Study: . ~ "Species"
Duncan's new multiple range test
for Sepal.Length
Mean Square Error: 0.2650082
Species, means
Sepal.Length std r Min Max
setosa 5.006 0.3524897 50 4.3 5.8
versicolor 5.936 0.5161711 50 4.9 7.0
virginica 6.588 0.6358796 50 4.9 7.9
Alpha: 0.05 ; DF Error: 147
Critical Range
2 3
0.2034688 0.2141585
Means with the same letter are not significantly different.
Sepal.Length groups
virginica 6.588 a
versicolor 5.936 b
setosa 5.006 c
map(~aov(weight ~ variety,data=.x))%>%
> greenhouse%>%.[[1]]%>%
+ as_tibble()%>%
+ split(.$method)%>%
+ map(~aov(weight ~ variety,data=.x))%>%
+ map(~duncan.test(.,"variety",console=F))%>%
+ map(~.$groups)
weight groups
Mariva 95.35625 a
Unica 88.54750 a
Costanera 40.15250 b
weight groups
Mariva 96.8025 a
Costanera 87.5475 ab
Unica 69.0825 b
weight groups
Unica 26.28500 a
Costanera 26.13500 a
Mariva 14.25125 b
weight groups
Costanera 141.0425 a
Unica 94.5550 b
Mariva 92.2050 b
agricolae::greenhouse[[1]]%>%aov(weight ~ variety+method, data=.)%>%
DescTools::PostHocTest(method = "duncan")
> greenhouse[[1]]%>%aov(weight ~ variety+method, data=.)%>%
+ DescTools::PostHocTest(method = "duncan")
Posthoc multiple comparisons of means : Duncan's new multiple range test
95% family-wise confidence level
diff lwr.ci upr.ci pval
Mariva-Costanera 0.934375 -8.579594 10.448344 0.8471
Unica-Costanera -4.101875 -13.615844 5.412094 0.3973
Unica-Mariva -5.036250 -15.052430 4.979930 0.3306
diff lwr.ci upr.ci pval
bed-aeroponic 9.792083 -1.193702 20.77787 0.0805 .
hydroponic-aeroponic -52.461667 -63.447452 -41.47588 3.3e-11 ***
pot-aeroponic 34.582083 23.016394 46.14777 2.0e-09 ***
hydroponic-bed -62.253750 -73.819439 -50.68806 1.7e-11 ***
pot-bed 24.790000 13.804215 35.77579 1.2e-05 ***
pot-hydroponic 87.043750 75.090244 98.99726 1.1e-11 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
model=lm(Temp ~ Month + Day + Wind + Solar.R, data=airquality)
> GLM_summary(model)
Model type: General Linear Model (GLM) (OLS Regression)
Observations: N = 146 (7 missing cases deleted)
F(4, 141) = 22.22, p < 1e-10 ***
R² = 0.38659 (Adjusted R² = 0.36919)
ANOVA table:
Sum Sq Df Mean Sq F p η²p
[Model] 4040.28 4 1010.07 18.82 <.001 *** 0.348
Month 1367.28 1 1367.28 25.47 <.001 *** 0.153
Day 76.54 1 76.54 1.43 .234 0.010
Wind 1741.28 1 1741.28 32.44 <.001 *** 0.187
Solar.R 855.18 1 855.18 15.93 <.001 *** 0.102
Residuals 7568.88 141 53.68
Total 11609.16 145 80.06
Outcome variable: Temp (N = 146)
b S.E. t p [95% CI] VIF
(Intercept) 68.770 (4.391) 15.66 <.001 *** [60.089, 77.450]
Month 2.225 (0.441) 5.05 <.001 *** [ 1.353, 3.096] 1.035
Day -0.084 (0.070) -1.19 .234 [-0.222, 0.055] 1.024
Wind -1.003 (0.176) -5.70 <.001 *** [-1.352, -0.655] 1.032
Solar.R 0.027 (0.007) 3.99 <.001 *** [ 0.014, 0.041] 1.034
Standardized coefficients: Temp (N = 146)
Beta* S.E.* [95% CI] r.partial r.part
Month 0.339 (0.067) *** [ 0.206, 0.471] 0.391 0.333
Day -0.080 (0.067) [-0.212, 0.052] -0.100 -0.079
Wind -0.382 (0.067) *** [-0.514, -0.249] -0.432 -0.376
Solar.R 0.268 (0.067) *** [ 0.135, 0.400] 0.319 0.263
