





1 概述

2 运行结果

2.1 文献结果:

 2.2 Matlab代码复现结果

3 参考文献

4 Matlab代码及文章详细讲解

1 概述


摘要:无人机无线通信(UA Vs)是未来通信系统的一个很有前途的技术。在本文中,假设UAV以固定高度水平飞行,通过优化无人机飞行轨迹来研究无人机与地面终端的节能通信,这是一种综合考虑通信吞吐量和无人机能耗的新设计范式。为此,我们首先推导了固定翼无人机推进能量消耗随飞行速度、方向和加速度变化的理论模型。


指标术语- UA V通信,能源效率,轨迹优化,顺序凸优化。

Abstract— Wireless communication with unmanned aerial vehicles (UA Vs) is a promising technology for future commu-nication systems. In this paper, assuming that the UA V flies
horizontally with a fixed altitude, we study energy-efficient UAV communication with a ground terminal via optimizing the UAV’s trajectory, a new design paradigm that jointly considers both the communication throughput and the UAV’s energy consumption. To this end, we first derive a theoretical model on the propulsion energy consumption of fixed-wing UAVs as a function of the UAV’s flying speed, direction, and acceleration. Based on the derived model and by ignoring the radiation and signal processing energy consumption, the energy efficiency of UAV communication is defined as the total information bits com-
municated normalized by the UAV propulsion energy consumed for a finite time horizon. For the case of unconstrained trajectory optimization, we show that both the rate-maximization and energy-minimization designs lead to vanishing energy efficiency and thus are energy-inefficient in general. Next, we introduce a simple circular UAV trajectory, under which the UAV’s flight radius and speed are jointly optimized to maximize the energy efficiency. Furthermore, an efficient design is proposed for maximizing the UAV’s energy efficiency with general constraints on the trajectory, including its initial/final locations and velocities,
as well as minimum/maximum speed and acceleration. Numerical results show that the proposed designs achieve significantly higher energy efficiency for UAV communication as compared with other benchmark schemes.
Index Terms— UA V communication, energy efficiency, trajec-tory optimization, sequential convex optimization.

2 运行结果

2.1 文献结果:


 2.2 Matlab代码复现结果





%1.UAV 参数
H = 100; %m
c1 = 9.26*1e-4;
c2 = 2250;
q0 = [0,1000].';%初始位置
qF = [1000,0].';%结束位置
v_0F = (qF-q0)/norm(qF-q0,2); %%初始和结束的单位速度方向
v0 = 30*v_0F;   %初始速度 m/s
vF = v0;        %结束速度
Vmax = 100;     %最大速度
Vmin = 3;       %最小速度,保证在空中飞行
amax = 5;      %最大加速度 m/s^2
T = 400;        %观察周期
deltat = 0.2;   %离散采样间隔
g = 9.8;        %重力加速度
N = T/deltat;
%2.Communication 参数
B = 1e6;        %带宽 MHz
N0dBm = -170;    %噪声功率谱dBm/Hz
N0 = 10^(N0dBm/10);
sigma2 = N0*B;  %噪声功率
PdBm = 10;      %无人机发射功率(固定)
P = 10^(PdBm/10);
beta0dB = -50;  %1m参考距离对应路损 

3 参考文献


[1]J. Yang, J. Chen and Z. Yang, "Energy-Efficient UAV Communication With Trajectory Optimization," 2021 2nd International Conference on Big Data & Artificial Intelligence & Software Engineering (ICBASE), Zhuhai, China, 2021, pp. 508-514, doi: 10.1109/ICBASE53849.2021.00100.

4 Matlab代码及文章详细讲解
