov", 30, 11},
{"December", "dec", 31, 12}
printf("Please enter the month: \n");
scanf("%d", &month);
printf("the total days is: %d\n", days(months, month));
return 0;
int days(const struct month months[], int month)
int index, total;
if(month < 1 || month > 12)
return -1;
for(index = 0; index < month; index++)
total += months[index].days;
return total;
typedef struct lens { /* 镜头描述 */
float foclen; /* 焦距长度 */
float fstop; /* 孔径 */
char brand[30]; /* 品牌名称 */
typedef struct lens { /* 镜头描述 /
float foclen; / 焦距长度 /
float fstop; / 孔径 /
char brand[30]; / 品牌名称 */
LENS arr[10];
arr[2].foclen = 500;
arr[2].fstop = 2.0;
strcpy(arr[2].brand, “Remarkata”); // #include
typedef struct lens { /* 镜头描述 /
float foclen; / 焦距长度 /
float fstop; / 孔径 /
char brand[30]; / 品牌名称 */
LENS arr[10] = { [2] = {500, 2.0, “Remarkata”} };
struct name {
char first[20];
char last[20];
struct bem {
int limbs;
struct name title;
char type[30];
struct bem * pb;
struct bem deb = {
{"Berbnazel", "Gwolkapwolk"},
pb = &deb;
printf("%d\n", deb.limbs);
printf("%s\n", pb->type);
printf("%s\n", pb->type + 2);
Berbnazel Gwolkapwolk is a 6-limbed Arcturan.
#include "starfolk.h"
struct name {
char first[20];
char last[20];
struct bem {
int limbs;
struct name title;
char type[30];
void show(const struct bem *);
int main(void)
struct bem * pb;
struct bem deb = {
{"Berbnazel", "Gwolkapwolk"},
pb = &deb;
return 0;
void show(const struct bem * fp)
printf("%s %s is a %d-limbed %s.", fp->title.first, fp->title.last, fp->limbs, fp->type);
struct fullname {
char fname[20];
char lname[20];
struct bard {
struct fullname name;
int born;
int died;
struct bard willie;
struct bard *pt = &willie;
c.scanf(“%d”, &willie.born);
d.scanf(“%d”, &pt->born);
f.scanf(“%s”, pt->name.lname);[2]; (我觉得有欠考虑,万一姓不足3个字母怎么办?)
h.strlen( + strlen(;
struct car {
char name[20];
float hp;
float epampg;
float wbase;
int year;
struct gas {
float distance;
float gals;
float mpg;
a.设计一个函数,它接受一个struct gas参数。假定传递进来的结构包括distance和gals信息。函数为mpg成员正确计算出值并返回这个现在完整的结构。
b.设计一个函数,它接受一个struct gas参数的地址。假定传递进来的结构包括distance和gals信息。函数为mpg成员正确计算出值并把它赋给恰当的成员。
struct gas mpgs(struct gas fp)
if(fp.gals > 0)
fp.mpg = fp.distance / fp.gals;
fp.mpg = -1.0;
return fp;
void set_mpgs(struct gas * fp)
if(fp->gals > 0)
fp->mpg = fp->distance / fp->gals;
fp->mpg = -1.0;
enum choices {no, yes, maybe};
char * (* fp)(char *, char);
double f1(double, double);
double f2(double, double);
double f3(double, double);
double f4(double, double);
double (*fp[4])(double, double) = {f1, f2, f3, f4};
fp[1](10.0, 2.5);
(*fp[1])(10.0, 2.5);
#ifndef MONTHS_H
#define MONTHS_H
struct month
char name[20];
char abbrev[4];
int days;
int monumb;
}; // 结构模板
extern struct month months[12];
#include "months.h"
struct month months[12] =
{"January", "Jan", 31, 1},
{"February", "Feb", 28, 2},
{"March", "Mar", 31, 3},
{"April", "Apr", 30, 4},
{"May", "May", 31, 5},
{"June", "Jun", 30, 6},
{"July", "Jul", 31, 7},
{"August", "Aug", 31, 8},
{"September", "Sep", 30, 9},
{"October", "Oct", 31, 10},
{"November", "Nov", 3, 11},
{"December", "Dec", 31, 12}}; // 结构数组
#include "months.h"
int days(char *input); // 获取月份名,计算天数
int main()
char input[20];
int total_days;
while (scanf("%s", input) == 1 && input[0] != 'q') // 输入q才停止循环
total_days = days(input); // 调用函数
if (total_days > 0) // 总天数大于0,说明有对应月份号
printf("总天数是:%d\n", total_days);
return 0;
int days(char *input)
int i;
int total = 0;
int num = 0;
input[0] = toupper(input[0]); // 第一个字母转成大写
for (i = 1; input[i] != '\0'; i++) // 循环到输入为止,都转为小写字母
input[i] = tolower(input[i]);
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
if (strcmp(input, months[i].name) == 0) // 和结构数组每一个元素的名字比较
num = months[i].monumb; // 找到对应月份,把月份号赋值给num
if (num == 0) // 没有对应月份号
total = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) // 有对应月份号
total += months[i].days; // 求和
return total; // 返回总天数
编写一个函数,提示用户输入日、月和年。月份可以是月份号、月份名或月份名缩写。然后该 程序应返回一年中到用户指定日子(包括这一天)的总天数。
#define LEN 12
struct month
char name[10];
char abbrev[4];
int days;
int monumb;
struct month months[LEN] =
{"January", "Jan", 31, 1},
{"February", "Feb", 28, 2},
{"March", "Mar", 31, 3},
{"April", "Apr", 30, 4},
{"May", "May", 31, 5},
{"June", "Jun", 30, 6},
{"July", "Jul", 31, 7},
{"August", "Aug", 31, 8},
{"September", "Sep", 30, 9},
{"October", "Oct", 31, 10},
{"November", "Nov", 30, 11},
{"December", "Dec", 31, 12}};
void leap_year(int year);
int days_result(char *month, int days);
int main()
int n, val;
int day, year;
char month[LEN];
printf("Please enter day, month and year (q to quit): ");
while (scanf("%d %11s %d", &day, month, &year) == 3)
val = days_result(month, day);
if (val > 0)
printf("There are %d days from the beginning of %d to %s %d\n", val, year, month, day);
printf("input error\n");
months[1].days = 28; // 2月份天数还原为非闰年时的天数
printf("You can enter day, month and year again (q to quit): ");
return 0;
void leap_year(int year) // 判断是否是闰年
if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)
months[1].days = 29; // 是闰年则2月份天数改为29天;
int days_result(char *month, int days)
int i;
int total = 0;
int temp = atoi(month);
if (days < 1 || days > 31)
return -1; // 输入的天数有误则终止本函数
if (0 == temp) // 用户输入的月份不是数字时要进行转换
month[0] = toupper(month[0]);
for (i = 1; month[i] != '\0'; i++)
month[i] = tolower(month[i]);
for (i = 0; i < LEN; i++)
if ((temp == months[i].monumb) ||
(strcmp(month, months[i].name) == 0) ||
(strcmp(month, months[i].abbrev) == 0))
if (days > months[i].days)
return -1; // 输入的天数不符合月份的规则
return total + days; // 累加到此月后加上本月天数
total += months[i].days;
return -1; // 输入月份有误后的终止条件
#define MAXTITL 40
#define MAXAUTL 40
#define MAXBKS 100
struct book
char title[MAXTITL];
char author[MAXAUTL];
float value;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n);
void sort_title(struct book *pb[], int n);
void sort_value(struct book *pb[], int n);
int main()
struct book library[MAXBKS];
struct book *book[MAXBKS]; // 指向结构体book的指针数组
int count = 0;
int index;
printf("Please enter the book title.\n");
printf("Press [enter] at the start of a line to stop.\n");
while (count < MAXBKS && s_gets(library[count].title, MAXTITL) && library[count].title[0] != '\0')
printf("Now enter the author.\n");
s_gets(library[count].author, MAXAUTL);
printf("Now enter the value.\n");
scanf("%f", &library[count].value);
book[count] = &library[count];
while (getchar() != '\n')
if (count < MAXBKS)
printf("Enter the next title.\n");
if (count > 0)
printf("Here is the list of your books:\n");
// 按照输入图书的顺序输出图书的信息
for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n", library[index].title,
library[index].author, library[index].value);
// 按照标题字母的声明输出图书的信息
sort_title(book, count);
printf("\nHere is the list of your books sorted by title letters:\n");
for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n", book[index]->title,
