本次设计选用华中电子科技开发板模拟智能家居环境系统,同时使用keil来编写C语言程序,继而完成软件调试,然后下载到开发板进行硬件调试,联合开发板以及实物搭建,完成本次毕业设计。 [设计论文网 https://doc163.com]
With the development of economy and society, in the era of material, science and technology, and information, life must not only be limited to the necessities of life, but also more to humanity and intelligence. At the same time, the progress of science and technology has driven the development of the manufacturing industry, and it has also greatly promoted the birth of smart homes.
In accordance with the design requirements to 51 core microcontroller. According to the design requirements, the analysis design process we can get the following module assignments: Smart counting through the infrared obstacle avoidance module to detect the number of people in the room, indoor number can be displayed through the digital tube. When the number of people in the room is zero, the curtains are closed, the lights are turned off, the air conditioner is turned off and the set temperature is 25°C. When the number of people at that time was not zero, automatic detection was turned on. While the automatic mode is on, the system performs indoor temperature detection and detection of external light intensity. The smart curtain detects the external light intensity through the photosensitive resistor. When the light intensity reaches the set threshold, the smart home system turns on the curtain through the SCM control motor, otherwise the curtain is closed. The intelligent air conditioner detects the indoor temperature through the temperature sensor. When the detected temperature is outside the set threshold range, the smart home system controls the air conditioner to turn on through the single chip microcomputer, otherwise the air conditioner is turned off.
[毕业设计论文网 Doc163.com]
This design uses the Huazhong Electronic Technology Development Board to simulate the smart home environment system. At the same time, Keil is used to write the C language program. Then the software debugging is completed. Then the hardware debugging, development board and physical structure are downloaded to the development board to complete the graduation project.
Key Words:Smart home, Microcontroller, AT89S52, Number detection module, Automatic mode
本系统设置两种模式,默认情况下是自动模式,可以计算室内人数、控制智能灯的开启和关闭,控制空调的开启和关闭,控制窗帘的开启和关闭;除去自动模式外,可以通过4×4矩阵键盘改变为手动模式,手动按键控制智能灯、空调、窗帘。 [毕业设计论文网 www.doc163.com]
主要由单片机矩阵键盘、红外避障模块、数码管显示、采光电路、温度采集电路、室内人员计数电路等组成。矩阵键盘用于输入智能家具系统的自动和手动控制方式,用户可以用键盘按键切换自动手动模式。对智能家居系统的预设条件,分别有以下两种模式的工作状态,其中室内设置的初始状态是:窗帘闭合,智能灯关闭,空调关闭且设置温度为25℃。当单片机检测到室内环境中有人时,开启智能家居系统,默认状态为自动模式,智能灯在检测到有人的同时打开,窗帘在检测到有人的同时,光照采集电路检测外界环境的光照强度,并确定是否达到预设值,如果光照强度超过预设值,串联在单片机控制下被打开,否则被关闭。空调在检测到室内环境中有人的同时,温度采集电路检测室内环境的温度,如果室内环境温度在预设值范围以内,则空调保持关机状态。如果室内环境温度在预设值范围以外,则空调开启工作。 [设计论文网 https://doc163.com]
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目 录
第1章绪论 1
1.1背景介绍 1
1.2系统设计任务和要求 2
1.3课题分析 2
1.4设计原理 2
1.5系统组成 4
1.6 系统概述 4
第2章智能家居系统的硬件电路设计 6 [毕业设计论文网 www.doc163.com]
2.1单片机AT89S52简介 6
2.2红外蔽障模块介绍 6
2.2.1模块电路图 6
2.2.2模块接口说明以及检测人员方法 7
2.3 4×4矩阵键盘 7
2.4 YL-38 光敏电阻传感器 8
2.5 DS18B20数字温度传感器 8
2.6数码管显示电路 9
2.7复位电路 10
2.8振荡电路 11
第3章软件程序设计 12
3.1软件设计 12
3.2具体软件模块实现 12
3.2.1自动模式模块 12人数检测 13光照强度检测 16温度检测 17灯光控制 17窗帘控制 17空调控制 18
3.2.2手动模式模块 19自动模式手动模式转换 19
[设计论文网 https://doc163.com] 手动模式按键分布 20
3.3软件抗干扰技术 20
第4章系统调试 22
4.1模块电路调试 22
4.1.1软件调试 22
4.1.2硬件调试 22
4.2调试分析 23
4.3故障分析 23
第5章结论 24
参考文献 25
致谢 26
附录1:主程序 27
附录2:温度调用程序 34
附录3:电路原理图 38
附录4:Proteus原理图 39
附录5:电气图 40
[毕业设计论文网 https://www.doc163.com]