loss盘点: asl loss (Asymmetric Loss) 代码解析详细版

1. BCE公式部分


这是多分类 经典 B C E L o s s BCELoss BCELoss 公式
L = − y L + − ( 1 − y ) L − L = -y L_{+} - (1-y) L_{-} L=yL+(1y)L

其中, L + / − L_{+/-} L+/ 是正负例预测概率的log值,即:

L + = l o g ( y ^ ) L − = l o g ( 1 − y ^ ) y ^ = s i g m o i d ( l o g i t ) \begin{aligned} L_{+} &= log( \hat{y} )\\ L_{-} &= log( 1- \hat{y} )\\ \hat{y} &= sigmoid( logit ) \end{aligned} L+Ly^=log(y^)=log(1y^)=sigmoid(logit)

实际上由于 l a b e l label label 标签 y y y 值,是一个 0 / 1 0/1 0/1 矩阵,实际上充当了一个掩码 m a s k mask mask 的作用,挑选出 L + L_{+} L+ 中正例部分 和 L − L_{-} L 中负例部分


y = [ 0 0 1 0 ] y = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} y=[0100]

y ^ = [ 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.2 ]   L + = [ − 0.6931 − 2.3026 − 1.2040 − 1.6094 ]   L − = [ − 0.6931 − 0.1054 − 0.3567 − 0.2231 ] \hat{y} = \begin{bmatrix} 0.5 & 0.1 \\ 0.3 & 0.2 \end{bmatrix} \ L_{+} = \begin{bmatrix} -0.6931 & -2.3026 \\ -1.2040 & -1.6094 \end{bmatrix} \ L_{-} = \begin{bmatrix} -0.6931 & -0.1054 \\ -0.3567 & -0.2231 \end{bmatrix} y^=[] L+=[0.69311.20402.30261.6094] L=[0.69310.35670.10540.2231]

所以, L L L 左下角为 L + L_{+} L+对应的值的相反数,左上角和右上角和右下角为 L − L_{-} L对应的值的相反数

L = [ 0.6931 0.1054 1.2040 0.2231 ] L = \begin{bmatrix} 0.6931 & 0.1054 \\ 1.2040 & 0.2231 \end{bmatrix} L=[0.69311.20400.10540.2231]


x = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2]).reshape(2, 2).float()
y = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1, 0]).reshape(2, 2).float()
torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy(x, y, reduction='none')
tensor([[0.6931, 0.1054],
        [1.2040, 0.2231]])

(不要小看这个 mask 代码的操作,一会儿写 asl 代码会用的上)

2. focal loss 公式部分

L = − y L + − ( 1 − y ) L − L = -y L_{+} - (1-y) L_{-} L=yL+(1y)L

L + L_{+} L+ L − L_{-} L 如下:
L + = ( 1 − p ) γ ∗ l o g ( p ) L − = p γ ∗ l o g ( 1 − p ) p = s i g m o i d ( l o g i t ) \begin{aligned} L_{+} &= (1-p)^{\gamma} * log(p) \\ L_{-} &= p^{\gamma} * log(1-p) \\ p &= sigmoid(logit) \end{aligned} L+Lp=(1p)γlog(p)=pγlog(1p)=sigmoid(logit)

3. asl 公式部分

asl loss 是 focal loss的改进版

L + = ( 1 − p ) γ + ∗ l o g ( p ) L − = p m γ − ∗ l o g ( 1 − p m ) p = s i g m o i d ( l o g i t ) p m = m a x ( p − m , 0 ) \begin{aligned} L_{+} &= (1-p)^{\gamma_{+}} &*& log(p) \\ L_{-} &= p_m^{\gamma_{-}} &*& log(1-p_m) \\ p &= sigmoid(logit) \\ p_m &= max(p-m, 0) \end{aligned} L+Lppm=(1p)γ+=pmγ=sigmoid(logit)=max(pm,0)log(p)log(1pm)

由于 p m p_m pm 仅在 L − L_{-} L 中存在,而 p p p一般出现在 L + L_{+} L+中, ( 1 − p ) (1-p) (1p)一般出现在 L − L_{-} L中,所以将 p m p_m pm 做一些反向操作