book[index]->author, book[index]->value);
// 按照价格的升序输出图书的信息
sort_value(book, count);
printf("\nHere is the list of your books sorted by value(from low to high):\n");
for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n", book[index]->title,
book[index]->author, book[index]->value);
printf("No books? Too bad.\n");
return 0;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n)
char *ret_val;
char *find;
ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin);
if (ret_val)
find = strchr(st, '\n');
if (find)
*find = '\0';
while (getchar() != '\n')
return ret_val;
void sort_title(struct book *pb[], int n)
struct book *temp;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (strcmp(pb[j]->title, pb[i]->title) < 0)
temp = pb[j];
pb[j] = pb[i];
pb[i] = temp;
void sort_value(struct book *pb[], int n)
struct book *temp;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (pb[j]->value < pb[i]->value)
temp = pb[j];
pb[j] = pb[i];
pb[i] = temp;
a.第1个成员是社会保险号,第2个成员是一个有3个成员的结构,第1个成员代表名,第2 个成员代表中间名,第3个成员表示姓。创建并初始化一个内含5个该类型结构的数组。该程序以下 面的格式打印数据:
Dribble, Flossie M. –– 302039823
如果有中间名,只打印它的第1个字母,后面加一个点(.);如果没有中间名,则不用打印 点。编写一个程序进行打印,把结构数组传递给这个函数。
#define N 15
#define LEN 30
struct names
char fname[N];
char mname[N];
char lname[N];
struct messages
char ins_num[LEN];
struct names name;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n);
void show(struct messages *p[], int n);
int main()
int count = 0;
struct messages m[5];
struct messages *p[5];
printf("Please enter the insurance number:\n");
printf("Press [enter] at the start of a line to stop.\n");
while (count < 5 && s_gets(m[count].ins_num, LEN) && m[count].ins_num[0] != '\0')
printf("Now enter the former name.\n");
s_gets(m[count].name.fname, N);
printf("Now enter the middle name (without, [enter] to the next).\n");
s_gets(m[count].name.mname, N);
printf("Now enter the last name.\n");
s_gets(m[count].name.lname, N);
if (count++ < 5)
printf("Enter the next insurance number:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
p[i] = &m[i];
if (count > 0)
show(p, count);
printf("No data!\n");
return 0;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n)
char *ret_val;
char *find;
ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin);
if (ret_val)
find = strchr(st, '\n');
if (find)
*find = '\0';
while (getchar() != '\n')
return ret_val;
void show(struct messages *p[], int n)
printf("All numbers messages:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (p[i]->name.mname[0] == '\0')
printf("%s, %s", p[i]->name.fname, p[i]->name.lname);
printf(" -- %s\n", p[i]->ins_num);
printf("%s, %s %c.", p[i]->name.fname, p[i]->name.lname, p[i]->name.mname[0]);
printf(" -- %s\n", p[i]->ins_num);
#define N 15
#define LEN 30
struct names
char fname[N];
char mname[N];
char lname[N];
struct messages
char ins_num[LEN];
struct names name;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n);
void show(const struct messages m[], int n);
int main()
int count = 0;
struct messages m[5];
printf("Please enter the insurance number:\n");
printf("Press [enter] at the start of a line to stop.\n");
while (count < 5 && s_gets(m[count].ins_num, LEN) && m[count].ins_num[0] != '\0')
printf("Now enter the former name.\n");
s_gets(m[count].name.fname, N);
printf("Now enter the middle name (without, [enter] to the next).\n");
s_gets(m[count].name.mname, N);
printf("Now enter the last name.\n");
s_gets(m[count].name.lname, N);
if (count++ < 5)
printf("Enter the next insurance number:\n");
if (count > 0)
show(m, count);
printf("No data!\n");
return 0;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n)
char *ret_val;
char *find;
ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin);
if (ret_val)
find = strchr(st, '\n');
if (find)
*find = '\0';
while (getchar() != '\n')
return ret_val;
void show(const struct messages m[], int n)
printf("All numbers messages:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (m[i].name.mname[0] == '\0')
printf("%s, %s", m[i].name.fname, m[i].name.lname);
printf(" -- %s\n", m[i].ins_num);
printf("%s, %s %c.", m[i].name.fname, m[i].name.lname, m[i].name.mname[0]);
printf(" -- %s\n", m[i].ins_num);
a. 外部定义一个有两个成员的结构模板name: 一个字符串储存名,一个字符串储存姓。
b. 外部定义一个有3个成员的结构模板student: 一个name类型的结构,一个grade数组储存3个浮点型分数,一个变量储存3个分数平均数。
c. 在main()函数中声明一个内含CSIZE (CSIZE = 4)个student类型结构的数组,并初始化这些结构的名字部分。用函数执行d、e、f和g中描述的任务。
d. 以交互的方式获取每个学生的成绩,提示用户输入学生的姓名和分数。把分数储存到grade数组相应的结构中。可以在main()函数或其他函数中用循环来完成。
e. 计算每个结构的平均分,并把计算后的值赋给合适的成员。
f. 打印每个结构的信息。
g. 打印班级的平均分,即所有结构的数值成员的平均值。
#ifndef STUDENT_H
#define STUDENT_H
#define LEN 15
#define CSIZE 4
#define SCORES 3
struct names
char fname[LEN];
char lname[LEN];
struct student
struct names name;
float grade[SCORES];
float average;
extern struct student s[CSIZE];
#include "student.h"
struct student s[CSIZE] =
{"Flip", "Snide"},
{"Clare", "Voyans"},
{"Bingo", "Higgs"},
{"Fawn", "Hunter"}}; // 结构数组
#include "student.h"
void set_students(struct student s[], int n);
void cal_averages(struct student s[], int n);
void show_students(const struct student s[], int n);
void show_averages(const struct student s[], int n);
int main()
set_students(s, CSIZE);
cal_averages(s, CSIZE);
show_students(s, CSIZE);
show_averages(s, CSIZE);
return 0;
void set_students(struct student s[], int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("Please enter three scores for %s %s:\n", s[i].name.fname, s[i].name.lname);
for (int j = 0; j < SCORES; j++)
while (scanf("%f", &s[i].grade[j]) != 1)
while (getchar() != '\n')
printf("Please enter a number: ");
void cal_averages(struct student s[], int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
float sum = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < SCORES; j++)
sum += s[i].grade[j];
s[i].average = sum / SCORES;
void show_students(const struct student s[], int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("\n%s %s's three scores: ", s[i].name.fname, s[i].name.lname);
for (int j = 0; j < SCORES; j++)
printf("%f ", s[i].grade[j]);
printf("\nAverage grade: %f\n", s[i].average);
void show_averages(const struct student s[], int n)
float total = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
total += s[i].average;
printf("\nClass average grade: %f\n", total / n);
4 Jessie Joybat 5 2 1 1
要实现这些功能,最简单的方法是把结构的内容都初始化为零,把文件中的数据读入临时变量中, 然后将其加入相应的结构中。程序读完文件后,应计算每位球员的安打率,并把计算结果储存到结构的相应成员中。计算安打率是用球员的累计击中数除以上场累计次数。这是一个浮点数计算。最后,程序结合整个球队的统计数据,一行显示一位球员的累计数据。
#define LEN 19
typedef struct
int id; // 球员的编号
char fname[LEN]; // 球员的名;
char lname[LEN]; // 球员的姓;
int stage_num; // 球员的上场次数;
int hit_num; // 球员的击中数;
int base_num; // 球员的走垒数;
int rbi; // 球员的打点;
double hit_rate; // 球员的安打率;
TEAM players[LEN];
void print_data(FILE *fp); // 打印文件信息
int read_data(TEAM players[], int n, FILE *fp);
