
Polls are closing in eastern Australia in the country's closely fought general election.澳大利亚的总统大选正紧锣密鼓的进行着,现在东部地区的投票进入了尾声。Both party leaders, the center-right Liberal Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his rival Bill Shorten from the opposition Labor Party were out early at polling booths.两党领导人,中右翼自由党领导人斯科特·莫里森和反对派工党领导人比尔·萧藤,这两名竞争对手都早早出现在投票站。Voting is mandatory in Australia as Howard Griffiths explains climate change has been voters' main concern.在澳大利亚,大选投票是强制性的。本台记者霍华德·格里菲斯称,选民们主要担忧的问题是气候变化。