− m a x ( x , y ) = = m i n ( − x , − y ) -max(x, y) == min(-x, -y) max(x,y)==min(x,y)

p m = m a x ( p − m , 0 ) = − m i n ( m − p , 0 ) − p m = m i n ( m − p , 0 ) 1 − p m = m i n ( m − p , 0 ) + 1 1 − p m = m i n ( m − p + 1 , 1 ) 1 − p m = m i n ( m + 1 − p , 1 ) 1 − p m = n p . c l i p ( m + 1 − p , m a x = 1 ) \begin{aligned} p_m &= max(p-m, 0) \\ &= -min(m-p, 0) \\ -p_m &= min(m-p, 0) \\ 1-p_m &= min(m-p, 0) + 1 \\ 1-p_m &= min(m-p+ 1, 1) \\ 1-p_m &= min(m+ 1-p, 1) \\ 1-p_m &= np.clip(m+ 1-p, max=1) \\ \end{aligned} pmpm1pm1pm1pm1pm=max(pm,0)=min(mp,0)=min(mp,0)=min(mp,0)+1=min(mp+1,1)=min(m+1p,1)=np.clip(m+1p,max=1)


4. asl 代码

看看 asl loss 的代码,torch代码来自:

  • self.gamma_neg γ − \gamma_{-} γ
  • self.gamma_pos γ + \gamma_{+} γ+
  • self.eps 是用作 log 函数内部,防止溢出
class AsymmetricLossOptimized(nn.Module):
    ''' Notice - optimized version, minimizes memory allocation and gpu uploading,
    favors inplace operations'''

    def __init__(self, gamma_neg=4, gamma_pos=1, clip=0.05, eps=1e-8, disable_torch_grad_focal_loss=False):
        super(AsymmetricLossOptimized, self).__init__()

        self.gamma_neg = gamma_neg
        self.gamma_pos = gamma_pos
        self.clip = clip
        self.disable_torch_grad_focal_loss = disable_torch_grad_focal_loss
        self.eps = eps

        # prevent memory allocation and gpu uploading every iteration, and encourages inplace operations
        self.targets = self.anti_targets = self.xs_pos = self.xs_neg = self.asymmetric_w = self.loss = None

    def forward(self, x, y):
        x: input logits
        y: targets (multi-label binarized vector)

        self.targets = y
        self.anti_targets = 1 - y

        # 分别计算正负例的概率
        self.xs_pos = torch.sigmoid(x)
        self.xs_neg = 1.0 - self.xs_pos

        # 非对称裁剪
        if self.clip is not None and self.clip > 0:
            self.xs_neg.add_(self.clip).clamp_(max=1)  # 给 self.xs_neg 加上 clip 值

        # 先进行基本交叉熵计算
        self.loss = self.targets * torch.log(self.xs_pos.clamp(min=self.eps))
        self.loss.add_(self.anti_targets * torch.log(self.xs_neg.clamp(min=self.eps)))

        # Asymmetric Focusing
        if self.gamma_neg > 0 or self.gamma_pos > 0:
            if self.disable_torch_grad_focal_loss:
            # 以下 4 行相当于做了个并行操作
            self.xs_pos = self.xs_pos * self.targets
            self.xs_neg = self.xs_neg * self.anti_targets
            self.asymmetric_w = torch.pow(1 - self.xs_pos - self.xs_neg,
                                          self.gamma_pos * self.targets + self.gamma_neg * self.anti_targets)
            if self.disable_torch_grad_focal_loss:
            self.loss *= self.asymmetric_w

        return -self.loss.sum()


# 非对称裁剪
if self.clip is not None and self.clip > 0:
	self.xs_neg.add_(self.clip).clamp_(max=1)  # 给 self.xs_neg 加上 clip 值

1 − p m = n p . c l i p ( m + 1 − p , m a x = 1 ) \begin{aligned} 1-p_m &= np.clip(m+ 1-p, max=1) \end{aligned} 1pm=np.clip(m+1p,max=1)

# 先进行基本交叉熵计算
self.loss = self.targets * torch.log(self.xs_pos.clamp(min=self.eps))
self.loss.add_(self.anti_targets * torch.log(self.xs_neg.clamp(min=self.eps)))

loss盘点: asl loss (Asymmetric Loss) 代码解析详细版_第1张图片
注意 self.targetsself.anti_targets 都相当于掩码 mask 的作用,此处的 self.loss 矩阵的shape是和 self.targets 一样的 shape,不理解可以回忆一下 BCE公式部分 的计算