void cal_hit_rate(TEAM players[], int n);
void show_player(TEAM players[], int n);
int main()
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen("data.txt", "r")) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file data.txt.\n");
// show_player(players, LEN);
rewind(fp); // 定位到文件开始处
int count_player = read_data(players, LEN, fp); // 统计文件中不同球员的数量
printf("There are %d players.\n", count_player);
cal_hit_rate(players, LEN);
show_player(players, LEN);
if (fclose(fp) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't close file data.txt.\n");
return 0;
void print_data(FILE *fp)
int get_id, beat, time, walk, RBI; // 获取每行对应的信息
char name[LEN];
char surname[LEN];
printf("file content:\n");
while (fscanf(fp, "%d %18s %18s %d %d %d %d", &get_id, name, surname, &time, &beat, &walk, &RBI) == 7 && !feof(fp))
printf("%d %s %s %d %d %d %d\n", get_id, name, surname, time, beat, walk, RBI); // 打印文件数据
printf("%d %s %s %d %d %d %d\n", get_id, name, surname, time, beat, walk, RBI); // 打印最后一行文件数据
int read_data(TEAM players[], int n, FILE *fp)
int count = 0;
char fname[LEN], lname[LEN];
int m, stage_num, hit_num, base_num, rbi;
while (fscanf(fp, "%d %18s %18s %d %d %d %d",
&m, fname, lname, &stage_num, &hit_num, &base_num, &rbi) == 7 &&
!feof(fp) && count < n)
if (players[m].stage_num == 0) // 球员信息为空则累计球员数量, 防止超出人数限制19人
strcpy(players[m].fname, fname);
strcpy(players[m].lname, lname);
players[m].id = m;
players[m].stage_num += stage_num;
players[m].hit_num += hit_num;
players[m].base_num += base_num;
players[m].rbi += rbi;
// 处理最后一行数据
strcpy(players[m].fname, fname);
strcpy(players[m].lname, lname);
players[m].id = m;
players[m].stage_num += stage_num;
players[m].hit_num += hit_num;
players[m].base_num += base_num;
players[m].rbi += rbi;
return count;
void cal_hit_rate(TEAM players[], int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
players[i].hit_rate = 1.0 * players[i].hit_num / players[i].stage_num;
void show_player(TEAM players[], int n)
if (n == 0)
printf("No data!\n");
printf("Data for all players:\n");
printf("Id First_name Last_name Stage Hit_rate Base_num RBI Hit_rate\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (players[i].stage_num)
printf("%-4d %-12s %-10s %5d %7d %11d %8d %8.2f\n",
players[i].id, players[i].fname, players[i].lname,
players[i].stage_num, players[i].hit_num, players[i].base_num,
players[i].rbi, players[i].hit_rate);
18 Jessie Joybat 5 2 1 1
3 Jee Jot 6 3 2 1
6 Zhang san 6 3 2 1
1 Lily Neo 10 3 6 2
18 Jessie Joybat 5 2 1 1
#define LEN 19
#define SIZE 31
struct athlete
int index; // 球员号码
char lname[SIZE]; // 名
char fname[SIZE]; // 姓
int play_times; // 上场次数
int hit_numbers; // 击中数
int base_numbers; // 走垒数
int rbi; // 跑点数
double hit_rate; // 安打率
// 初始化结构数组
void init_athletes(struct athlete *, int);
// 计算每个球员的安打率
void cal_hit_rate(struct athlete *, int);
// 显示每个球员的累计数据
void show(struct athlete *, int);
// 对整个时期显示一行综合统计数据
void show_statistical_data(struct athlete *, int);
int main()
struct athlete athletes[LEN];
struct athlete temp; // 临时结构
FILE *fp;
char file[SIZE];
int index;
init_athletes(athletes, LEN);
// 读取文本文件
if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "不能打开文件%s\n", file);
// 把文本文件的数据存储到一个结构数组中
while (fscanf(fp, "%d %s %s %d %d %d %d", &index, temp.fname, temp.lname,
&temp.play_times, &temp.hit_numbers, &temp.base_numbers, &temp.rbi) == 7)
if (strcmp(athletes[index].fname, temp.fname) != 0)
strcpy(athletes[index].fname, temp.fname);
if (strcmp(athletes[index].lname, temp.lname) != 0)
strcpy(athletes[index].lname, temp.lname);
athletes[index].play_times += temp.play_times;
athletes[index].hit_numbers += temp.hit_numbers;
athletes[index].base_numbers += temp.base_numbers;
athletes[index].rbi += temp.rbi;
cal_hit_rate(athletes, LEN);
show(athletes, LEN);
show_statistical_data(athletes, LEN);
return 0;
void init_athletes(struct athlete *ath, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
ath[i].index = i;
strcpy(ath[i].lname, "");
strcpy(ath[i].fname, "");
ath[i].play_times = 0;
ath[i].hit_numbers = 0;
ath[i].base_numbers = 0;
ath[i].rbi = 0;
ath[i].hit_rate = 0.0;
void cal_hit_rate(struct athlete *ath, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
ath[i].hit_rate = (double)ath[i].hit_numbers / ath[i].play_times;
void show(struct athlete *ath, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (ath[i].play_times > 0) // 只打印上过场的球员的信息
printf("球员%s %s的累计数据为:\n", ath[i].fname, ath[i].lname);
printf("上场次数:%d\n", ath[i].play_times);
printf("击中数:%d\n", ath[i].hit_numbers);
printf("走垒数:%d\n", ath[i].base_numbers);
printf("跑点数:%d\n", ath[i].rbi);
printf("安打率:%.2f%%\n", ath[i].hit_rate * 100);
if (i < 18)
void show_statistical_data(struct athlete *ath, int n)
struct athlete temp = {0, "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0};
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
temp.play_times += ath[i].play_times;
temp.hit_numbers += ath[i].hit_numbers;
temp.base_numbers += ath[i].base_numbers;
temp.rbi += ath[i].rbi;
printf("所有球员的上场次数总和为:%d\n", temp.play_times);
printf("击中数总和为:%d\n", temp.hit_numbers);
printf("走垒数总和为:%d\n", temp.base_numbers);
printf("跑点数总和为:%d\n", temp.rbi);
printf("平均安打率为:%.2f%%\n", (double)temp.hit_numbers / temp.play_times * 100);
修改程序清单14.14,从文件中读取每条记录并显示出来,允许用户删除记录或修改记录的内容。如果删除记录,把空出来的空间留给下一个要读入的记录。要修改现有的文件内容,必须用" r+b"模式,而不是"a+b"模式。而且,必须更加注意定位文件指针,防止新加入的记录覆盖现有记录。最简单的方法是改动储存在内存中的所有数据,然后再把最后的信息写入文件。跟踪的一个 方法是在book结构中添加一个成员表示是否该项被删除。
#define MAXTITL 40
#define MAXAUTL 40
#define MAXBKS 10
#define CONTINUE 0
#define DONE 1
struct book
char title[MAXTITL];
char author[MAXAUTL];
float value;
struct pack
struct book books;
bool canceled;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n);
int get_first(const char *str);
int get_books(struct pack *pb);
void update(struct pack *item);
void eatline(void);
int main(void)
struct pack library[MAXBKS];
int count = 0;
int deleted = 0;
int index, filecount, open;
FILE *pbooks;
int size = sizeof(struct book);
if ((pbooks = fopen("book.dat", "r+b")) != NULL)
while (count < MAXBKS && fread(&library[count], size, 1, pbooks) == 1)
if (count == 0)
puts("Current contents of book.dat:");
printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n", library[count].books.title,
library[count], library[count].books.value);
printf("Do you want to change or delete this entry(y/n)?\n");
printf("Please you enter to choose: ");
if (get_first("yn") == 'y')
printf("Enter c to change, d to delete entry: ");
if (get_first("cd") == 'd')
library[count].canceled = true; // 作为删除的标记;
puts("Flag marked for deletion(The space for the next book).");
update(&library[count]); // 修改原书籍的内容;
if (fclose(pbooks) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in closing file.\n");
