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And business.</p> <a href="http://www.sullivannyc.com/casestudy/nyu-stern/" class="more">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="cs_cq_roll_call" style="height: 383px; display: block; width: 100%; background-position: 50% -336px;"> <div class="contentWrapper innerScroll" style="height: 383px; background-position: 50% -248px;"> <div class="abstract" style="margin-top: 291.5px;"> <header> <h2> put structure <em class="sc">to</em> <strong>vision</strong> </h2> </header> <div class="body"> <p> To unite the most powerful names in political news, we had to transform the way our nation's biggest influencers stay informed.</p> <a href="http://www.sullivannyc.com/casestudy/cq_roll_call/" class="more">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="cs_human-rights-watch" style="height: 383px; display: block; width: 100%; background-position: 50% -294px;"> <div class="contentWrapper innerScroll" style="height: 383px; background-position: 50% -289px;"> <div class="abstract" style="margin-top: 291.5px;"> <header> <h2> turn the complex <em class="sc">into</em> <strong>the compelling</strong> </h2> </header> <div class="body"> <p> We created a communications platform that immediately connected the value of HRW's complex work to donors. </p> <a href="http://www.sullivannyc.com/casestudy/human-rights-watch/" class="more">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="cs_discover-ready" style="height: 383px; display: block; width: 100%; background-position: 50% -253px;"> <div class="contentWrapper innerScroll" style="height: 383px; background-position: 50% -331px;"> <div class="abstract" style="margin-top: 291.5px;"> <header> <h2> breathe life <em class="sc">into</em> <strong>business</strong> </h2> </header> <div class="body"> <p> A professional services firm that caters to large corporations differentiated themselves by talking to people like people.</p> <a href="http://www.sullivannyc.com/casestudy/discover-ready/" class="more">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="cs_schwab" style="height: 383px; display: block; width: 100%; background-position: 50% -212px;"> <div class="contentWrapper innerScroll" style="height: 383px; background-position: 50% -372px;"> <div class="abstract" style="margin-top: 291.5px;"> <header> <h2> convert decisions <em class="sc"> into</em> <strong>action</strong> </h2> </header> <div class="body"> <p> Convincing financial advisors to go independent is just the beginning. Showing them how to get there takes a plan.</p> <a href="http://www.sullivannyc.com/casestudy/schwab/" class="more">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <!-- /#case_studies --> <aside id="secondary_content"> <section id="recent_content" class="clear" style="display: block;"> <div class="contentWrapper clear"> <section id="twitter_feed"> <header class="local_header"> <span class="ico"></span> <a href="http://www.twitter.com/sullivannyc" class="more">Follow Us</a> </header> <div class="body"> <ul> <li>Less is truly more, say the makers of <a class="user" href="http://twitter.com/@MinimalismFilm">@MinimalismFilm</a>, a documentary about the important things <a href="http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23design">#design</a> <a href="http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23life">#life</a> <a href="http://t.co/zhbfSm3Cex">http://t.co/zhbfSm3Cex</a> <span class="date">05:03AM Jun 26, 2014</span> </li> <li class="even">Apple's always been on the leading edge of <a href="http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23design">#design</a>, but slow to "respond". 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内部五个section都是宽度100%,设了固定高度,block,在html内直接行内样式设定了原始的背景定位,例如background-position: 50% -253px;。
主体的大图都是五个section标签的背景图,为了让这些图片在“适当的时候”出现在主视区(说这么多废话是因为以前我没有意识到,不是让画面移动进来,而是它一直就在那儿)五大section将放弃背景初始的scroll属性,改为 background-attachment: fixed;
JavaScript 中并没有真正的类,但JavaScript 中有构造函数和new 运算符。构造函数用来 给实例对象初始化属性和值。任何JavaScript 函数都可以用做构造函数,构造函数必须使用new 运算符作为前缀来创建新的实例。 用new的,即通过new运算符调用构造函数Function来创建函数 不用new的,只是调用函数把返回值赋给变量。 var alice = new Me('alice', 18, 'Coder'); new 运算符改变了函数的执行上下文,同时改变了return 语句的行为。实际上,使用new后这个函数只会返回undefined,并且执行上下文是window(全局)对象,无意间创建了3个全局变量name,age,job。调用构造函数时不要丢掉new 关键字。 当使用new 关键字来调用构造函数时,执行上下文从全局对象(window)变成一个空的上下文,这个上下文代表了新生成的实例。因此,this 关键字指向当前创建的实例。尽管理解起来有些绕,实际上其他语言内置类机制的实现也是如此。 默认情况下,如果你的构造函数中没有返回任何内容,就会返回this——当前的上下文。要不然就返回任意非原始类型的值.
