Spread.NET 16.1.20231.0 for WPF Crack

Spread.NET 16.1.20231.0 for WPF is A Complete WPF Spreadsheet With Over 350 Excel Functions,Explore the possibilities of your WPF enterprise apps with these dependency-free WPF spreadsheet components.

Deliver Excel-like spreadsheet experiences, fast, with desktop designer apps
Create enterprise spreadsheets, grids, dashboards, and forms with the comprehensive API
Powerful calculation engine includes 350+ functions
Import and export Excel spreadsheets
Develop in Visual Studio using VB or C# for WinForms, ASP.NET, and WPF

Spread.NET 16.1.20231.0 for WPF Crack_第1张图片


WPF spreadsheet components are advanced software components that allow professional developers to add complete Excel-like functionality to their desktop applications. The WPF spreadsheet control includes support for Excel import/export, full cell customization, an extensive calculation engine with over 450 functions and more, all with zero dependencies on Excel.

A Complete High-Performance WPF App Toolbox in One Spreadsheet Control
Leverage the extensive WPF spreadsheet API and powerful calculation engine to create analysis, budgeting, dashboard, data collection and management, scientific, and financial applications.

High-speed Performance and Optimized App Size
Every platform of Spread.NET ensures maximum performance and speed for your enterprise apps, and its modular structure means you only need to add what you use to your WPF spreadsheet apps.

Code-free Extensibility and Customization with Spread Designers
Instantly design a powerful Excel-like WPF spreadsheet app with our desktop designer apps—no learning curve required. Designers are available for WinForms, WPF, and ASP.NET.

350+ Function Calculation Engine
With more built-in functions than other WPF spreadsheets, your computing power is optimized for big data, complex calculations, and advanced Excel models.

Seamless Visual Studio Integration
Build WPF spreadsheet apps in Visual Studio, including VS19, and deploy to Windows 10 with no compatibility issues—and include Excel 2016 themes.

Advanced Data Visualization
Use the many chart types, sparklines, custom data visualization functions and more to enable your users to create the most advanced data visualizations.

WPF Spreadsheet Top Features
Popular Features
WPF Spreadsheet Spread Designer
No-Code Design with Spread Designers
With the powerful Spread Desktop Designer App, you’ll get code-free WPF spreadsheet apps and accelerate your application development.

WPF Import and Export
Import/Export Excel Files into a WPF Spreadsheet

No spreadsheet is complete without full Excel import/export support! Import and export your WPF spreadsheet to XLSX or other file formats... all with zero dependencies on Excel.

WPF Tables and Table Styles
Tables and Table Styles
Create tables using built-in table styles or create custom table styles to apply banded columns or rows and custom formatting to highlight your data.

WPF Spreadsheet Charts
Visualize your data with chart types including Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, Scatter, Stock, Surface, Bubble, and Radar, or create combination charts that combine various series types.

WPF Spreadsheet Sparklines
Visualize your data in a more compact way with sparkline charts that draw directly inside the cell – these tiny charts are perfect for including directly in tables and dashboard reports.
WPF Spreadsheet Solution Sparkline Visual Functions
Enhanced Sparkline Visual Functions

The enhanced sparklines supported by SpreadJS are now also supported by Spread.NET Windows Forms! 17 new sparkline types can be added using the same formulas as SpreadJS.

WPF Spreadsheet Data Binding
Data Binding
Connect to a data source and import data into your spreadsheet, or bind the worksheet to a data source of type IList, IEnumarable, or IBindingList.

WPF Spreadsheet Outline and Range Group
Outline and Range Group
Create row and column range groups that can expand and collapse rows or columns to create vertical and horizontal outlines in the worksheet.

WPF Spreadsheet Data Validation
Data Validation
Add data validation in cells and specify the type of validation such as list range or valid range of numbers, input message, and error alert.

Commonly Used Features
WPF Spreadsheet Sparklines Tables and CHarts
Sparklines, Tables, and Charts
Create tables, apply table styles, calculate table formulas using structured references, and visualize your data using sparklines and charts.

WPF Print Reports to PDF
Print Reports to PDF
Create advanced report layouts with tables, sparklines, charts, and images using built-in print preview and then print to a local printer or PDF file.

WPF Spreadsheet Conditional Formatting
Conditional Format Rules
Apply Conditional Format Rules in cells and ranges to apply styles based on the cell content or display icons, data bars, color scales in the cells to quickly visualize values.

WPF Spreadsheet Sort and Filter
Sort and Filter
Add filtering and sorting drop-down in a table or range and enable your users to sort the values ascending or descending or select filter items.

WPF Spreadsheet Themes
Apply one of 20 built-in themes or create a custom theme or XAML theme to customize the control's appearance including split boxes, filter buttons, drop-downs, and more.

WPF Spreadsheet Floating Objects
Floating Objects
Create custom floating objects and images in the worksheet for process flow diagrams, cell callouts, and more, and save and load these objects in XLSX and XML files.

WPF Resize and Scroll Tips
Resize and Scroll Tips
Show tooltips on resize of rows or columns displaying the height or width, and show tooltips on scrolling displaying the new top row or left column index.

WPF Spreadsheet Freeze Panes
Freeze Panes
Freeze rows and/or columns at the top or left of the worksheet and keep those rows and/or columns from scrolling out of view as the user scrolls down or right in the worksheet.

WPF Spreadsheet Split View
Split View
Create split views to show multiple areas of the worksheet at once regardless of how many rows or columns are between, that save and load with the XLSX.

Cell Level Features
WPF Spreadsheet Cell Styles
Cell Styles
Apply built-in cell styles using Theme colors, and create new custom Cell Styles with various accents to show and highlight your data.

WPF Spreadsheet Cell Borders and Gridlines
Cell Borders and Gridlines
Apply cell borders with various styles and colors including bevel borders, double-line borders, outline borders, various border styles, and more.

WPF Spreadsheet Merge and Span Header Cells
Merge and Span Header Cells
Create multiple row and column headers and span cells in the headers to create grouped sets of rows or columns in a tabular report layout.

WPF Spreadsheet Search Cells
Search Cells
Search in the cells and specify custom search options for match case, exact match, wildcards, search scope, search direction, and search values or formulas.

WPF Merge and Span Cells
Merge and Span Cells
Merge cells by applying a span cell to data area or header cells to create hierarchical tabular report layouts or tablix-type report layouts.

WPF Spreadsheet Cell Formatter
Cell Formatter
Apply cell format strings for number and date formats as in Excel and specify a separator, decimal point, currency symbol, date format, and more.

WPF Spreadsheet Data Validation
Data Validation
Add data validation in cells and specify the type of validation such as list range or valid range of numbers, input message, and error alert.

Calculation Features
WPF Spreadsheet 350+ Built-in Functions
350+ Functions in Customizable Library

Functions for every type of calculation, support for adding custom functions, and full customization for your formulas — take your complex spreadsheets to the next level.

WPF Spreadsheet Formula Text Box
Formula Text Box
The Formula Text Box control attaches to the spreadsheet to provide separate control for viewing and editing formulas in the active cell and highlighting cell and range references.

WPF Spreadsheet Names and Name Manager
Names and Name Manager
Use names in your formula calculations to optimize your formulas and make them more readable, and use Name Manager to organize and manage your formula names.
