2022-12-16 剑桥商务英语单词词组



sanguine report 乐观的报道

  • stimulate economic growth 刺激经济增长
  • stimulate sb. to do sth / into doing sth 刺激某人做某事

knock-on effect 撞击作用;连锁反应

Renovate the house and you can seell it at a profit.


  • hop from job to job 频繁地更换工作
  • catch ... on the hop 使措手不及
  • on the hop 到处奔忙

flounder 挣扎

  • Spending in rich coutnries will flounder as long as households look to pay down the debts to buy expensive houses.

inspection of incoming merchandise 到货验收

with the purview of 在...权限内


  • textile fabric 纺织品
  • textile technology 纺织技术
  • fiscal reserve 财政储备
  • reserve ratio 法定准备金比率

face value 面值

  • facilitated transport 易化运输
  • facilitating agency 服务代理机构


upstart 暴发户 自命不凡的人

counterbelance the effect 平衡效果

rebellious cricumstances 难对付的情况

  • initiate a new plan 开始一个新计划
  • intiate sb into 介绍或接纳某人加入


jingle bell 信号铃;门铃

paradox of thrift 节俭悖论

  • beyond reproach 无可指责
  • bring reproach on sb 使某人受辱
  • reproach sb for sth 因某事责备某人
  • reproachful look 责备的表情

get complicated in sth 被卷入某事中

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