Lecture 20 Topic Modelling


      • Topic Modelling
      • A Brief History of Topic Models
      • LDA
      • Evaluation
      • Conclusion

Topic Modelling

  • makeingsense of text

    • English Wikipedia: 6M articles
    • Twitter: 500M tweets per day
    • New York Times: 15M articles
    • arXiv: 1M articles
    • What can we do if we want to learn something about these document collections?
  • questions

    • What are the less popular topics on Wikipedia?
    • What are the big trends on Twitter in the past month?
    • How do the social issues evolve over time in New York Times from 1900s to 2000s?
    • What are some influential research areas?
  • topic models to the rescue

    • Topic models learn common, overlapping themes in a document collection
    • Unsupervised model
      • No labels; input is just the documents!
    • What’s the output of a topic model?
      • Topics: each topic associated with a list of words
      • Topic assignments: each document associated with a list of topics
  • what do topics look like

    • A list of words

    • Collectively describes a concept or subject

    • Words of a topic typically appear in the same set of documents in the corpus(words overlapping in documents) Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第1张图片

    • Wikipedia topics(broad)Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第2张图片

    • Twitter topics(short,conversational) Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第3张图片

    • New York Times topics Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第4张图片

  • applications of topic models

    • Personalised advertising(e.g. types of products bought)
    • Search engine
    • Discover senses of polysemous words(e.g. apple: fruit, company, two different clusters)

A Brief History of Topic Models

  • latent semantic analysis Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第5张图片

    • LSA: truncate Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第6张图片

    • issues

      • Positive and negative values in the U U U and V T V^T VT
      • Difficult to interpret(negative values) Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第7张图片
  • probabilistic LSA

    • based on a probabilistic model to get rid of negative values Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第8张图片

    • issues

      • No more negative values!
      • PLSA can learn topics and topic assignment for documents in the train corpus
      • But it is unable to infer topic distribution on new documents
      • PLSA needs to be re-trained for new documents
  • latent dirichlet allocation(LDA)

    • Introduces a prior to the document-topic and topicword distribution
    • Fully generative: trained LDA model can infer topics on unseen documents!
    • LDA is a Bayesian version of PLSA


  • LDA

    • Core idea: assume each document contains a mix of topics
    • But the topic structure is hidden (latent)
    • LDA infers the topic structure given the observed words and documents
    • LDA produces soft clusters of documents (based on topic overlap), rather than hard clusters
    • Given a trained LDA model, it can infer topics on new documents (not part of train data) Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第9张图片
  • input

    • A collection of documents
    • Bag-of-words
    • Good preprocessing practice:
      • Remove stopwords
      • Remove low and high frequency word types
      • Lemmatisation
  • output

    • Topics: distribution over words in each topic Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第10张图片

    • Topic assignment: distribution over topics in each document Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第11张图片

  • learning

    • How do we learn the latent topics?

    • Two main family of algorithms:

      • Variational methods
      • Sampling-based methods
    • sampling method (Gibbs)

      1. Randomly assign topics to all tokens in documents Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第12张图片

      2. Collect topic-word and document-topic co-occurrence statistics based on the assignments

        • first give some psudo-counts in every cell of two matrix(smoothing,no event is 0) Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第13张图片

        • collect co-occurrence statistics Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第14张图片

      3. Go through every word token in corpus and sample a new topic:

        • delete current topic assigned to a word Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第15张图片

        • update two matrices Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第16张图片

        • compute the probability distribution to sample: P ( t i ∣ w , d ) ∝ P ( t i ∣ w ) P ( t i ∣ d ) P(t_i|w,d) \propto P(t_i|w)P(t_i|d) P(tiw,d)P(tiw)P(tid) ( P ( t i ∣ w ) → P(t_i|w) \to P(tiw) topic-word, P ( t i ∣ d ) → P(t_i|d) \to P(tid) document-topic) Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第17张图片

          • P ( t 1 ∣ w , d ) = P ( t 1 ∣ m o u s e ) × P ( t 1 ∣ d 1 ) = 0.01 0.01 + 0.01 + 2.01 × 1.1 1.1 + 1.1 + 2.1 P(t_1|w,d)=P(t_1|mouse)\times{P(t_1|d_1)}=\frac{0.01}{0.01+0.01+2.01}\times{\frac{1.1}{1.1+1.1+2.1}} P(t1w,d)=P(t1mouse)×P(t1d1)=0.01+0.01+2.010.01×1.1+1.1+2.11.1
        • sample randomly based on the probability distribution

      4. Go to step 2 and repeat until convergence

      • when to stop
        • Train until convergence
        • Convergence = model probability of training set becomes stable
        • How to compute model probability?
          • l o g P ( w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w m ) = l o g ∑ j = 0 T P ( w 1 ∣ t j ) P ( t j ∣ d w 1 ) + . . . + l o g ∑ j = 0 T P ( w m ∣ t j ) P ( t j ∣ d w m ) logP(w_1,w_2,...,w_m)=log\sum_{j=0}^TP(w_1|t_j)P(t_j|d_{w_1})+...+log\sum_{j=0}^TP(w_m|t_j)P(t_j|d_{w_m}) logP(w1,w2,...,wm)=logj=0TP(w1tj)P(tjdw1)+...+logj=0TP(wmtj)P(tjdwm)
          • m = #word tokens
          • P ( w 1 ∣ t j ) → P(w_1|t_j) \to P(w1tj) based on the topic-word co-occurrence matrix
          • P ( t j ∣ d w 1 ) → P(t_j|d_{w_1}) \to P(tjdw1) based on the document-topic co-occurrence matrix
      • infer topics for new documents
        1. Randomly assign topics to all tokens in new/test documents Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第18张图片