filecount = count - deleted; // 不用删除的书籍数量;
if (count == MAXBKS)
fputs("The book.dat file is full.", stderr);
if (deleted > 0)
printf("If you delete some books, you should enter books to replace.\n");
puts("Please add new book titles.");
puts("Press [enter] at the start of a line to stop.");
open = 0;
while (filecount < MAXBKS)
if (filecount < count) // 删除书的循环次数,无法直接删除,只能用新书替换;
while (library[open].canceled == false)
open++; // 跳转到要删除的书的位置处;
if (get_books(&library[open]) == DONE)
break; // 若未输入新书覆盖原有书籍则循环终止;
else if (get_books(&library[filecount]) == DONE)
break; // 添加新的书籍;
if (filecount < MAXBKS)
puts("Enter the next book title.");
puts("Here is the list of your books:\n");
for (index = 0; index < filecount; index++)
if (library[index].canceled == false)
printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n", library[index].books.title,
library[index], library[index].books.value);
if ((pbooks = fopen("book.dat", "wb")) == NULL)
fputs("Can't open book.dat file for output.\n", stderr);
for (index = 0; index < filecount; index++)
if (library[index].canceled == false)
fwrite(&(library[index].books), size, 1, pbooks); // 直接修改原文本内容;
if (fclose(pbooks) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in closing file.\n");
return 0;
int get_first(const char *str) // 获取输入选择的函数;
int ch;
ch = tolower(getchar());
while (strchr(str, ch) == NULL)
printf("Invalid data! Please enter again: ");
ch = tolower(getchar());
return ch;
int get_books(struct pack *pb) // 保存用户输入的书籍的数据;
int status = CONTINUE;
if (s_gets(pb->books.title, MAXTITL) == NULL || pb->books.title[0] == '\0')
status = DONE; // 若是输入EOF或换行符则改变status的值并将其返回;
printf("Now enter the author.\n");
s_gets(pb->, MAXAUTL);
printf("Now enter the value.\n");
while (scanf("%f", &pb->books.value) != 1)
puts("Please enter a valid value.\n");
pb->canceled = false;
return status;
void update(struct pack *item)
int ch;
struct book copy;
copy = item->books; // 保存原书的内容以便修改;
puts("t) modify title a) modify author");
puts("v) modify value s) quit and save changes");
puts("q) quit and ignore changes");
printf("Please you enter to choose: ");
while ((ch = get_first("tavsq")) != 's' && ch != 'q')
switch (ch)
case 't':
printf("Please enter new title: ");
s_gets(copy.title, MAXTITL);
case 'a':
printf("Please enter new author: ");
s_gets(, MAXAUTL);
case 'v':
printf("Please enter new value: ");
while (scanf("%f", ©.value) != 1)
puts("Please enter a valid value: ");
puts("t) modify title a) modify author");
puts("v) modify value s) quit, saving changes");
puts("q) quit, ignore changes");
printf("You can choose again: "); // 输入q退出程序且不改变原书的内容;
if (ch == 's')
item->books = copy; // 修改原书的内容;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n)
char *ret_val;
char *find;
ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin);
if (ret_val)
find = strchr(st, '\n');
if (find)
*find = '\0';
while (getchar() != '\n')
return ret_val;
void eatline(void)
while (getchar() != '\n')
#define MAXTITL 40
#define MAXAUTL 40
#define MAXBKS 10
struct book
char title[MAXTITL];
char author[MAXAUTL];
float value;
struct pack
struct book book;
bool delete_me;
// 删除或修改该记录的选择
int getlet(const char *);
// 修改该记录
void update(struct pack *);
// 从键盘获得输入
char *s_gets(char *, int);
int getbook(struct pack *);
int main(void)
struct pack library[MAXBKS];
int count = 0;
int deleted = 0;
int index, filecount, open;
FILE *pbooks;
int size = sizeof(struct book);
if ((pbooks = fopen("book.dat", "r")) != NULL)
while (count < MAXBKS && fread(&library[count], size, 1, pbooks) == 1)
if (count == 0)
puts("Current contents of book.dat: ");
printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n", library[count].book.title, library[count], library[count].book.value);
printf("Do you wish to change or delete this entry? " );
if (getlet("yn") == 'y')
printf("Enter c to change, d to delete this entry. " );
if (getlet("cd") == 'd') // 删除该记录(并不立即实现该功能)
library[count].delete_me = true;
puts("Entry marked for deletion.");
update(&library[count]); // 修改该记录(修改要比删除简单)
filecount = count - deleted;
if (count == MAXBKS)
fputs("The book.dat file is full.", stderr);
puts("Please add new book titles.");
puts("Press [enter] at the start of a line to stop.");
open = 0;
while (filecount < MAXBKS)
if (filecount < count)
while (library[open].delete_me == false)
if (getbook(&library[open]) == 1)
else if (getbook(&library[filecount]) == 1)
if (filecount < MAXBKS)
puts("Enter the new book title.");
puts("Here is the list of your books: ");
for (index = 0; index < filecount; index++) // 此处应该为count
if (library[index].delete_me == false)
printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n", library[index].book.title, library[index], library[index].book.value);
if ((pbooks = fopen("book.dat", "w")) == NULL)
puts("Can't open book.dat file for output.");
for (index = 0; index < filecount; index++) // 此处应该为count
if (library[index].delete_me == false)
fwrite(&(library[index].book), size, 1, pbooks);
return 0;
int getlet(const char *s)
char c;
c = getchar();
while (strchr(s, c) == NULL)
printf("Enter the characters in the list %s\n", s);
while (getchar() != '\n')
c = getchar();
while (getchar() != '\n')
return c;
int getbook(struct pack *item)
int status = 0;
if (s_gets(item->book.title, MAXTITL) == NULL || item->book.title[0] == '\0')
status = 1;
printf("Now enter the author: ");
s_gets(item->, MAXAUTL);
printf("Now enter the value: ");
while (scanf("%f", &item->book.value) != 1)
puts("Please use numeric input");
while (getchar() != '\n')
item->delete_me = false;
return status;
void update(struct pack *item)
struct book copy;
char c;
copy = item->book;
puts("Enter the letter that indicates your choice: ");
puts("t) modify title a) modify author");
puts("v) modify value s) quit, saving changes");
puts("q) quit, ignore changes");
while ((c = getlet("tavsq")) != 's' && c != 'q')
switch (c)
case 't':
puts("Enter new title: ");
s_gets(copy.title, MAXTITL);
case 'a':
puts("Enter new author: ");
s_gets(, MAXAUTL);
case 'v':
puts("Enter new value: ");
while (scanf("%f", ©.value) != 1)
puts("Enter a numeric value: ");
scanf("%*s"); // *放在%和说明符之间,使得函数跳过相应的输入项目
while (getchar() != '\n')
puts("t) modify title a) modify author");
puts("v) modify value s) quit, saving changes");
puts("q) quit, ignore changes");
if (c == 's')
item->book = copy;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n)
char *ret_val;
char *find;
ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin);
if (ret_val)
find = strchr(ret_val, '\n');
if (find)
*find = '\0';
while (getchar() != '\n')
return ret_val;
Current contents of book.dat:
Deadly Farce by Dudley Forse: $15.99
Do you wish to change or delete this entry? y
Enter c to change, d to delete this entry. d
Entry marked for deletion.