这些class methods在需要的情况下被new实例化即执行。
var Suli = Suli || {}; ... ... ... Suli.ParallaxScroller = function (selector, nav, center, imageHeight) { this.selector = selector; this.offsets = []; this.viewport = window; this.nav = nav || false; this.center = center || false; this.imageHeight = imageHeight || 0; this.curIndex = 0; var self = this, $self = $(self.selector), $viewport = Suli.jQ.viewport, $nav, $navItem, _setOffsets = function () { for (var i = 0, len = $self.length; i < len; i++) { var offset = $self.eq(i).offset().top; self.offsets.push(offset); } }, _onScroll = function () { var bgY = self.imageHeight, scrollTop = $viewport.scrollTop(), pageY = $self.height(), onCenter = Math.round(((pageY - bgY) + 1) / 2); for (var i = 0, len = $self.length; i < len; i++) { var $target = $self.eq(i), $inner = $target.find('.innerScroll'), offset = $target.offset().top, bgTop = Math.round(scrollTop - offset), bgLeft = (self.center) ? '50%' : '0'; // Background Position $target .css({ 'backgroundPosition' : bgLeft + ' ' + (Math.round(bgTop * -0.1) + onCenter) + 'px' }); $inner .css({ 'backgroundPosition' : bgLeft + ' ' + (Math.round(bgTop * 0.1) + onCenter) + 'px' }); // Navigation Highlight // (only runs if instance[nav] === true) if (self.nav && (scrollTop >= $target.offset().top - 500)) { if ($navItem) { if ( ! $navItem.eq(i).hasClass('current')) { if(scrollTop > 0) { _toggleNav(i); } } } } } // Navigation Position // (only runs if instance[nav] === true) if (self.nav && $navItem) { var bottom = $(self.selector).eq($self.length - 1).offset().top; if ((bottom > 0) && scrollTop >= bottom) { // If we are at the bottom, // of document, nav should scroll up $nav.css({ 'marginTop' : Math.round(api.getViewport().height * ($self.length - 1)), 'position' : 'absolute' }); } else { // In the middle, // Nav is "fixed" $nav.css({ 'marginTop' : 0, 'position' : 'fixed' }); } } }, _sizeSection = function () { _onScroll(); $self .height(api.getViewport().height) .find('.innerScroll') .height(api.getViewport().height) .end() .parent() .height(api.getViewport().height * $self.length) .end() .find('.innerScroll .abstract').css({ 'marginTop' : (api.getViewport().height / 2) + 100 }); }, _template = { nav : function () { var html = ''; html += '<div id="cs_nav">'; html += '<ul>'; for (var i = 0, len = $self.length; i < len; i++) { var anchor = $('.innerScroll:eq('+ i +')').parent().attr('id'); html += (i === 0) ? '<li class="case current">' : '<li class="case">'; html += '<a href="#' + anchor +'">Case Study Title</a>'; html += '</li>'; } html += '</ul>'; html += '</div>'; return html; } }, _addNav = function () { $self.parent().before(_template.nav); $nav = $('#cs_nav'), $navItem = $nav.find('li'); $navItem.bind('click', api.move); }, _toggleNav = function (index) { if ($nav) { self.curIndex = index; $navItem.eq(index).addClass('current').siblings().removeClass('current'); } }, api = { init : function () { _onScroll(); if ($self.length > 1) { _sizeSection(); _setOffsets(); if (self.nav) { _addNav(); } // for (var i = 0; i < $self.length; i++) { // var zBase = ($self.length - i); // $self.eq(i).css(($self.length - i)); // } $viewport.bind('resize', _sizeSection); } $viewport.scroll(_onScroll); return this; }, getCurIndex : function () { return self.curIndex; }, getLen : function () { return $self.length; }, move : function (index) { var dur = 800, next = (index.handleObj) ? $(this).index() : index, offset = $self.eq(next).offset().top; if (self.curIndex !== next) { self.curIndex = next; Suli.utils.stopWheel(dur); Suli.utils.reBind($navItem, 'click', api.move, dur); $('html, body').stop().animate({ 'scrollTop' : offset }, dur, 'easeOutExpo'); } return false; }, getViewport : function () { return { height : $viewport.height(), width : $viewport.width() }; } }; // Binds Controls, and exposes API return api.init(); };
js里的标识符,只能以下划线_,美元符$,以及字母开头,不能以数字开头来定义,JavaScript 语句和 JavaScript 变量都对大小写敏感。(y 和 Y 是不同的变量)
