2021-04-16 【Blog Day21】今天开始学习Intro to Calculus

9:00-9:30 网课

9:30-10:20 早饭

10:20-10:45 TED Talk

10:45-11:45 学Java

12:00-13:00 看书

13:30-16:00 健身

16:00-18:30 晚饭&休息

18:35-19:20 看书

19:20-20:00 Research Class

20:00-20:30 网课

21:05-21:52 学数学

22:38-23:23 学数学


TED Talk《How to figure out what you really want?》

-Often we kidnap ourselves from the life we want.

-Do a self audit

    -Where are you holding yourself captive?

    -We learned to stop taking risks and be freaked.

    -What do you know that you wish you didn't know?

    -Don't run away from the truth.

-Follow your freedom

-Joy Journal when you are down--3 days

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