Deadly Farce by Dudley Forse: $15.99
Do you wish to change or delete this entry? y
Enter c to change, d to delete this entry. c
Enter the letter that indicates your choice:
t) modify title a) modify author
v) modify value s) quit, saving changes
q) quit, ignore changes
Enter new author:
Yan Congcong
t) modify title a) modify author
v) modify value s) quit, saving changes
q) quit, ignore changes
Enter new value:
t) modify title a) modify author
v) modify value s) quit, saving changes
q) quit, ignore changes
Please add new book titles.
Press [enter] at the start of a line to stop.
C++ Primer Plus
Now enter the author: Xiye
Now enter the value: 60.00
Enter the new book title.
Here is the list of your books:
C++ Primer Plus by Xiye: $60.00
Deadly Farce by Yan Congcong: $25.98
请按任意键继续. . .
a.该程序使用一个内含12个结构的数组。每个结构中包括:一个成员表示座位编号、一个 成员表示座位是否已被预订、一个成员表示预订人的名、一个成员表示预订人的姓。
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seats
d) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
c.该程序能成功执行上面给出的菜单。选择d)和e)要提示用户进行额外输入,每个选项都能 让用户中止输入。
#define LEN 14
#define EMPTY 0
#define TAKEN 1
#define CONTINUE 1
#define DONE 0
#define SEATS 12
#define CHOICES 6
struct planestats
int seat_id;
int status;
char last[LEN];
char first[LEN];
int getmenu(void);
int getlet(const char *);
int openings(const struct planestats *, int);
void show_empties(const struct planestats *, int);
void makelist(const struct planestats *, char *, int);
void list_assgin(struct planestats *[], int);
void sort(struct planestats *[], int);
void assign_seat(struct planestats *, int);
void delete_seat(struct planestats *, int);
void show_seat(const struct planestats *, int);
char *s_gets(char *, int);
int main()
struct planestats plane_1[SEATS], *ps[SEATS];
int choice;
int i;
FILE *fp;
size_t size = sizeof(struct planestats);
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
ps[i] = &plane_1[i];
/* 若文件air.dat打不开,则初始化结构数组 */
if ((fp = fopen("air.dat", "rb")) == NULL)
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
plane_1[i].status = EMPTY;
plane_1[i].seat_id = i + 1; // 编号从1开始
fread(plane_1, size, SEATS, fp); // 一次写入结构数组plane_1中
while ((choice = getmenu()) != 'q')
switch (choice)
case 'o':
printf("There are %d empty seats.\n",
openings(plane_1, SEATS));
case 'e':
show_empties(plane_1, SEATS);
case 'l':
list_assgin(ps, SEATS);
case 'a':
assign_seat(plane_1, SEATS);
case 'd':
delete_seat(plane_1, SEATS);
if ((fp = fopen("air.dat", "wb")) == NULL)
puts("Can't save data to file.");
fwrite(plane_1, size, SEATS, fp); // 将结构数组一次写入到文件中
puts("Bye from Colossus Airlines!");
return 0;
int getmenu(void)
const char *descript[CHOICES] = {
"Show number of empty seats",
"Show list of empty seats",
"Show alphabetical list of seats",
"Assign a customer to a seat assignment",
"Delete a seat assignment",
const char labels[CHOICES + 1] = "oeladq";
int i;
puts("To choose a function, enter its letter label: ");
for (i = 0; i < CHOICES; i++)
printf("%c) %s\n", labels[i], descript[i]);
return getlet(labels);
int getlet(const char *s)
char c;
c = getchar();
while (strchr(s, c) == NULL)
printf("Enter a character in the list %s\n", s);
while (getchar() != '\n')
c = getchar();
while (getchar() != '\n')
return c;
int openings(const struct planestats *pl, int n)
int count = 0;
int seat;
for (seat = 0; seat < n; seat++)
if (pl[seat].status == EMPTY)
return count;
void show_empties(const struct planestats *pl, int n)
char seating[3 * SEATS];
if (openings(pl, n) == 0)
printf("All seats are assigned\n");
puts("The following seats are available: ");
makelist(pl, seating, EMPTY);
void makelist(const struct planestats *pl, char *str, int kind)
int seat;
char temp[LEN];
str[0] = '\0';
for (seat = 0; seat < SEATS; seat++)
if (pl[seat].status == kind)
sprintf(temp, " %d", pl[seat].seat_id); // 把格式化输出写到指定的字符串中
strcat(str, temp);
void list_assgin(struct planestats *ps[], int n)
int i;
if (openings(*ps, n) == n)
puts("All seats are empty.");
sort(ps, n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (ps[i]->status == TAKEN)
printf("Seat %d: %s, %s\n", ps[i]->seat_id, ps[i]->last, ps[i]->first);
void sort(struct planestats *array[], int n)
int top, search;
struct planestats *temp;
for (top = 0; top < n - 1; top++)
for (search = top + 1; search < n; search++)
if (strcmp(array[top]->last, array[search]->last) > 0)
temp = array[top];
array[top] = array[search];
array[search] = temp;
void assign_seat(struct planestats *pl, int n)
char list[3 * SEATS];
int seat, loop;
if (openings(pl, n) == 0)
puts("All seats are assigned.");
makelist(pl, list, EMPTY);
puts("Which seat do you want? Choose from the list: ");
while (scanf("%d", &seat) != 1)
puts("Enter a number from the list: ");
if (seat < 1 || seat > SEATS || pl[seat - 1].status == TAKEN)
puts("Enter a number from the list: ");
loop = CONTINUE;
loop = DONE;
} while (loop);
while (getchar() != '\n')
puts("Enter the first name: ");
s_gets(pl[seat - 1].first, LEN);
puts("Enter the last name: ");
s_gets(pl[seat - 1].last, LEN);
printf("%s %s assigned to seat %d.\n", pl[seat - 1].first, pl[seat - 1].last, seat);
printf("Enter a to accept assignment, c to cancal it.\n");
if (getlet("ac") == 'a')
pl[seat - 1].status = TAKEN;
pl[seat - 1].seat_id = seat; // 也得把座位编号给填上去吧!!!
puts("Passenger assigned to seat.");
puts("Passenger not assigned.");
void delete_seat(struct planestats *pl, int n)
char list[3 * SEATS];
int seat, loop;
if (openings(pl, n) == SEATS)
puts("All seats already are empty.");
show_seat(pl, n);
makelist(pl, list, TAKEN);
puts("Enter the number of the seat to be cancelled: ");
while (scanf("%d", &seat) != 1)
puts("Enter a number from the list: ");
if (seat < 1 || seat > SEATS || pl[seat - 1].status == EMPTY)
puts("Enter a number from the list: ");
loop = CONTINUE;
loop = DONE;
} while (loop);
while (getchar() != '\n')
printf("%s %s to be cancelled for seat.\n", pl[seat - 1].first, pl[seat - 1].last, seat);
puts("Enter d to delete assignment, a to abort.");
if (getlet("da") == 'd')
pl[seat - 1].status = EMPTY;
pl[seat - 1].seat_id = seat; // 也得把座位编号给填上去吧!!!
puts("Passenger dropped.");
puts("Passenger retained.");
void show_seat(const struct planestats *pl, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (pl[i].status == TAKEN)
printf("Seat %d: %s %s\n", pl[i].seat_id, pl[i].last, pl[i].first);
char *s_gets(char *s, int n)
char *ret_val;
char *find;
ret_val = fgets(s, n, stdin);
if (ret_val)
find = strchr(ret_val, '\n');
if (find)
*find = '\0';
while (getchar() != '\n')
return ret_val;
C:\Users\81228\Documents\Program\VScode C Program>cd chapter14/14.8
C:\Users\81228\Documents\Program\VScode C Program\chapter14\14.8>14.8
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
There are 12 empty seats.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
The following seats are available:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
All seats are empty.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
Which seat do you want? Choose from the list:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Enter the first name:
Enter the last name:
Xi ye assigned to seat 1.