而前面的 幂 相当于权重,就是代码中的 self.asymmetric_w,也就是此处的:
loss盘点: asl loss (Asymmetric Loss) 代码解析详细版_第2张图片

self.asymmetric_w 是这样计算的,这部分很妙!

self.xs_pos = self.xs_pos * self.targets
self.xs_neg = self.xs_neg * self.anti_targets
self.asymmetric_w = torch.pow(1 - self.xs_pos - self.xs_neg,
                              self.gamma_pos * self.targets + self.gamma_neg * self.anti_targets)

插一句 torch.pow 该函数会将两个shape相同的张量的对应位置做幂运算,看这个例子

>>> x = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> y = torch.tensor([2, 2, 3, 1])
>>> torch.pow(x, y)
tensor([ 1,  4, 27,  4])

计算 self.asymmetric_w 时,只需将pow的 x x x 参数对应位置写成 ( 1 − p ) (1-p) (1p) 或者 p m p_m pm,将pow的 y y y 参数对应位置写成 γ − \gamma_{-} γ 或者 γ + \gamma_{+} γ+ 即可,先看简单的, y y y 参数这里计算:

self.gamma_pos * self.targets + self.gamma_neg * self.anti_targets

也是通过 self.targets 的 mask 操作来进行的,而 x x x 参数这样计算:

1 - self.xs_pos - self.xs_neg

当计算 L + L_{+} L+ 时,self.xs_neg==0 x x x 参数对应位置就是 1 - self.xs_pos (1-p)
当计算 L − L_{-} L 时,self.xs_pos==0 x x x 参数对应位置就是 1 - self.xs_neg ( 1 − ( 1 − p m ) ) = p m (1-(1-p_m))=p_m (1(1pm))=pm

通过一个 torch.pow 巧妙的计算了 self.asymmetric_w NICE!


self.loss *= self.asymmetric_w

5. asl 代码 Paddle 实现

class AsymmetricLossOptimizedWithLogit(nn.Layer):
    ''' Notice - optimized version, minimizes memory allocation and gpu uploading,
    favors inplace operations'''

    def __init__(self, gamma_neg=4, gamma_pos=1, clip=0.05, eps=1e-5, disable_paddle_grad_focal_loss=False):
        super(AsymmetricLossOptimizedWithLogit, self).__init__()

        self.gamma_neg = gamma_neg
        self.gamma_pos = gamma_pos
        self.clip = clip
        self.disable_paddle_grad_focal_loss = disable_paddle_grad_focal_loss
        self.eps = eps

        self.targets = self.anti_targets = self.xs_pos = self.xs_neg = self.asymmetric_w = self.loss = None

    def forward(self, x, y, weights=None):
        x: input logits
        y: targets (multi-label binarized vector)

        self.targets = y
        self.anti_targets = 1 - y

        # Calculating Probabilities
        self.xs_pos = F.sigmoid(x)
        self.xs_neg = 1.0 - self.xs_pos

        # Asymmetric Clipping
        if self.clip is not None and self.clip > 0:
            # self.xs_neg.add_(self.clip).clip_(max=1)
            self.xs_neg = (self.xs_neg + self.clip).clip_(max=1)

        # Basic CE calculation
        self.loss = self.targets * paddle.log(self.xs_pos.clip(min=self.eps))
        self.loss.add_(self.anti_targets * paddle.log(self.xs_neg.clip(min=self.eps)))

        # Asymmetric Focusing
        if self.gamma_neg > 0 or self.gamma_pos > 0:
            if self.disable_paddle_grad_focal_loss:
            self.xs_pos = self.xs_pos * self.targets
            self.xs_neg = self.xs_neg * self.anti_targets
            self.asymmetric_w = paddle.pow(1 - self.xs_pos - self.xs_neg,
                                            (self.gamma_pos * self.targets + \
                                            self.gamma_neg * self.anti_targets).astype("float32"))
            if self.disable_paddle_grad_focal_loss:
            self.loss *= self.asymmetric_w
        if weights is not None:
            self.loss *= weights
        _loss = -self.loss.sum()

        return _loss
if __name__ == "__main__":
    x = np.random.randn(3, 3)
    x = paddle.to_tensor(x).cast("float32")
    y = (x > 0.5).cast("float32")
    loss = AsymmetricLossOptimizedWithLogit()
    out = loss(x, y)
