
在我们访问openai  chatgpt模型的时候,经常会发生一些异常,下面是从官网上摘抄下来的异常错误说明

​​​​​​​Error codes

This guide includes an overview on error codes you might see from both the API and our official Python library. Each error code mentioned in the overview has a dedicated section with further guidance.

API errors

401 - Invalid Authentication

Cause: Invalid Authentication
Solution: Ensure the correct API key and requesting organization are being used.

解释:认证错误,有可能是API key错误

401 - Incorrect API key provided

Cause: The requesting API key is not correct.
Solution: Ensure the API key used is correct, clear your browser cache, or generate a new one.

解释:跟401类似,也是API key的问题

401 - You must be a member of an organization to use the API

Cause: Your account is not part of an organization.
Solution: Contact us to get added to a new organization or ask your organization manager to invite you to an organization.


429 - Rate limit reached for requests

Cause: You are sending requests too quickly.
Solution: Pace your requests. Read the Rate limit guide.


429 - You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details

Cause: You have hit your maximum monthly spend (hard limit) which you can view in the account billing section.
Solution: Apply for a quota increase.


429 - The engine is currently overloaded, please try again later

Cause: Our servers are experiencing high traffic.
Solution: Please retry your requests after a brief wait.


500 - The server had an error while processing your request

Cause: Issue on our servers.
Solution: Retry your request after a brief wait and contact us if the issue persists. Check the status page.