Enter a to accept assignment, c to cancal it.
Passenger assigned to seat.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
There are 11 empty seats.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
The following seats are available:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
Seat 1: ye, Xi
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
Seat 1: ye Xi
Enter the number of the seat to be cancelled:
Xi ye to be cancelled for seat.
Enter d to delete assignment, a to abort.
Passenger dropped.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
There are 12 empty seats.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
The following seats are available:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
o) Show number of empty seats
e) Show list of empty seats
l) Show alphabetical list of seats
a) Assign a customer to a seat assignment
d) Delete a seat assignment
q) Quit
Bye from Colossus Airlines!
请按任意键继续. . .
#define LEN 14
#define SEATS 12
typedef struct
int seat_id;
bool status;
char last[LEN];
char first[LEN];
} plane;
int getmenu(void);
int get_first(void);
int openings(const plane pl[], int n);
void show_empty_seats(const plane pl[], int n);
void list_assign(plane *ps[], int n);
void assign_seat(plane pl[], int n);
void delete_seat(plane pl[], int n);
void show_seats(const plane pl[]);
void sort(plane *array[], int n);
void makelist(const plane pl[], char *str, int kind);
char *s_gets(char *st, int n);
void eatline(void);
int main(void)
int i, choice;
plane plane_seat[SEATS];
plane *ps[SEATS];
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
ps[i] = &plane_seat[i];
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
plane_seat[i].status = false;
plane_seat[i].seat_id = i + 1;
while ((choice = getmenu()) != 'f')
switch (choice)
case 'a':
printf("There are %d empty seats.\n", openings(plane_seat, SEATS));
case 'b':
show_empty_seats(plane_seat, SEATS);
case 'c':
list_assign(ps, SEATS);
case 'd':
assign_seat(plane_seat, SEATS);
case 'e':
delete_seat(plane_seat, SEATS);
puts("Bye from Colossus Airlines!");
return 0;
int getmenu(void)
int ch;
puts("To choose a function, enter its letter label:");
puts("a) Show number of empty seats");
puts("b) Show list of empty seats");
puts("c) Show alphabetical list of seat");
puts("d) Assign a customer to a seat");
puts("e) Delete a seat assignment");
puts("f) Quit");
printf("Please you enter to choose: ");
while (ch = get_first(), NULL == strchr("abcdef", ch))
printf("Invalid data! Please you choose again: ");
return ch;
int get_first(void)
int ch;
ch = tolower(getchar());
} while (isspace(ch));
return ch;
int openings(const plane pl[], int n) // 显示空座位的数量;
int seat;
int count = 0;
for (seat = 0; seat < n; seat++)
if (pl[seat].status == false)
return count;
void list_assign(plane *ps[], int n) // 显示按照字母序列排序后的座位表;
int i;
if (openings(*ps, n) == SEATS)
puts("All seats are empty.");
sort(ps, n);
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
if (ps[i]->status == true)
printf("Seat %d: %s, %s\n", ps[i]->seat_id, ps[i]->last, ps[i]->first);
void show_seats(const plane pl[]) // 显示已分配的座位;
int i;
puts("Seats currently taken:");
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
if (pl[i].status == true)
printf("Seat %d: %s, %s\n", pl[i].seat_id, pl[i].last, pl[i].first);
void sort(plane *array[], int n) // 按照ASCII码进行座位排序;
int i, j;
plane *temp;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (strcmp(array[j]->last, array[i]->last) < 0)
temp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = temp;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n)
char *ret_val;
char *find;
ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin);
if (ret_val)
find = strchr(st, '\n');
if (find)
*find = '\0';
while (getchar() != '\n')
return ret_val;
void eatline(void)
while (getchar() != '\n')
void show_empty_seats(const plane pl[], int n) // 显示空座位的信息;
char seating[3 * SEATS];
if (openings(pl, n) == 0)
puts("All seats are assigned");
makelist(pl, seating, false);
printf("The following seats are available: ");
void makelist(const plane pl[], char *str, int kind) // 为分配和删除座位提供当前处理的座位数;
int seat;
char temp[LEN];
*str = '\0'; // 清空str中的内容;
for (seat = 0; seat < SEATS; seat++)
if (pl[seat].status == kind)
sprintf(temp, "%d ", pl[seat].seat_id);
strcat(str, temp);
void assign_seat(plane pl[], int n) // 分配空余座位;
int ch, seat, flag;
char list[3 * SEATS];
if (openings(pl, n) == false)
puts("All seats are assigned. Can't assign again!");
makelist(pl, list, false);
printf("Available seats: %s\n", list);
printf("Which seat do you want? Please you enter from the lists: ");
while (scanf("%d", &seat) != 1)
printf("Seats: %s\n", list);
printf("Enter a number from the lists: ");
if (seat < 1 || seat > SEATS || pl[seat - 1].status == true)
printf("Seats: %s\n", list);
printf("Enter a number from the lists: ");
flag = 1;
flag = 0;
} while (1 == flag); // 本循环判断并处理用户的错误输入;
puts("Enter first name:");
s_gets(pl[seat - 1].first, LEN);
puts("Enter last name:");
s_gets(pl[seat - 1].last, LEN);
printf("%s %s assigned to seat %d.\n", pl[seat - 1].first, pl[seat - 1].last, seat);
printf("Enter a to accept assignment, c to cancel it: ");
ch = get_first();
while (strchr("ac", ch) == NULL)
printf("Please enter a or c: ");
ch = get_first();
if (ch == 'a')
pl[seat - 1].status = true;
puts("Passenger assigned to seat.");
else if (ch == 'c')
puts("Passenger not assigned.");
void delete_seat(plane pl[], int n) // 删除已分配的座位;
int ch, seat, flag;
char list[3 * SEATS];
if (openings(pl, n) == SEATS)
puts("All seats already are empty. Can't delete!");
makelist(pl, list, true);
printf("Enter the number of the seat to be deleted: ");
while (scanf("%d", &seat) != 1)
printf("Seats: %s\n", list);
printf("Enter a number from the lists:");
if (seat < 1 || seat > SEATS || pl[seat - 1].status == false)
printf("Seats: %s\n", list);
printf("Enter a number from this list:");
flag = 1;
flag = 0;
} while (1 == flag);
printf("%s %s to be canceled for seat %d.\n", pl[seat - 1].first, pl[seat - 1].last, seat);
printf("Enter d to delete assignment, a to abort: ");
ch = get_first();
while (strchr("da", ch) == NULL)
printf("Please enter d or a: ");
ch = get_first();
if (ch == 'd')
pl[seat - 1].status = false;
puts("Passenger dropped.");
else if (ch == 'a')
puts("Passenger retained.");
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
Please you enter to choose: a
There are 12 empty seats.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
Please you enter to choose: b
The following seats are available: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
Please you enter to choose: c
All seats are empty.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
Please you enter to choose: d
Available seats: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Which seat do you want? Please you enter from the lists: 12
Enter first name:
Enter last name:
Xi ye assigned to seat 12.
Enter a to accept assignment, c to cancel it: a
Passenger assigned to seat.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
Please you enter to choose: o
Invalid data! Please you choose again: a
There are 11 empty seats.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
Please you enter to choose: b
The following seats are available: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
Please you enter to choose: c
Seat 12: ye, Xi
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
Please you enter to choose: e
Seats currently taken:
Seat 12: ye, Xi
Enter the number of the seat to be deleted: 1
Seats: 12
Enter a number from this list:12
Xi ye to be canceled for seat 12.