决定系数 R 2 R^2 R2为复相关系数R( y i y_i yi与其估计值 y ^ \hat{y} y^的pearson相关系数)的平方值。决定系数为模型的可解释的变异SSR占总变异SS的比例。
变量的效应值。标准化的效应量可以分为三大家族:d-family(difference family):如Cohen’s d、Hedges’ gr-family(correlation family):如Pearson r、R²、η²、ω²、fOR-family(categorical family):如odds ratio (OR)、risk ratio (RR)
标准化偏回归系数(beta)可以理解为变量的敏感度,即自变量每变化1个标准差 s d x sd_x sdx,因变量变化beta个标准差 s d y sd_y sdy。偏回归系数大的自变量其标准化偏回归系数不一定大。
partial correlations和semi-partial (part)correlations适用于研究消除其他变量的前提下两变量的相关性。具体来说:
We measure individual differences in many things, including cognitive ability, personality, interests & motives, attitudes, and so forth. Many times, we want to know about the influence of one IV on a DV, but one or more other IVs pose an alternative explanation. We would like to hold some third variable constant while examining the relations between X and Y. With assignment we can do this by design. With measures of individual differences, we can do this statistically rather than by manipulation.
The basic idea in partial and semipartial correlation is to examine the correlations among residuals (errors of prediction). If we regress variable X on variable Z, then subtract X’ from X, we have a residual e. This e will be uncorrelated with Z, so any correlation X shares with another variable Y cannot be due to Z.
With partial correlation, we find the correlation between X and Y holding Z constant for both X and Y. Sometimes, however, we want to hold Z constant for just X or just Y. In that case, we compute a semipartial correlation. A partial correlation is computed between two residuals. A semipartial is computed between one residual and another raw or unresidualized variable. The notation r1(2.3) means the semipartial correlation between unmodified X1 and residualized X2, where X3 has been taken from X2.
MANOVA(data=dat2, subID="plots",
sph.correction = "GG"
) %>%
EMMEANS("Ntype", by="Nrate")
参数为df校正,当球形假设不满足时,需要设置该参数。Sphericity correction method to adjust the degrees of freedom (df) when the sphericity assumption is violated. Default is “none”. If Mauchly’s test of sphericity is significant, you may set it to “GG” (Greenhouse-Geisser) or “HF” (Huynh-Feldt).
====== MANOVA Output (Mixed Design) ======
Descriptive Statistics:
Nrate Ntype days Mean S.D. N
30 CK 1 65.08 22.19 5
30 CK 2 53.67 24.15 5
30 CK 3 57.90 24.34 5
30 CK 4 39.94 21.58 5
Total sample size: N = 30
Contrasts set to contr.sum for the following variables: Nrate, Ntype
ANOVA Table:
Dependent variable(s): flux
Between-subjects factor(s): Nrate, Ntype
Within-subjects factor(s): days
Covariate(s): -
MS MSE df1 df2 F p η²p [90% CI]
Nrate 159.853 596.670 2.00 24.00 0.27 .767 0.022 [0.000, 0.116]
Ntype 251.099 596.670 1.00 24.00 0.42 .523 0.017 [0.000, 0.166]
Nrate:Ntype 178.611 596.670 2.00 24.00 0.30 .744 0.024 [0.000, 0.124]
days 1258.718 976.600 6.63 159.16 1.29 .261 0.051 [0.000, 0.077]
Nrate:days 1029.677 976.600 13.26 159.16 1.05 .403 0.081 [0.000, 0.077]
Ntype:days 624.971 976.600 6.63 159.16 0.64 .714 0.026 [0.000, 0.034]
Nrate:Ntype:days 936.235 976.600 13.26 159.16 0.96 .495 0.074 [0.000, 0.067]
