Harry Potter and Philosopher's stone

As the first review of reading, its certainly important for me, because of this,  I have put it off for several days after having finished reading the first of my book list of 2018.

Harry Potter, being an extremely famous name to me many years, although I have watched lots of posters of the serials and even I have a chinese version, I never watched the films and thumbed through the book, I used to regard it as children'book.

I realised I made a big mistake until I read that Potter enter the wizard school.

Its not only a children's book, which meets all the imagination of children for magic world, but also a great book of growing up for adults, it talks about friendship as well which I like best. it describes a boy growing up from longly orphan to a responsible youth, that is like a neighbor boy, we know him but sometimes he becomes a stranger after one night, who has the same fault as we do, now and then shy and coward, finally grew up with his good friends and faced the world bravely.

there are something they can't share without ending up liking each other, which is the sentence as soon as I read it I shared it with my friends.

with limited time, I can't read the whold serial in a short time, but i decide to finish it in the near future.

10th Mar 2018, Bright

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