
1 intro

  • is the cornerstone for downstream tasks such as
  • In addition to XXX, XXX has also found vast applications in other fields, including

2 related works

  • To sort out the key logic of our work, we first review some related work about

3 一些辞藻

performance pales 表现很苍白
a plethora of 大量的
For ease of exposition 为了展示的方便
In the sequel 在接下来的部分中
in the same vein with
in line with
in tandem 一前一后地
be interleaved with 与。。。交织在一起
The intuition behind ... is two-fold
prodigious 巨大的
underdetermined 未被解决的
Most germane to  most relevant to
favor the rise of 引起。。的兴趣
delve into 深入