        2. Update document-topic matrix based on the assignments; but use the trained topic-word matrix (kept fixed) 在这里插入图片描述

        3. Go through every word in the test documents and sample topics: P ( t i ∣ w , d ) ∝ P ( t i ∣ w ) P ( t i ∣ d ) P(t_i|w,d) \propto P(t_i|w)P(t_i|d) P(tiw,d)P(tiw)P(tid)

        4. Go to step 2 and repeat until convergence

      • hyper-parameters
        • T T T: number of topic Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第19张图片

        • β \beta β: prior on the topic-word distribution

        • α \alpha α: prior on the document-topic distribution

        • Analogous to k in add-k smoothing in N-gram LM

        • Pseudo counts to initialise co-occurrence matrix: Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第20张图片

        • High prior values → \to flatter distribution Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第21张图片

          • a very very large value would lead to a uniform distribution
        • Low prior values → \to peaky distribution Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第22张图片

        • β \beta β: generally small (< 0.01)

          • Large vocabulary, but we want each topic to focus on specific themes
        • α \alpha α: generally larger (> 0.1)

          • Multiple topics within a document


  • how to evaluate topic models
    • Unsupervised learning → \to no labels
    • Intrinsic(内在的,固有的) evaluation:
      • model logprob / perplexity(困惑度,复杂度) on test documents
      • l o g L = ∑ W ∑ T l o g P ( w ∣ t ) P ( t ∣ d w ) logL=\sum_W\sum_TlogP(w|t)P(t|d_w) logL=WTlogP(wt)P(tdw)
      • p p l = e x p − l o g L W ppl=exp^{\frac{-logL}{W}} ppl=expWlogL
  • issues with perlexity
    • More topics = better (lower) perplexity
    • Smaller vocabulary = better perplexity
      • Perplexity not comparable for different corpora, or different tokenisation/preprocessing methods
    • Does not correlate with human perception of topic quality
    • Extrinsic(外在的) evaluation the way to go:
      • Evaluate topic models based on downstream task
  • topic coherence
    • A better intrinsic evaluation method

    • Measure how coherent the generated topics (blue more coherent than red)Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第23张图片

    • A good topic model is one that generates more coherent topics

  • word intrusion
    • Idea: inject one random word to a topic
      • {farmers, farm, food, rice, agriculture} → \to {farmers, farm, food, rice, cat, agriculture}
    • Ask users to guess which is the intruder word
    • Correct guess → \to topic is coherent
    • Try guess the intruder word in:
      • {choice, count, village, i.e., simply, unionist}
    • Manual effort; does not scale
  • PMI ≈ \approx coherence?
    • High PMI for a pair of words → \to words are correlated
      • PMI(farm, rice) ↑ \uparrow
      • PMI(choice, village) ↓ \downarrow
    • If all word pairs in a topic has high PMI → \to topic is coherent
    • If most topics have high PMI → \to good topic model
    • Where to get word co-occurrence statistics for PMI?
      • Can use same corpus for topic model
      • A better way is to use an external corpus (e.g. Wikipedia)
  • PMI
    • Compute pairwise PMI of top-N words in a topic
      • P M I ( t ) = ∑ j = 2 N ∑ i = 1 j − 1 l o g P ( w i , w j ) P ( w i ) P ( w j ) PMI(t)=\sum_{j=2}^N\sum_{i=1}^{j-1}log\frac{P(w_i,w_j)}{P(w_i)P(w_j)} PMI(t)=j=2Ni=1j1logP(wi)P(wj)P(wi,wj)
    • Given topic: {farmers, farm, food, rice, agriculture}
    • Coherence = sum PMI for all word pairs:
      • PMI(farmers, farm) + PMI(farmers, food) + … + PMI(rice, agriculture)
    • variants
      • Normalised PMI
        • N P M I ( t ) = ∑ j = 2 N ∑ i = 1 j − 1 l o g P ( w i , w j ) P ( w i ) P ( w j ) − l o g P ( w i , w j ) NPMI(t)=\sum_{j=2}^N\sum_{i=1}^{j-1}\frac{log\frac{P(w_i,w_j)}{P(w_i)P(w_j)}}{-logP(w_i,w_j)} NPMI(t)=j=2Ni=1j1logP(wi,wj)logP(wi)P(wj)P(wi,wj)
      • conditional probability (proved not as good as PMI)
        • L C P ( t ) = ∑ j = 2 N ∑ i = 1 j − 1 l o g P ( w i , w j ) P ( w i ) LCP(t)=\sum_{j=2}^N\sum_{i=1}^{j-1}log\frac{P(w_i,w_j)}{P(w_i)} LCP(t)=j=2Ni=1j1logP(wi)P(wi,wj)
    • example (PMI tends to favor rarer words, use NPMI to relieve this problem)Lecture 20 Topic Modelling_第24张图片


  • Topic model: an unsupervised model for learning latent concepts in a document collection
  • LDA: a popular topic model
    • Learning
    • Hyper-parameters
  • How to evaluate topic models?
    • Topic coherence