MSE = Mean Square Error (an estimate of the population variance σ²)
Sphericity correction method: GG (Greenhouse-Geisser)
ANOVA Effect Size:
ω2 η2 η2[G] η2[p] Cohen's f
Nrate -0.005 0.002 0.002 0.022 0.150
Ntype -0.002 0.001 0.001 0.017 0.132
Nrate:Ntype -0.005 0.002 0.002 0.024 0.157
days 0.009 0.040 0.047 0.051 0.232
Nrate:days 0.003 0.065 0.074 0.081 0.297
Ntype:days -0.011 0.020 0.024 0.026 0.163
Nrate:Ntype:days -0.003 0.059 0.068 0.074 0.283
ω² = omega-squared = (SS - df1 * MSE) / (SST + MSE)
η² = eta-squared = SS / SST
η²G = generalized eta-squared (see Olejnik & Algina, 2003)
η²p = partial eta-squared = SS / (SS + SSE) = F * df1 / (F * df1 + df2)
Cohen’s f = sqrt( η²p / (1 - η²p) )
Levene’s Test for Homogeneity of Variance:
DV = flux:
Levene's F df1 df2 p sig
Based on Mean 0.58 5 294 .713
Based on Median 0.48 5 294 .790
Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity:
Mauchly's W p
days 0.11454 0.44742
Nrate:days 0.11454 0.44742
Ntype:days 0.11454 0.44742
Nrate:Ntype:days 0.11454 0.44742
球形检验的结果,由于交互作用的水平数都大于2,需要进行球形检验。当球形检验的p 值大于0.05时,自变量各水平之间都符合球形假设,即相互独立。反之则表明不符合球形假设,需要参考第三个表Sphericity Corrections中的GGe(Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon)或者HFe(Huynh-Feldt epsilon)对df 进行校正。关于采取哪种校正方案, Girden (1992)认为当epsilon > 0.75时,建议用Huynh-Feldt校正,当epsilon < 0.75时,建议用Greenhouse-Geisser校正。Mauchly’s Test表的结果显示,均满足球形假设,如果不满足,需要根据Sphericity Corrections 中的GGe对交互作用的df 进行校正。
------ EMMEANS Output (effect = "Ntype") ------
Simple Effects of "Ntype":
Nrate = 30:
---- df1 df2 F p sig η2p [90% CI]
Ntype 1 24 0.20 0.6597489 0.008 [0.000, 0.136]
days 9 24 1.94 0.0950746 . 0.420 [0.000, 0.446]
Ntype:days 9 24 0.31 0.9631948 0.105 [0.000, 1.000]
Nrate = 60:
---- df1 df2 F p sig η2p [90% CI]
Ntype 1 24 2.23 0.1482685 0.085 [0.000, 0.278]
days 9 24 0.95 0.5045090 0.262 [0.000, 0.259]
Ntype:days 9 24 1.37 0.2574159 0.339 [0.000, 0.355]
Nrate = 90:
---- df1 df2 F p sig η2p [90% CI]
Ntype 1 24 3.61 0.0693981 . 0.131 [0.000, 0.331]
days 9 24 1.61 0.1686279 0.376 [0.000, 0.398]
Ntype:days 9 24 2.84 0.0197606 * 0.516 [0.061, 0.545]
Estimated Marginal Means of "Ntype":
Nrate = 30:
Ntype EM.Mean S.E. df [95% CI]
CK 52.18 (3.650) 24 [44.65, 59.71]
NI 54.48 (3.650) 24 [46.95, 62.01]
Nrate = 60:
Ntype EM.Mean S.E. df [95% CI]
CK 58.41 (3.650) 24 [50.88, 65.94]
NI 50.70 (3.650) 24 [43.17, 58.23]
Nrate = 90:
Ntype EM.Mean S.E. df [95% CI]
CK 50.84 (3.650) 24 [43.31, 58.37]
NI 60.65 (3.650) 24 [53.12, 68.18]
Results are averaged over the levels of: days
EM.Mean uses an equally weighted average.
Pairwise Comparisons of "Ntype":
Nrate = 30:
Contrast b S.E. df t p sig Cohen's d [95% CI]
NI - CK 2.30 (5.162) 24 0.45 .660 0.0891568 [-0.32, 0.50]
Nrate = 60:
Contrast b S.E. df t p sig Cohen's d [95% CI]
NI - CK -7.71 (5.162) 24 -1.49 .148 -0.2987534 [-0.71, 0.11]
Nrate = 90:
Contrast b S.E. df t p sig Cohen's d [95% CI]
NI - CK 9.81 (5.162) 24 1.90 .069 . 0.3801680 [-0.03, 0.79]
SD_pooled for computing Cohen’s d: 25.81
Results are averaged over the levels of: days
No need to adjust p values.