
L17 外连接和子连接
    from 表1 left [outer] join 表2 on ....

    select stuinfo.*from stuinfo left join stumarks on stuinfo.stuno =     stumarks.stuno where stumarks.stuno is null;
    select stucourse.*from stucourse left join stumarks on stucourse.cno =     stumarks.cno join stuinfo on stumarks.stuno = stuinfo.stuno where     stumarks.stuno is null;

    select stuinfo.stuno,stuname from stuinfo left join stumarks on     stumarks.stuno = stuinfo.stuno and cno='0003' where stumarks.stuno is null;
    select *from emp e1 ,emp e2
    where e1.mgr = e2.empno and e1.hiredate < e2.hiredate;
    select e1.ename 员工姓名,e2.ename 上级姓名 from emp e1,emp e2
    where e1.mgr = e2.empno ;
    select s1.stuno,s2.stuno,s1.stuscore from stumarks s1,stumarks s2
        where s1.stuscore = s2.stuscore and s1.stuno != s2.stuno and s1.cno =     s2.cno;

161页 5,6(左外连接) 1,2,3,4,7(内连接)  156页 

select stuinfo.*from stuinfo,stumarks
where stuinfo.stuno = stumarks.stuno and cno='0001' and stuscore<60;

L18 自连接
(1) 查询选修了课程的学生信息
    select *from stuinfo
    where stuno in(select distinct stuno from stumarks);
    select *from stuinfo
    where stuno not in(select distinct stuno from stumarks);
    select *from stumarks
    where stuscore = (select max(stuscore) from stumarks);
    select *from stumarks
    where stuscore > (select avg(stuscore) from stumarks);
    select *from stumarks m1
    where stuscore > (select avg(stuscore) from stumarks m2 where m1.cno=m2.cno);
    select *from stuinfo 
    where stuno in(select distinct stuno from stumarks where cno = (select cno from stucourse     where cname="高等数学")); 

(2)查询选修“高等数学”课程且成绩在 80-90 分之间的学生学号及成绩。
select stuno,stuscore from stumarks
where cno = (select cno from stucourse where cname="高等数学") and stuscore between 80 and 90;

select stuno,stuname,stusex from stuinfo
where stuno in(select stuno from stumarks where cno = (select cno from stucourse where cname = "数据结构"));

select stuno,stuname from stuinfo
where stuno in(select distinct stuno from stumarks) and stusex="女";

select stuno,stuname from stuinfo
where stuno not in(select stuno from stumarks where cno = "0003");

select cno,cname from stucourse
where cno not in(select cno from stumarks);

 select *from stuinfo
 where stuno in(select stuno from stumarks where stuscore<60 and cno="0001");

 select stuno,stuname,stubirthday from stuinfo
 where stusex="男" and stubirthday > all(select stubirthday from stuinfo where stusex="女");

 select stuno,stuname,stubirthday from stuinfo
 where stuno in(select stuno from stuinfo where stusex="男" and stubirthday >     all(select stubirthday from stuinfo where stusex ="女"));