控制错层部分的方法内设几个局部变量,大多被赋值为接收来的参数(selector, nav, center, imageHeight)
this.selector = selector; this.offsets = []; this.viewport = window;//js全局对象 this.nav = nav || false; this.center = center || false; this.imageHeight = imageHeight || 0; this.curIndex = 0; var self = this, $self = $(self.selector), $viewport = Suli.jQ.viewport, $nav, $navItem,
这里的Suli.jQ.viewport,其实就是 $(window)
Suli.jQ = { viewport : $(window), page : $('#page'), regionalHeader : $('header.regional'), regionalNav : $('nav.regional') };
this.offsets = [];数组用来存放五个section的offset().top值;
_setOffsets = function () { for (var i = 0, len = $self.length; i < len; i++) { var offset = $self.eq(i).offset().top; self.offsets.push(offset); } },
_onScroll = function () { var bgY = self.imageHeight, scrollTop = $viewport.scrollTop(), pageY = $self.height(), onCenter = Math.round(((pageY - bgY) + 1) / 2); for (var i = 0, len = $self.length; i < len; i++) { var $target = $self.eq(i), $inner = $target.find('.innerScroll'), offset = $target.offset().top, bgTop = Math.round(scrollTop - offset), bgLeft = (self.center) ? '50%' : '0'; // Background Position $target.css({'backgroundPosition' : bgLeft + ' ' + (Math.round(bgTop * -0.1) + onCenter) + 'px'}); //console.log(bgLeft,bgTop,onCenter) $inner.css({ 'backgroundPosition' : bgLeft + ' ' + (Math.round(bgTop * 0.1) + onCenter) + 'px'});
/* ================================================ Region Utils ================================================ */ Suli.utils = { stopWheel : function (dur) { Suli.jQ.viewport.bind('mousewheel', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); setTimeout(function () { Suli.jQ.viewport.unbind('mousewheel'); }, dur); }, reBind : function ($obj, e, fn, dur) { $obj.unbind(e, fn); if (e === 'click') { $obj.bind('click', function () { return false; })} setTimeout(function () { $obj.bind(e, fn); }, dur); } };
.innerScroll { background-attachment: fixed; background-position: 50% 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
否则 backgroundPosition 怎么会起作用呢!
学习这个案例对我的js结构有很大提携,P. R. May先生把整个主js文件的结构规划得很清晰。
Suli.device = { iPad : navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null };
Ajax的HTML写入被收纳在Suli.tmpl = {},
自定义工具集Suli.utils = {},
视动差构造函数Suli.ParallaxScroller = function (selector, nav, center, imageHeight) {},
响应式头部构造函数Suli.DynamicHeader = function (selector, scroll) {},
轮播图构造函数Suli.SlideShow = function ($obj, data) {},
动态分类显示Suli.Filter = function ($grid, $nav, data) {},
列表的toogle事件Suli.ListToggle = function ($list, $nav) {},
Suli.ListToggle = function ($list, $nav) { this.list = $list; this.nav = $nav; var self = this, api = { init : function () { self.nav.live('click', api.toggle); }, toggle : function () { if ( ! $(this).parent().hasClass('current')) { self.list.toggleClass('list'); $(this) .parent() .addClass('current') .siblings() .removeClass('current'); } // Size Bg if Needed if ($('#pseudoBg').length) { $('#pseudoBg').height(Suli.jQ.page.outerHeight()); } return false; } }; return api.init(); };
也是分类显示(目测)Suli.GridViewer = function (data, options, selectors) },
伪背景(大概是附加上去遮住原来的)Suli.PseudoBg = function(img, center, onCenter){},
走马灯效果构造函数Suli.Carousel = function (data, pageLen, tmpl, selectors){},
翻页功能构造函数Suli.ScrollPager = function (data, selectors, options) {},
总初始(我喜欢写在最前面)Suli.init = function (region) {},
Suli.home = {};
Suli.home.showLatest = function () {},
Suli.home.introAnim = function () {},
Suli.home.iPadHomePage = function (selector) {},
Suli.home.init = function () {},
页面Case Study:
Suli.casestudy = {};
Suli.casestudy.slideshows = [];
Suli.casestudy.init = function () {},
Suli.services = {};
Suli.services.init = function () {},
Suli.clients = {};
Suli.clients.init = function () {},
页面People / Person:
Suli.people = {};
Suli.person = {};
Suli.people.init = function () {},
Suli.careers = {};
Suli.careers.init = function () {},