
最近读了四本描述女孩子们的书《巾帼传奇自流芳:中国历代女杰撷[xié]英》上下两册《风华绝代:中国历史上的那些才女们》《历史上那些女人们》印象深刻的是武则天,对自己的小公子,大儿子,二儿子的权利追逐,还有吕后对戚夫人的点滴布局,有了人彘[rén zhì]酷刑记载,慈禧太后故事历程,宫斗戏随着年龄的增长越来越适于职场博战,昨天还听了对张幼仪其他分析,例如背景,另一个维度,并不是所想象的一样。


1.Human Relationships in the Office 玩转人际

Interpersonal Relationship 职场江湖,你能否八面玲珑


When you tell  entrepreneurs that relationships are the key to developing a personal and professional network ,they often smile and acknowledge the concept without fully appreciationg it . Let me put this notion into perspective . 

 Imagine you're standing in a large room full of people , and I ask everyone to pull out their key rings .Visualize everyone holding holding up the keys to their house , their office and their car as I ask everyone to show them to the room .

Now here's my question :Would you hand over your car keys to a perfect stranger ?What about those to your office or home ?Of course not!

Now instead of a key to a car or a home , imagine you have a key that opens the door to an imprtant relationship with a colleague that another person would like to connect with .Let's say you hold the key to this relationship , but you don't know the person who's asking for it . Would you give it to them ?Of course not ! Why? Because when  you give a referral , you give away apiece of your reputation . If it's a good referral ,it helps your reputation; if it's a bad referral , it hurts . Intuitively , you'll only hand over the keys to someone you know and trust. 

What I love about this metaphor is how it works on two levels . First , you're not going to hand over the keys to a relationship until you trust them enough to tell them .

  It's not just you; nobody is willing to hand over the keys to important relationships until they know and trust the person asking . Unfortunately , when networking ,some people expect perfect strangers to hand over the keys right away . 

  Take a look at your referral partners . Would it surprise you if they had keys to referrals they're keeping in their pockets until they trust you with them ? It shouldn't . So how do we begin this process of exchanging keys ?

It all comes down to establishing credibility with your referral partners.I've seen many people who think networking is about meeting people and asking for business right then and there. That's it . They meet someone and focus on telling them what they need or what kind of business they want . It's like saying , "Hello , my name is Ivan . Let's do business." 

Effective networking is about building relationships with others who can refer you once they've come to trust you, have confidence in you and feel loyal to you. This truly is the key to networking success . And this process takes time . This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme .

I think you'll be astonished at how powerful this concept is when put into action . Think of it this way : When you get to the place where you can , without hesitation , hand over your physical set of keys to someone , you'll be in the best place possible to begin asking for keys to their relationships .

2.Something about Office Interpersonal 关于办公室人际

Say "Good morning " to everyone . Social contact is cheering , and if you feel that you're on good terms with all the people in your office ,you'll be happier each day ,Also ,it's polite. 对每个人说:早上好。 人际交往令人愉快,如果你感觉和办公室里的每个人都和睦,那么你每天都会更快乐。 另外,这也是礼貌。

You're probably familiar with the necessity of networking in advancing your career. But how well you network often depends on how well you schmooze .

你应该很清楚地知道关系网在推动你事情进步中的重要性。 但是一般来说,你的关系网完美与否由你是否会交际决定的。

The norm in successful networking is building a relationship to generate long-term referrals .成功的人际交往典型是,建立长期的合作关系。

3.More Friendly in Image 你能像磁铁一样有吸引力吗

4.Communicating with a Stranger 当他们还是陌生人时

5.Get along with Your Colleagues 人见人爱,和谐相处之道

6.Something about Chatting 关于闲聊的一些事

Be trust worthy . If you are told a secret once and you share it ,don't ever expect to be trusted again .