Enter d to delete assignment, a to abort: d
Passenger dropped.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
Please you enter to choose:
巨人航空公司(编程练习8)需要另一架飞机(容量相同),每天飞4班(航班102、311、444 和519)。把程序扩展为可以处理4个航班。用一个顶层菜单提供航班选择和退出。选择一个特定 航班,就会出现和编程练习8类似的菜单。但是该菜单要添加一个新选项:确认座位分配。而且, 菜单中的退出是返回顶层菜单。每次显示都要指明当前正在处理的航班号。另外,座位分配显示 要指明确认状态。
#define LEN 14
#define SEATS 12
typedef struct
int seat_id;
bool status;
char last[LEN];
char first[LEN];
} plane;
int getmenu(int choice);
int get_first(void);
int openings(const plane pl[], int n);
void show_empty_seats(const plane pl[], int n);
void list_assign(plane *ps[], int n);
void assign_seat(plane pl[], int n);
void delete_seat(plane pl[], int n);
void show_seats(const plane pl[]);
void sort(plane *array[], int n);
void makelist(const plane pl[], char *str, int kind);
char *s_gets(char *st, int n);
void eatline(void);
void airline(int choice, plane *pl, plane *ps[]);
void init(plane *pl, plane *ps[]);
int show_airline_menu(void);
void confirm_seat(const plane pl[]);
int main(void)
int ch;
plane airline_102[SEATS];
plane airline_311[SEATS];
plane airline_444[SEATS];
plane airline_519[SEATS];
plane *ps_102[SEATS];
plane *ps_311[SEATS];
plane *ps_444[SEATS];
plane *ps_519[SEATS];
init(airline_102, ps_102);
init(airline_311, ps_311);
init(airline_444, ps_444);
init(airline_519, ps_519);
while ((ch = show_airline_menu()) != 'q')
switch (ch)
case 'a':
airline(ch, airline_102, ps_102);
case 'b':
airline(ch, airline_311, ps_311);
case 'c':
airline(ch, airline_444, ps_444);
case 'd':
airline(ch, airline_519, ps_519);
puts("Bye from Colossus Airlines!");
return 0;
void init(plane *pl, plane *ps[])
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
ps[i] = &pl[i];
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
pl[i].status = false;
pl[i].seat_id = i + 1;
int show_airline_menu(void)
int ch;
puts("There are some airlines for you to choose.");
puts("a) Airline 102.");
puts("b) Airline 311.");
puts("c) Airline 444.");
puts("d) Airline 519.");
puts("q) Quit the program.");
printf("Please you enter to choose: ");
ch = get_first();
while (strchr("abcdq", ch) == NULL)
printf("Please enter a, b, c, d or q: ");
ch = get_first();
return ch;
void airline(int choice, plane *pl, plane *ps[])
int ch;
while ((ch = getmenu(choice)) != 'f')
switch (ch)
case 'a':
printf("There are %d empty seats.\n", openings(pl, SEATS));
case 'b':
show_empty_seats(pl, SEATS);
case 'c':
list_assign(ps, SEATS);
case 'd':
assign_seat(pl, SEATS);
case 'e':
delete_seat(pl, SEATS);
case 'g':
int getmenu(int choice)
int ch;
if (choice == 'a')
printf("The airline 102 is being processed.\n");
else if (choice == 'b')
printf("The airline 311 is being processed.\n");
else if (choice == 'c')
printf("The airline 444 is being processed.\n");
else if (choice == 'd')
printf("The airline 519 is being processed.\n");
puts("To choose a function, enter its letter label:");
puts("a) Show number of empty seats");
puts("b) Show list of empty seats");
puts("c) Show alphabetical list of seat");
puts("d) Assign a customer to a seat");
puts("e) Delete a seat assignment");
puts("f) Quit");
puts("g) Confirm seat assignment");
printf("Please you enter to choose: ");
ch = get_first();
while (strchr("abcdefg", ch) == NULL)
printf("Please enter a, b, c, d, e, f or g: ");
ch = get_first();
return ch;
int get_first(void) //获取输入的第一个字符,丢弃剩余字符;
int ch;
ch = tolower(getchar());
} while (isspace(ch));
return ch;
int openings(const plane pl[], int n) //显示空座位的数量;
int seat;
int count = 0;
for (seat = 0; seat < n; seat++)
if (pl[seat].status == false)
return count;
void list_assign(plane *ps[], int n) //显示按照字母序列排序后的座位表;
int i;
if (openings(*ps, n) == SEATS)
puts("All seats are empty.");
sort(ps, n);
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
if (ps[i]->status == true)
printf("Seat %d: %s, %s\n", ps[i]->seat_id, ps[i]->last, ps[i]->first);
void show_seats(const plane pl[]) //显示已分配的座位;
int i;
puts("Seats currently taken:");
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
if (pl[i].status == true)
printf("Seat %d: %s, %s\n", pl[i].seat_id, pl[i].last, pl[i].first);
void confirm_seat(const plane pl[]) //确认座位分配;
int i;
puts("Seats assignment lists:");
for (i = 0; i < SEATS; i++)
if (pl[i].status == true)
printf("Seat %-2d: assigned.\n", pl[i].seat_id);
printf("Seat %-2d: unassigned.\n", pl[i].seat_id);
void sort(plane *array[], int n) //按照ASCII码进行座位排序;
int i, j;
plane *temp;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (strcmp(array[j]->last, array[i]->last) < 0)
temp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = temp;
char *s_gets(char *st, int n)
char *ret_val;
char *find;
ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin);
if (ret_val)
find = strchr(st, '\n');
if (find)
*find = '\0';
while (getchar() != '\n')
return ret_val;
void eatline(void)
while (getchar() != '\n')
void show_empty_seats(const plane pl[], int n) //显示空座位的信息;
char seating[3 * SEATS];
if (openings(pl, n) == 0)
puts("All seats are assigned");
makelist(pl, seating, false);
printf("The following seats are available: ");
void makelist(const plane pl[], char *str, int kind) //为分配和删除座位提供当前处理的座位数;
int seat;
char temp[LEN];
*str = '\0'; //清空str中的内容;
for (seat = 0; seat < SEATS; seat++)
if (pl[seat].status == kind)
sprintf(temp, "%d ", pl[seat].seat_id);
strcat(str, temp);
void assign_seat(plane pl[], int n) //分配空余座位;
int ch, seat, flag;
char list[3 * SEATS];
if (openings(pl, n) == false)
puts("All seats are assigned. Can't assign again!");
makelist(pl, list, false);
printf("Available seats: %s\n", list);
printf("Which seat do you want? Please you enter from the lists: ");
while (scanf("%d", &seat) != 1)
printf("Seats: %s\n", list);
printf("Enter a number from the lists: ");
if (seat < 1 || seat > SEATS || pl[seat - 1].status == true)
printf("Seats: %s\n", list);
printf("Enter a number from the lists: ");
flag = 1;
flag = 0;
} while (1 == flag); //本循环判断并处理用户的错误输入;
puts("Enter first name:");
s_gets(pl[seat - 1].first, LEN);
puts("Enter last name:");
s_gets(pl[seat - 1].last, LEN);
printf("%s %s assigned to seat %d.\n", pl[seat - 1].first, pl[seat - 1].last, seat);
printf("Enter a to accept assignment, c to cancel it: ");
ch = get_first();
while (strchr("ac", ch) == NULL)
printf("Please enter a or c: ");
ch = get_first();
if (ch == 'a')
pl[seat - 1].status = true;
puts("Passenger assigned to seat.");
else if (ch == 'c')
puts("Passenger not assigned.");
void delete_seat(plane pl[], int n) //删除已分配的座位;
int ch, seat, flag;
char list[3 * SEATS];
if (openings(pl, n) == SEATS)
puts("All seats already are empty. Can't delete!");
makelist(pl, list, true);
printf("Enter the number of the seat to be deleted: ");
while (scanf("%d", &seat) != 1)
printf("Seats: %s\n", list);
printf("Enter a number from the lists:");
if (seat < 1 || seat > SEATS || pl[seat - 1].status == false)
printf("Seats: %s\n", list);
printf("Enter a number from this list:");
flag = 1;
flag = 0;
} while (1 == flag);
printf("%s %s to be canceled for seat %d.\n", pl[seat - 1].first, pl[seat - 1].last, seat);
printf("Enter d to delete assignment, a to abort: ");
ch = get_first();
while (strchr("da", ch) == NULL)
printf("Please enter d or a: ");
ch = get_first();
if (ch == 'd')
pl[seat - 1].status = false;
puts("Passenger dropped.");
else if (ch == 'a')
puts("Passenger retained.");
There are some airlines for you to choose.
a) Airline 102.
b) Airline 311.
c) Airline 444.
d) Airline 519.
q) Quit the program.
