
Sat Nam: 有关意识觉知的昆达里尼梵音

Mani Prem Kaur

Sat Nam: 有关意识觉知的昆达里尼梵音

Sat Nam: The Kundalini Mantra of Awareness

by Ramdesh Kaur | May 30, 2012

译者:杨双华(Hari Miter Kaur)

The most prevalent ofall mantras in the Kundalini yoga tradition is at once very simple and very complex.  You’llhear this mantra used as a greeting, as a part of many kriyas and meditations,and as a closing to class.  You’ll find it the “default” mantra, suggestedby teachers as the mantra to have playing in your head constantly on eachinhale and exhale.  It even headlines Spirit Voyage’s Kundalini Yogaand Music Festival:  Sat Nam Fest.

在昆达里尼瑜伽经典中,几乎所有的梵音唱诵都有这么一个特点,既非常简单又非常复杂。 今天要介绍的这么梵音通常被用于问候,也作为许多功法和冥想的一部分,或者用于一堂课程的结尾语。你会发现它是一个“默认”的梵音,教师们都建议在每一个呼吸中用这个梵音来重复不断地振动敲击你的头脑。 它甚至被用作Spirit Voyage这个组织的昆达里尼瑜伽和音乐节的标题:Sat Nam Fest。

So what is “Sat Nam“? What does it mean?

那么,“Sat Nam“定义是什么呢? 它是什么意思呢?

In very simple terms,Sat means Truth and Nam means Name.  You could translate it as True Nameor Truth is my name.  It is a way of acknowledging that at our essence isthe Essence.  The “Truth”, which is bigger than any human truth, isn’t amatter of right or wrong or even a concept that we can clearlyarticulate.  It is simply an acknowledgement that the Great Mystery is whowe are.

简单说来, Sat的意思是“真实”,Nam的意思是“身份”。 你可以把它翻译为“真实的身份”,或者“真实就是我的身份”。它是一条认出真我的本质的途径,它是宇宙万物的源头。 这里所说的的“真实”,远超出任何的人类真相,它不是一个对或者错的问题, 也不是我们能清晰地用言语来表达的一种概念。

As a greeting, saying“Sat Nam” is a bit like saying “I see your true nature” or “I recognize thedivinity within you”.


The vibration of themantra itself is important.  “Sat” has a vibration that reaches upwardthrough the crownchakra.  It is an etheric vibration, as the meaning of “Truth”here correspondingly isn’t tangible but is more etheric.  If you meditatevery carefully upon the vibration of “Sat Nam”, you can feel the flow of energymoving from the Etheric (Sat) to the Material (Nam).  Nam is “name” butmore importantly it is a vibration.  The word itself carries a vibrationthat makes the divine manifest into the earth plane.  So “Nam” is agrounding vibration, a manifesting vibration.  It acknowledges theInfinite made manifest as a vibration in this world.  So chanting “SatNam” reaches up into the etheric plane and pulls the vibration of Infinity intoyour awareness, your consciousness, and your physical world.

这个梵音本身的振动是非常重要的。“Sat”有一个振动,是通过顶轮达成的。他是一个以太(空无)的振动, 作为“真实”的意思,它不是真切可触碰的。如果你足够专注地冥想这个振动。 你能感受能量流从以太(空无)Sat到显化成物质形态Nam。 Nam是“身份”,但更重要的是它是一个振动。 这个词本身就携带了一个振动,这个振动让神性显化到这个地球。 因此Nam是一个接地的振动, 一个显化的振动。 它告知无限通过一个振动在这个世界创显。因此,唱诵Sat Nam能让你连接到以太的层面, 并且把无限的振动拉进到你的意识,你的觉知,和你的物质世界。

This mantra is morethan what it means in translation.  It is an experience.  By chanting“Sat Nam” or meditating upon it with your breath, you call into your awarenessthe state of the vibration of truth.  You create an internal experience ofwhat these words represent.  Truth, enlightenment, consciousness and aboveall awareness, comes into your experience.

Try it.  SaaaaaatNaaaaaaaam.

这个梵音的意义远超出它所能被翻译出的文字意思。它是一个体验。通过唱诵Sat Nam或者基于这个梵音的呼吸冥想,这让你的意识和觉知达到到真实的振动状态。 你创造出一个内在体验,一个有关真理, 觉悟,觉知, 高于一切意识的体验。
