Chapter 1: How Sir Kay Fought at London Town, Broke His Sword, and Was Given a New Sword by Arthur
凯(Sir Kay),亚瑟王圆桌骑士之一,亚瑟王的义兄和重要家臣。亚瑟的养父Ector爵士的儿子,和亚瑟是兄弟。当Kay参加选拔新的英国君王的比武竞技时,他的剑在格斗过程中折断了。Arthur替Kay跑回所住的帐篷营地拿备用的剑时没能找到任何武器,但他想起了在教堂看到过一把插在石头上的剑,于是就去那里随手就把那把插在石头上的剑拔了出来。看似偶然,但其实亚瑟就是注定拥有王者之剑的未来的君王。有时候命运可能就是偶然中的必然。
esquire-at-arms: is very much like a knight's assistant 军士
family crest: a design used as the symbol of a particular family, especially one that has a long history 家族饰章
Chapter 2: How Arthur Performed the Miracle of the Sword and Discovered His Birthright
就像亚瑟命中注定只有他能轻而易举地拔出王者之剑,这一章节最后那句“They need only passionately pull the sword of their dreams out from the solid iron of their situation."意味着每个人只要有毅力与信念,即使处于艰难境地也会因为执着努力而实现目标。