Please you enter to choose: a
The airline 102 is being processed.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
g) Confirm seat assignment
Please you enter to choose: a
There are 12 empty seats.
The airline 102 is being processed.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
g) Confirm seat assignment
Please you enter to choose: d
Available seats: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Which seat do you want? Please you enter from the lists: 7
Enter first name:
Enter last name:
Xi ye assigned to seat 7.
Enter a to accept assignment, c to cancel it: a
Passenger assigned to seat.
The airline 102 is being processed.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
g) Confirm seat assignment
Please you enter to choose: c
Seat 7: ye, Xi
The airline 102 is being processed.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
g) Confirm seat assignment
Please you enter to choose: g
Seats assignment lists:
Seat 1 : unassigned.
Seat 2 : unassigned.
Seat 3 : unassigned.
Seat 4 : unassigned.
Seat 5 : unassigned.
Seat 6 : unassigned.
Seat 7 : assigned.
Seat 8 : unassigned.
Seat 9 : unassigned.
Seat 10: unassigned.
Seat 11: unassigned.
Seat 12: unassigned.
The airline 102 is being processed.
To choose a function, enter its letter label:
a) Show number of empty seats
b) Show list of empty seats
c) Show alphabetical list of seat
d) Assign a customer to a seat
e) Delete a seat assignment
f) Quit
g) Confirm seat assignment
Please you enter to choose: f
There are some airlines for you to choose.
a) Airline 102.
b) Airline 311.
c) Airline 444.
d) Airline 519.
q) Quit the program.
Please you enter to choose: q
编写一个程序,通过一个函数指针数组实现菜单。例如,选择菜单中的a,将激活由该数组第 1个元素指向的函数。
#define NUM 4
double twice(double x) { return 2.0 * x; }
double half(double x) { return x / 2.0; }
double thrice(double x) { return 3.0 * x; }
void showmenu(void);
int main()
double (*fp[NUM])(double) = {twice, half, thrice, sqrt};
double val, ans;
int choice;
puts("Enter a number (negative to quit): ");
while (scanf("%lf", &val) == 1 && val > 0)
while (scanf("%d", &choice) == 1 && choice >= 0 && choice <= 3)
ans = (*fp[choice])(val); // ans = fp[choice](val);
printf("answer = %.2f\n", ans);
puts("Enter a number (negative to quit): ");
return 0;
void showmenu(void)
puts("Enter one of the following choices: ");
puts("0) double the value 1) halve the value");
puts("2) triple the value 3) squareroot the value");
puts("4) next number");
编写一个名为transform()的函数,接受4个参数:内含double类型数据的源数组名、内含 double类型数据的目标数组名、一个表示数组元素个数的int 类型参数、函数名(或等价的函数指针)。transform()函数应把指定函数应用于源数组中的每个元素,并把返回值储存在目标数组 中。例如: transform(source, target, 100, sin); 该声明会把target[ 0]设置为sin( source[0]),等等,共有100个元素。在一个程序中调用transform()4次,以测试该函数。分别使用math.h函数库 中的两个函数以及自定义的两个函数作为参数。
#define NUM 100
double twice(double x) { return 2.0 * x; }
double half(double x) { return x / 2.0; }
void init(double *arr, int n);
void transform(double *source, double *target, int n, double (*fp)(double));
void show(const double *arr, int n);
int main()
double source[NUM];
double target0[NUM];
double target1[NUM];
double target2[NUM];
double target3[NUM];
double (*fp[NUM])(double) = {twice, half, sqrt, sin};
init(source, NUM);
transform(source, target0, NUM, twice);
transform(source, target1, NUM, half);
transform(source, target2, NUM, sqrt);
transform(source, target3, NUM, sin);
show(target0, NUM);
show(target1, NUM);
show(target2, NUM);
show(target3, NUM);
return 0;
void init(double *arr, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
arr[i] = i + 1;
void transform(double *source, double *target, int n, double (*fp)(double))
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
target[i] = (*fp)(source[i]);
void show(const double *arr, int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%7.2f", arr[i]);
if (i % 10 == 9)
if (i % 10 != 9)
C:\Users\81228\Documents\Program\VScode C Program>cd chapter14
C:\Users\81228\Documents\Program\VScode C Program\chapter14>14.11
2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00
22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 34.00 36.00 38.00 40.00
42.00 44.00 46.00 48.00 50.00 52.00 54.00 56.00 58.00 60.00
62.00 64.00 66.00 68.00 70.00 72.00 74.00 76.00 78.00 80.00
82.00 84.00 86.00 88.00 90.00 92.00 94.00 96.00 98.00 100.00
102.00 104.00 106.00 108.00 110.00 112.00 114.00 116.00 118.00 120.00
122.00 124.00 126.00 128.00 130.00 132.00 134.00 136.00 138.00 140.00
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1.00 1.41 1.73 2.00 2.24 2.45 2.65 2.83 3.00 3.16
3.32 3.46 3.61 3.74 3.87 4.00 4.12 4.24 4.36 4.47
4.58 4.69 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.29 5.39 5.48
5.57 5.66 5.74 5.83 5.92 6.00 6.08 6.16 6.24 6.32
6.40 6.48 6.56 6.63 6.71 6.78 6.86 6.93 7.00 7.07
7.14 7.21 7.28 7.35 7.42 7.48 7.55 7.62 7.68 7.75
7.81 7.87 7.94 8.00 8.06 8.12 8.19 8.25 8.31 8.37
8.43 8.49 8.54 8.60 8.66 8.72 8.77 8.83 8.89 8.94
9.00 9.06 9.11 9.17 9.22 9.27 9.33 9.38 9.43 9.49
9.54 9.59 9.64 9.70 9.75 9.80 9.85 9.90 9.95 10.00
0.84 0.91 0.14 -0.76 -0.96 -0.28 0.66 0.99 0.41 -0.54
-1.00 -0.54 0.42 0.99 0.65 -0.29 -0.96 -0.75 0.15 0.91
0.84 -0.01 -0.85 -0.91 -0.13 0.76 0.96 0.27 -0.66 -0.99
-0.40 0.55 1.00 0.53 -0.43 -0.99 -0.64 0.30 0.96 0.75
-0.16 -0.92 -0.83 0.02 0.85 0.90 0.12 -0.77 -0.95 -0.26
0.67 0.99 0.40 -0.56 -1.00 -0.52 0.44 0.99 0.64 -0.30
-0.97 -0.74 0.17 0.92 0.83 -0.03 -0.86 -0.90 -0.11 0.77
0.95 0.25 -0.68 -0.99 -0.39 0.57 1.00 0.51 -0.44 -0.99
-0.63 0.31 0.97 0.73 -0.18 -0.92 -0.82 0.04 0.86 0.89
0.11 -0.78 -0.95 -0.25 0.68 0.98 0.38 -0.57 -1.00 -0.51
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