
# Problem

# Assume that an alphabet has a predetermined order; that is, we write the alphabet as a permutation =(a1,a2,…,ak), where a1

# Given two strings s and t having the same length n, we say that s precedes t in the lexicographic order (and write s

# Given: A collection of at most 10 symbols defining an ordered alphabet, and a positive integer n (n≤10).

# Return: All strings of length n that can be formed from the alphabet, ordered lexicographically (use the standard order of symbols in the English alphabet).

# Sample Dataset

# A C G T

# 2

# Sample Output

# AA

# AC

# AG

# AT

# CA

# CC

# CG

# CT

# GA

# GC

# GG

# GT

# TA

# TC

# TG

# TT

# 列出长度为2的组合

import itertools

n =2  # 长度为2

seq = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']# 基因序列包含的字符

# 使用itertools生成所有可能的组合

result = itertools.product(seq, repeat=n)

# 打印所有组合

for iin result:

